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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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I just came to the sudden realization that this music video is cool as hell astonish

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the aura is insane :0

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a real 'mouth-pussy'! glare

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Niconico is partially back but even with a JP VPN IP and logged into an account with location set to Japan I can't get any videos to play. yt-dlp doesn't work either.
At least https://seiga.nicovideo.jp works.

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go on...

I don't speak Nazi.
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Not today, mr.officer...

KC did make a good loli vn back in the day, when it was an actually good site and not just politics and frogposting

kuso... there goes my raise
never managed to finish it, it seems to softlock on the final day unless you have all the scenes
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More poems should be like the seven kill stele.

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Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

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imagine not having a cd driver

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if you were free from it's influence yourself, you would never have noticed.
let's heal our interent wounds together! onigiri
>if you were free from it's influence yourself, you would never have noticed.

At the risk of making this thread more heated than necessary, or turning it into a meta discussion--these are my thoughts exactly. I've seen loads of threads deleted for what seems to be no reason, only to find that somebody identified it as some obscure rule 8 meme because they read Know Your Meme everyday.

In any case 'imagine not bla bla' is just something people say. I've heard that phrase in things like movies that came out before I was born.sweat2
"imagine unironically ______" is nothing but a shitty copy n paste meme phrase, and doesn't fit the heyuri spirit at all. It always comes off as nothing more than a snarky 4chan/xitter user casting judgement on people. Rule 8 is necessary and should always be enforced, no exceptions.
i kinda agree, the phrase is more often than not a cheap bait
But the OP didn't say 'unironically'. Not to mention, even though he's casting judgement, it's nothing like you'd see on twitter. This is about a CD driver, not any sort of truly divisive social issue.

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Jackie Thomas is the Hardware and Buying Guides Editor at IGN. Previously, she was TechRadar's US computing editor. She is fat, queer and extremely online. Computers are the devil, but she just happens to be a satanist. If you need to know anything about computing components, PC gaming or the best laptop on the market, don't be afraid to drop her a line on Twitter or through email.

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i am so happy u gave me this Extremely important Information.
Hey y'all prepare yourself,
For the Rubberband,
You've never heard a sound,
Like the Rubberband,
Your bound to lose control,
When the Rubberband,
>She is fat

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still as pretentious as ever, never change, heyuri.

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Don't know about pretentious, but i'm definetely very arrogant nyaoo
what the hell does pretentious even mean glare
suxx0r my pen0r
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It's the same root as pretend, 113527-san. Being pretentious is all about make-believe and innocent fun!
are those blanketed corpses?

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- pr0nz
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i use it for heyuri!
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We've strayed too far from the core tenants of the internet
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>Egyptian literature

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i used to think this show was real

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there was a show that dealt with paranormal shit that i used to watch as a kid, i thought it all was real and was terrified by the gnome and alien stuff although i found the maya's-predicted-the-end-of-the-world stuff really boring

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good day people, my name is robert and i am a federal agent, i have been yearning for a promotion but actually doing my job is really tiring so if anyone here has committed a crime and wants to go to jail for it please let me know by posting the crime in question and your current location

the crimes i'm looking for are severe things such as terrorism, mass murders, cybercrime against targets such as the government, etc...
do NOT reply if all you did is some shit like shoplifting

thank you for your cooperation, oh and if someone asks i caught you by myself after months of personal investigation

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seriously dude that's not cool. a farmer sacrificed his kids to the grape gods trying to grow that grape, and you don't even want to pay?
When I was living in a college dorm, I got stuck on a fucked up sleep schedule and spent nights awake in the lounge browsing the net while everyone else was asleep and sometimes I would open the freezer and eat out of other students' labelled tubs of ice cream since I wouldn't be caught.

It was one of the only times I can recall doing an act of complete malice without any care about the feelings of the other person and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I'm so sorry to whoever lost their chance to enjoy ice cream because of me...
ive paid a homeless guy five dollars to say sieg heil
I was paid 5 bucks to say "sieg heil" (I was broke back when).
I was paid in exchange for a man to say "sieg heil" (I was a banknote back then).

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I accidentally my Xbox 360. What should I do now?

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>What should I do now?
an hero cry
turn 360 degrees and walk away

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Haven't visited this board since late June and was extremely surprised that posts I made around that time are still online. When and why did the pages get expanded?

While I think that's neat, anything past page 6 is considered old and unbumpable. That sucks, all those old threads, I wanted to post in two of them but what was the point if no one saw them cause they couldn't be bumped?

If the board pages can be expanded, how about extending the time period a thread can be bumped, hmm?

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I've been thinking about reading Saya no Uta. Is the non-censored version worth the extra money?

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inb4 YES
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it was a lot shorter than i expected. a very cute setting, lewds too! fun story.

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And now we wait.
Its so fucking hot(;´Д`)
finally new touhou porn wave
This year its gonna be a blue archive orgy xd
Someone fainted in the line sweat
I don't have pictures to share, all you'd see is a bunch of middle aged japs queuing in a hangar (that's what it essentially is).
The real fun is discussing with everyone (not a lot of gaijins there unlike Akiba), I discovered artists I thought were female were dudes and the other way aroundz. I met a group of otaku who had the same interests as me. girls cosplaying in underwears nosebleed
left me with a lot of memories, and not a lot left in my wallet lol

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