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わああぁぁ!! くろきともこちゃんは3Dだ〜

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yeah, at least cut them half. don't want to bite into an awkward disc-chunk of carrot! semicircles are much more refined.
she is... so beautiful... ( ; Д ;)

Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining
>Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining
You have your chance 114332-san!
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I could fix her...
where did you get this video of me sweat !!

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This is an eighties thread

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You could buy in book stores nude picture books of young girls
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portable cassette player
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born in 69
I want to hold your PENIS
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Japan, and everywhere else made the best music in the 1980's!

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what a coincidence, i'm feeling a little hungry (´¬`)
CP-chan wink
you can even call her a child pizza
am i the only one who prefers the doodle on the left? its so much cuter than high effort version
The high effort drawing has lower contrast, less chibi-like proportions, and less happy expression. Maybe that's why.

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I love hand-puppet massage cat.

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the japanese are often considered weird for things like this, but why is that? specifically why are they seemingly the only ones with "weird" ideas?

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Ever heard of the tree-man disease, Heyuri? Take a moment to say thanks to your immune system.

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i did, my teacher once had contact with such human
she called her 'woman-elephant' biggrin
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There's no way people like this aren't descended from some high level shaman's family of a Druidic tribe that history forgot about. I've thought the same thing about dwarves, like, they had to have had their own societies at some point and that's where fantasy dwarves and gnomes came from.
he looks awfully happy for a tree man
(He probably gets 3rd world NEETbux for it)
that smile is fucking terrifying 😨

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/jp/ took over the board dark
cuteness overtake~ dizzy nipah~
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birthday girl!
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nipah~ biggrin

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>do you think a girl could use her period blood to battle Washizu?
i would dare her to
everytime i see mahjong i think its chinese scrabble
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hey there again, r9k user.

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i want to sleep in a kotatsu

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what about a bite of some tasty tonkatsu?
>what about a bite of some tasty tonkatsu?
that would be nice too ヽ(´∇`)ノ
I want to sleep in a pile of naked lolis!
Have you ever slept in a hammock? It's really cool

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these cans are hard to stack on top of each other (;´Д`) This was as high as i could get it without it getting too unstable

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no he meant that green thing
Illiterate anon foruda
I don't know how to respond without sounding mad also new isp bitches cool
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>whenever I see a monster drink I think of the astolfo trap that has the PENIS size of monster can.
you mean liek this? :D
yeah like this that's why I refrained from posting the actual pic closed-eyes

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Neko is sitting on my lap, too comfortable to move nyaoo-closedeyes

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Good job. Keep the humans occupied. nyaoo2

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does this format make you smile even a little bit?

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Yeah with a dick in my ass
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yes i like it waha

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SWF Embed

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>library girl dance.swf
These crude MMD videos of 3D models that look like they were dipped in cooking oil dancing half-naked are a massive guilty pleasure of mine (;´Д`)

Can we just turn this thread into posting those videos me so horny (;゚Д゚)
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what if they're not dancing and instead of being dipped in cooking oil they're being splattered with lemonade?
Cute, but the sound is rather inaccurate. Where's the distinct "psshh" sound?

Also you should post moar in teh /h/ thread!
Does anyone know the song name?
here u go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kk1KasCa04k

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cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat (=^・ω・^=)

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Anon-kun that is very rude
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i wish i had a cat
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here, haev an angel. but this is compensated dating so make sure to pay up!!!

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my COCK is compensation enough but I might tip in cash for good service
>my COCK is compensation enough
unfortunately your pen0r is too small
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no no i have seen it 114609-dono is huge

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