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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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mc has a huge weird red ugly PENIS! Σ(;゚Д゚)
This is perfect! biggrin

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Today, this will be my uniform.

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yah prolly
I hope it broke into a riot. Riots are awesome.
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kinda fire. I fw it
What does that even mean? dark

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W- wha- what are slug-chan and slug-kun doing??? blush

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looks liek they're having sum PENIS! (;;・∀・)
slug ecchi! 😄

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When you see this kaomoji:

What do you see it as?

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3 if gaijin, 1 if nip (´¬`)
special move is extremely powerful!
This is a paradigm shift.
This, now I can't unsee 1.
7 smile
Honestly i see 10 only

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fuck you
Lucky girl...
hope teh poo tasted good

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i could have sworn there was someone peeking ovar my fence earlier... but when i blinked they were gone...

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It was me biggrin
>It was me
you should haev said hello! then we could haev done ecchi together wink
she looks so childish and classy
she wouldnt escape fertilization if i were in proximity drool

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which one of you is calling mai tello phone? unsure

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very unusual ahoge

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apparently another billionaire died.. this tiem in a yacht accident
why does public rejoice about succesful guy getting murdered
while act disgusted when i suggest an insignificant rori rape ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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That's not how you wear pantsu. Dumb anime clown whore
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THIS is how you wear panties!
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When I was but a very young child, I would wear red underwear over my face liek 114870 pic so I could pretend to be Spiderman
Thus I get the appeal of wearing panties ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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since tanks are nowhere near their former glory and can be penetrated by even a few kilograms of explosive from drones, us gamers should use another word for tanking.
shielding, sponging perhaps 

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uhm, purus are for protecting...
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it feels a bit weird to use at first, but some aspects are similar enough to C/PHP that it isn't too hard to get into. like riding a camel

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perl FTW
My very cool logic professor used his last lecture with us as an advert for perl. I should learn it some day.
I remember one time I made a textboard that could be used from the terminal using go and php
I want to learn perl but it seems really massive and lots of things it does are just replacements for standard unix tools.
I can't really justify it when I haven't had any problems with the approach of posix shell/awk/python scripting and when it becomes too complex/slow I do a C program.
The most attractive for me to learn perl is the versatility + stability that it has, unlike languages like python that break programs constantly for the sake of change and being more 'pythonic'.
I have also read some things about raku (perl 6) and while it has some interesting things like grammar parsing, it seems to be unstable and not commonly installed like perl5.
If anyone here has used perl extensively, I would like for them to share their expierience and if they recommend it biggrin
i think i touched perl a little bit translating scripts for fun a while back. i'm well versed in php though

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Wot hapened? DDDDD:
No maymas, no good pr0n, repetitive breads & circlejerks ones :((
No, i'm serious ^.^ 5/6 years ago u could find some funny breads, now nothing... crynagato

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something similar happened to me on /g/ just yesterday
to be fair, trolling and obnoxious "HOW DARE YOU LIKE ARTIST I DON'T LIKE" posters like that have always existed, today they thrive off xitter drama but back then they thrived off dA and LJ drama. I guess the only difference is that there's little to no quality posters to counter balance them.
I know a lot of people blame "normies" or "normalfags" for this, but it's only really half the truth. In actuality, normal people have been on the internet since its inception, the difference between then and now is simply the sheer number of users online. In the past, the neat thing about the internet was that you could do whatever you wanted and only some randos across the world would care. But with how prevalent the internet is in daily life nowadays, you now have to deal with the very real statistical possibility of someone you know finding out about every embarrassing thing you've ever done. "Normal" people are actually pretty lulzier than you'd expect, but now it's harder for "normal" people to get away with doing those things when they now have the chance of getting caught by their employer and having their lives ruined.

TL;DR: Most internet users are forced to conform to normal (read: boring) behavior now that everyone and their grandma are now online.

I know this isn't directly related, but I've been trying to mention it since this part of imageboard discussion has always bothered me.
/b/ was never good.
Finally, ive been seeing this thread the last few days and im thinking like, man if these people were actually og they would know the phrase

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SWF Embed

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you want to waha her yotsuba?
Suzuran is de cute
waha is too cute! waha
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SWF Embed
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Post traps for Heyuri to prosper shii

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... closed-eyes
Why are you posting futanaris in this trap thread? are you some kinda' faggot??
I'll let you know that i'm a very straight man who simply mixes his trap and futanari pictures in the same folder (゚ー`)
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would be ashamed if you fell into some shit sticks anon!astonish

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I can't tell... Is this a nise board? rolleyes

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I had a very long day, and I am very sad. Tomorrow is a new day, but I don't think it will be any niser than today...

woah... ruder...

Over two hundred euros for a lamp?! Whaddaheck!
quit your job and become a NEET, then every day will be a short day.
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I already am a NEET, have been for five years. My days are still long and painful...
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>My days are still long and painful
Buddha once said: "The night is long for the wakeful, a distance of a league is long for the weary. And the road of life and death is long to fools who do not know the truth"

So that means you're dumb, lol xd

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