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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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i'll reach out of teh screen to meet you, heyuri. See you soon wink

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ss-she escaped her prison!?
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sad ending. was expecting catm00t to fuck the brown girl.

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what are you trying to pay for little miss?

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probably for big tits in the future xd
>probably for big tits in the future
maybe they will pop out when she gets hit on the back a bit
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/b/eautiful /b/londe /b/oo/b/s

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quick! a drowning girl!!! Are you gonna save her or what!?

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vanira icecreamu drool
what is this game/animay?
>what is this game/animay?
galaxy angel https://img.heyuri.net/a/koko.php?res=1522
saucenao saves lives sweat2 galaxy angel

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what OS do you use
i just installed gentoo

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Still using XP-tan Professional for shit like drawing/listenign to music/watching movies, playing emus etc. I'm never ever upgrading, I got traumatized by how bad was Wangblows V*sta.
what browser do you use, supermium unsure
I used Vista deeeeep into Win7's lifespan. Not even SP1 lol, which I updated to very late. Only reason I even updated to 7 is because my Vista install just stopped booting one day, so I grabbed a 7 ISO and upgraded. biggrin

I've seen way too many machines absolutely choke and die on it (one of my IRL friends had the absolute worst Vista machine I'd ever seen, just a balls slow, super unstable piece of shit), but my machine ran great. A lot of it is the massively inflated system requirements vs XP (like 10x the disk and 8x the RAM for a useful system), but a lot is shitty drivers from early in the OS's lifespan.
What a fucking mess of a release...
Former Mint and Arch user. Currently on Windows 10. I did try Windows 11, it was complete shit. I'll continue using Windows 10 even if supports dies out next year.

I'd use Linux if more softwares supported Linux and also if I didn't need it for projects.
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older versions of Firefox still work on XP but it's a pain in the ass to browse teh modern bloated interwebs with so little RAM, so I don't use it often, for dedicated internet browsing I use a lappy that came with Winblows 7 already installed. Still, I'll stick with XP-tan for a looooong time because my drawing tablet is ancient (from 2001) and they never made any drivers for it that work past XP.

It's a shame, I really liked Vista's aero interface, but the bad drivers, bad compatibility and unstable performance was too much at the time.

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We were too blind! The PENIS Kingdom ammassed their forces and has started a full on assault on Heyuri!
We were all caught completely off guard, but thanks to the efforts of our secret agents we were able to snatch a piece of their plans, we need to act fast and come up with a plan, our fellow heyurizen are dying by the minute!

Here's a breakdown:
1- their attacks are currently focusing on the LOLI and JP fronts, as you can see they are attempting to capture Rapecity and NotCP, the wealthiest cities in the LOLI EMPIRE, to feed their warmachine most likely, furthermore their efforts to conquest 日本語が話せません proves only one thing: they intend to bend the whole country to their will so that JP becomes just another puppet state

2- their secondary objective is the capture of the WINS ARCHIVE in oekaki, we CANNOT ALLOW THIS! unfortunately for us Oekaki is wholly unprepared for this attack and the disgusting PENISES are advancing by the minute, slaughtering innocent wins!

3- Our intelligence, though incomplete, has given us an approximate number of their forces and... it does not look good for us...
we counted at least 150k PENISTANKS, 200k VAGINAPLANES and there have been concerning images of secret never-before-seen weapons

4- Thankfully the strength of the ANIME FAPCIRCLE scared them off enough to build fortifications instead of attacking, the governor of the ANIME FAPCIRCLE informed us that he can spare 150k troops and 50k OPPAITANKS for the defense of Heyuri

Kaguya is currently unreachable so we cannot rely on his wisdom and so... the war council is in session!

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ehh? I can't read that, what does it mean?
perhaps flip it?
flip it? surely you dont think i'm THAT stupid
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A new break away force has established itself within the territories of the Japanophiles and the Anime Fapcircle. Not much is known of this new force other than a telegram sent directly to Heyuri HQ reading, "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR, BANZAI!".
damn it! i want men on the ground right now! we can't yield! think of the oc! think of the wins!
We should call them: KKK (Kaguya's Killer Kamikazes)

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it's always the same with me (;´Д`)
i watch a new anime, it has a cute girl, i fantasize about her
the latest victim of my fantasies is picrel, how can i stop? ( ´,_ゝ`)

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You must not have found the one yet. When you find the perfect anime girl you will start fantasizing about making love to her no matter what's on your screen while you're fapping.
damn it... i already love my wife so much i have fantasies of her very often, but does this moment of weakness mean something...? i do not want to hurt my wife!
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accept it
embrace it
enjoy it

that being said, she's too dumb for me -- I'm into dumb anime girls but everyone in Gintama is actually too stupid xp

I went through Magical Pokaan recently and I am obsessed with Uma right now (I think her name is a pun on the acronym UMA lol, unidentified mysterious animal, like a cryptid).
she's so cute... nosebleed biggrin
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I am currently playing To Heart 2, which there is a character named Yuma. They made just that joke (pun with UMA)! biggrin

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Your fortune: You have cancer

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>Your fortune: You have cancer

Your fortune: Very bad luck
since the last two fortunes were bad mine will surely be good

Your fortune: We don't know what happens next
I will show you.
I did it!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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a kaiju!!! astonish

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wait i thought danbo was a good robot!
>wait i thought danbo was a good robot!
this will lead the hero, yotsuba, to have a conflict of emotions, but ultimately she will have to put an end to danbo's evil rampage, it will be a tragic ending with yotsuba losing her friend

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:I i dont know what else i expected, thanks for the history lesson though
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I hope this doesn't come across as an attempt at shilling something.
I just heard about this mobile application called "Randonautica" that supposedly uses magic quantum randomness woo woo to find random locations near your area that are related to your "intentions" or something.

Of course, this is Heyuri, so what does a modern mobile app have to do with old net culture?

Essentially, the urban legends and mystery surrounding it seem like the kind of stuff 2ch/old 4chan would eat right up. As far as rumors go, an interesting one is that the service gets its information from a dark web site. And aside from rumors, there's been a confirmed case where a group of people stumbled across the bodies of a murdered couple.

Have any other Heyurizens used this? I don't know what to make of this, it almost seems like something out of some shonen anime or manga.

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it sounds like something out of hentai, with teh protagonist using it to find a group of horny lolis or something astonish
well it doesn't have to be lolis, but that's what I would do anyway ┐(゚~゚)┌

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>it's addaptation which teh GIF is from - has zero ero
it comes from the OP of the visual novel which has moar than panchira... many eroge had awesome animated OP
has anyone else fapped to miitan's butt at 2:07 ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
uh~ i was wrong, certain i seen it in anime op! sweat2

i really wanna play it now!
>I knew it was rotten the minute I saw the 'steamed hams' reference as the first line.
That's a dumb reason, do you realize the episode is from the 1990s? Yes I know it became a fad a few years ago but I remember people still quoting steamed hams on forums long before the fad, golden age Pimpsons are timeless.
You don't sound very convinced yourself.

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Ridin a tricycle mona2

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I love teh dumbass birb being dumb

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i agree kill teh fish

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