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Thread dedicated to famous people (real and fictional) who own nekos

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What about this one? To me they all look fake, but I'm sure there has to be a photo of him with a cat, if he really was, as much of cat lover, as he is made out to be. Albeit, I think the cat has realistic proportions on the first picture. I used to know a cat who was this size, a well grown and well nourished tomcat they said.
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God said to preach the word to all creatures!!
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Philip K. Dick

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someone feed them!

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bon appetite!!!!!!1
dinner is served drool
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it's the little things like that that make our country so great

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manco mona2
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kusosure wa yamete kudasai

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i'm thinking of something AWSOME

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dude he said something awesome not somethings super fucking amazingbsweat3
SWF Embed

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Girls have it lucky. If I was in possession of a VAGINA, I'd end up spending my days having multiple orgasms while inserting freaky things in it biggrin

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holy shitto that's a lot of vibrators glare
You can start doing drugs for a similar sensation of constant pleasure smile

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someone just left them here... unsure

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500 キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
cheaper than an onahole cool
>cheaper than an onahole
reusable living onaholes drool

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What is /b/ reading at the moment? I'm reading this biggrin

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What Baudretard calls “third order simulacrum” is a simple semiotic configuration that has existed for all time. By identifiying it as a unique attribute of post-modern society, he crudely metaphysicalises history.
I've never read Baudrillard myself so I'm not sure what a “third order simulacrum” actually refers to, as a semiotic configuration; could you explain a little further?
from https://cla.purdue.edu/academic/english/theory/postmodernism/modules/baudrillardsimulation.html:
1) in the first order of simulacra, which he associates with the pre-modern period, the image is a clear counterfeit of the real; the image is recognized as just an illusion, a place marker for the real; 2) in the second order of simulacra, which Baudrillard associates with the industrial revolution of the nineteenth century, the distinctions between the image and the representation begin to break down because of mass production and the proliferation of copies. Such production misrepresents and masks an underlying reality by imitating it so well, thus threatening to replace it (e.g. in photography or ideology); however, there is still a belief that, through critique or effective political action, one can still access the hidden fact of the real; 3) in the third order of simulacra, which is associated with the postmodern age, we are confronted with a precession of simulacra; that is, the representation precedes and determines the real. There is no longer any distinction between reality and its representation; there is only the simulacrum.

Although it is true that technological differences throughout history can produce representations with distinct semiotic structures, it has never followed such a determined pattern. How a technology effects what kind of representations are proliferated is contingent on historically specific context, and on what kind of thing is being represented. We still don't have smell-o-vision for example. The “third order simulacrum” is meant to be a representation that comes before and functions to determine what it represents. Bauldrillard's own examples of simulacrum don't even really fit that pattern because he's retarded. All he ever did was butcher and sensationalise the much better work of the Situationists and Semioticians.
PS: You might enjoy this video the Situationists made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01tRfPOl89A
textbooks for college dark

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Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining

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I'll give it a shot.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I'm lucky too

Your fortune: Very bad luck
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We'll see about that.

Your fortune: Godly luck
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Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining

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Router-san always works very hard to give you internets, would you liek to tell her what you've been using it for? nyaoo2

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>would you liek to tell her what you've been using it for?
he already knows lolico
( ´ω`)

seconding this, goddamn (;´Д`)

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You come back home from a long day at werk, and you find her silently sitting in teh hallway. glare

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im scared and aroused glare
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h0wdy'd biggrin
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this could be us

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Which is the right one? unsure

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i scoured my toilet yesterday, it was heug mess
4. Moving over territory to clean a surface by rubbing it with diarrhoea.
>4. Moving over territory to clean a surface by rubbing it with diarrhoea.
a bomber plane that drops diarrhoea over enemy territory x3

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Shotaz are beter than loliz!!! rolleyes
And u kant change may maind!!’1!1!!1

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I'm proud of my roots
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>Shotaz are beter than loliz!!!
>cuz ur gay ass feggit
Come hither, child
Be not afraid of the pagans, they are merely lost
One day they shall understand the meaning of thy teachings nyaoo-closedeyes
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pico and chico are the cutest couple to exist
I agree :3
Shota x Shota is so pure…
that's gay though, unless you're a girl

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In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Japanese researcher Chonosuke Okamura self-published a series of reports titled Original Report of the Okamura Fossil Laboratory, in which he described tiny inclusions in polished limestone from the Silurian period (425 mya) as being preserved fossil remains of tiny humans, gorillas, dogs, dragons, dinosaurs and other organisms, all of them only millimeters long, leading him to claim, "There have been no changes in the bodies of mankind since the Silurian period... except for a growth in stature from 3.5 mm to 1,700 mm.." Okamura's research earned him an Ig Nobel Prize (a parody of the Nobel Prize) in biodiversity in 1996.

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thinking about buying a car.. this one already is a loli itasha

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Oj huj
There are bodies hidden in that trunk

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> an oni
Shouldn't it look liek this?
they don't make 'em like they used to... (´人`)
>Shouldn't it look liek this?
she's not scary at all!
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That's only because she isn't drunk yet!
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His wife

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