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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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this is how i watch anime x3

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best setup... EVAH!!!! xd
aslong u can watch BOKU no PENIS u good
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Higher res version.

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Fun microsoft fact: The win10 calculator likes to randomly insert a bunch of invisible characters into your clipboard when you copy from it sometimes so you can spend hours trying to figure out what the fuck is causing errors because you actually pasted %E2%80%AD‭‭‬‭2011C4%E2%80%AC‬ instead of ‭‭‬‭2011C4.

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win10-chan feels soulless nyaoo
if you're using windows I hope you had IPv6 disabled in your router or at least in network adapter settings or a firewall, otherwise feds are probably fapping to your CP collection and buying drugs with your credit card right now.
2024! Hack or be hacked Σ(;゚Д゚)
I should be protected when I update right? This is the first time I've actually felt the need to update my OS. I usually just ignore it every other time.

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i changed the color to green, i am a hax0r nao ph34r

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color a
plz don't leak my nudes cry
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pretty please, please, i beg you, don't hax me and leak this picture! crycrycrycry

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There's a hill near my house with a shit ton of rabbits. i haev considered catching one

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Rabbit meat is low in fat. It can be delicious if done in rite way, but cooking it may require more skillz than obtaining the meat. B careful to not burn usa-chan!🐰
>Rabbit meat is low in fat
not if you slather gravy all over it, drizzle some melted butter on top of that, squirt some mayo on top of that, then inject some alfredo sauce inside of it like a cream-filled donut and finally after it's done cooking, dip it in ranch.

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always be on alert... or this could happen

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i am totally not unaware on purpose nao

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1. you tell her that your bag brings you bad luck
2. she gets to purify the bag
3. you trap her inside it
4. you order a smuggler from vladivostok to bypass border control
5. you get home and you can rape your own miko

dont forget feeding
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Donate lots of money to her shrine!
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Don't get scammed, you don't actually need to spend any money - just find a slutty masochistic one. I can share mine biggrin
>dont forget feeding
what are teh dietary requirements of a miko?
tap water is sufficient for hydration
food is more important but proper food is hard to come by, i use Mico Feed ® by Kagura-US brand, you can find it in specialized pet shops
if you feed that to a miko she would smell like buble gum and die of diabetes

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You should taek a ride inside a washing machine some time, it could be fun liek an amusement ride biggrin

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super cute!!~~~biggrin
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and full size op. very nice

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???????? ?????? ?? ???.
Feels like making fun of a deaf person
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Suck on this!
Bare metal, by the way, not a virtual machine
How many viruses did you get using Mypal for 5 minutes?

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while you were wasting your time on the internet i beat Ico

blessed be ueda and his creative mind

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I played half of it, it was fun, but honestly, i find it to be rather stressful to be haunted by those monsters all teh time! cry
Great gaem! More games should let u run around while holding hands with a cute girl...
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>let u run around while holding hands with a cute girl...
any girl is 10000x time better than this bitch! xd LEEON~~!!!!! AH stfu!

girl in ico is cute!
the combat sucks, i dont mind having to wack 12 shadow monsters with a stick but when they chain attack you it's really frustrating, love the story and the relationship that's formed between ico and yorda though
i played shadow of the colossus first so i was expecting a bittersweet ending but then i was pleasently surprised ( ´ω`)
also i had to look up how to do a couple puzzles, i feel like a dumbass (;´Д`)

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there's a hidden カメラ

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most deodorant sux, so i don't use it ( ´ω`) though my mother says i smell bad

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please take a shower my friend! i can also recommend picrel
>please take a shower my friend!

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just give her teh cake!! (;´Д`)

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I want to defile a cute caek by being the one (a creepy ojisan) to eat instead of a young girl (;´Д`)
>I want to defile a cute caek by being the one (a creepy ojisan) to eat instead of a young girl (;´Д`)
elaborate... drool
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Stop posting on Heyuri, Kameda-kun.

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they must haev seen something really cool on Internetz smile

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Has been a while since I played, I think she was just maeking her living out of stocks sweat2
is this gemu good
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at least I liekd it nyaoo-closedeyes
art l00ks nice! nyaoo-closedeyes
They were looking at my PENIS.

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