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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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I don't want to work on this fucking resit assignment anymore, Heyuri! I can't fucking face it. Life is such BS. I should just fail and drop out and work on an oil rig!

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>I should just fail and drop out
I hope u liek cleaning toiletz. biggrin
these days you need at least a dozen internships in sanitary engineer roles on your cv.
if you are a single man and CAN get a job on an oil rig and ENJOY IT (NO PUSSIES ALLOWED) then do it!! Just remember once you get a waifu you gotta quit or she will quit you when you are away from home for months on end!
i heard oil rig workers get paid a pretty good sum, is that true???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!
Almost all manual labor jobs pay an amount 80% of uni graduates will never see in their life. The catch is that your body starts breaking down by the time you're 40.

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i'd liek to kill and eat an angel. Especially taking its wings and roasting them over a fire drool

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wings r tasty biggrin
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i can see IPs nyu

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Posts in this thread will display IP addresses.
27 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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come at me!
123.0.*.* is the best IP ITT, I win.

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I'm going to marry you whether you like it or not

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i am very flattered, however i am already happily married! remember that homewrecking is a nono
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>i am already happily married!
to whom!?
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bant-tan ( ´ω`)
unfortunately for you i married her not only because she's cute, caring, funny and loyal but also because she's a badass who won't hesitate to use her bat to defend herself

please, let's just all be friends...

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2day i maed fried chicken nigra

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Throughout history, children have been able to psychically communicate with eachother across long distances through EM waves emmitted by head lice. The lice attach directly to the childs skull to recieve neural impulses. This symbiosis is a natural part of childhood and essential to healthy emotional development. Lice removal and hair care services are a government project set up to protect the adult conspiracy from the revolutionary threat posed to it by children bearing these special powers. Make sure to keep your children away from hairdressers and take them to local nit-sharing parties at least once a year!

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1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
I'd advise against that since it risks killing the lice. Consider gently brushing her hair instead, to stimulate the flow of blood–upon which the lice can feed.
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Little girl hair does have a unmistakable visual allure about it. I can almost imagine the texture between my fingers, as soft as kashmire.
>Cumming on little girl's hair ヽ(´∇`)ノ
it would be especially noticeable on black hair kuma6

I wanna cum on the nape of a JKs neck.
These replies...

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Pull my finger biggrin

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2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
would it allow me to rape satoko?
>would it allow me to rape satoko?
i guess so smile
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let me gather some str+ stats firstAHHHHHHHHHHHHRGGHHHHHH!!!!
in my school there was this trick

you ask a dude to pull your finger, when he does it you release a fart immediately and shift the blame to him
yep classic



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let it be known that longcat had sexx0rz with desu and they had a child but then he spent all the money on booze and they lost their home
It happens to the best of us sweat3
BUT they found God and joined a church which allowed them to live with dignity again, you MUST know what i'm talking about
was desu able 2 become a nun? unsure
she did not become a nun, she merely became a believer and prayed for the less fortunate, longcat did too and in doing so became sober

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Guys, I think my computer's broken..
I just fuckin bought this thing! angry

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5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Uh, Mahoro-san... Nobody was saying anything dirty about that video OP posted.
I find it curious that you think this video could generate dirty thoughts...
Wait... Don't tell me that... Mahoro-san, could it be that you're a lolicon!???
>Mahoro-san, could it be that you're a lolicon!???
mahoro explain urself!astonish
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aughr.. gita noeuo cunpyudurr
Mahoro's just upset OP's pasokon has a bigger chest than her cool

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#oekaki-hell called, they want their hentai back glare1
Old as the hills.
>Old as the hills.
now that's old! astonish
Yup. Look like it's time to get off Heyuri.
Yup. Look like it's time to get off, Heyuri.

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We post about Foxsuke (Firefox mascot) ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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where is his fox den?
w-what does the fox say...
Here's the website for him, where you can get wallpapers and assets, as well as body parts for making stuff featuring him:

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they are multiplying!
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every day i drink around 2 cups of coffee and at most 5 cups of tea. caffeine... i can't live without it nyaoo2

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Just replace it with alcohol, and you'll be fine! biggrin
>Just replace it with alcohol, and you'll be fine!
pissing myself sounds fun!biggrin aya's pee is perfectly clear glare
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Tea is a wonderful drink exquisitely blessed with the glory of British colonialism!
Why not use caffeine pills?

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a beautiful expression biggrin

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PPD! had a lot of those. That's where i learned about ORZ
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very heyuri-aligned show (゚ー゚)

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what does emo kid become after she cheers up?

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It's simple, really

Emo Kid = (Emo) + (Kid)

To maintain equivalence you have to apply the changes on both sides, so...

Emo Kid - Emo = (Emo) + (Kid) - (Emo)

If you substract anything its negative counterpart it becomes null

Emo Kid - Emo = Kid

In conclusion, an Emo Kid that stops being emo is just a kid. Thanks for attending my Ted Talk biggrin

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