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any1 know any IRC channels?
i am sick of being so lonely OTL
im bored...

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IRC is dying for the same reason that imageboards are dying; they're not innovating. New users don't like them because new platforms have more features and stuff, so old platforms can only lose users over time.
I haven't entered an IRC chatroom in maybe eight or nine years. Even back in the early 2010s, people said IRC was dying for whatever reason. But yeah, Discord didn't help matters. Hate Discord. Ruined IRC, image boards and message boards as well.
This is a good thing
irc.rizon.net has tons of active channels.
Check out #lolwut, #4chan, #computertech, and other ones

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nodejs/serverside-js haet being set up (;´Д`)

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whoever came up with the brilliant idea of "server-side JS" needs to be EXECUTED for sins against Internets!
>needs to be EXECUTED for sins against Internets!
that is a satisfying punishment, and then for teh rest of eternity she must sit in a chair and unb0rk all the b0rk in the world FOR ETERNITY. ph34r
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i loev PHP

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Internet nevar lies to you!!!!

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apologies, you are contaminated.
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how it feels to browse heyuri on phone...
Someone should tell Aya that Mac suk shid and Linux is beter!!! cool
yeah haha! i bet its exactly like thatbiggrin! is what i would say if i was a dirty heyurizen angry
us iruyehzen are 100000000000000000 times better angry
we have anti loli rules and in fact anyone caught with a girlfriend younger than 35 is immediately executed angry
you dumb heyurizen should follow in our footstepsangryangryangry

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Only love for this guy!! Too many people these days are too embarrassed to have fun.

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försök bara!!!
:kuma: 💗 emo
eroi but also very baka (;´ω`)
it's more like a target marker than a protective item (⌒∇⌒;)

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I'm sonic teh hedgehog, look at how fast i am!

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sexy blue retard happy
>sexy blue retard
no one can compare ( ´ω`)

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'ENTERTAINMENT' incoming glare

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While you were wasting your time on teh internet, I've beaten this dumb japanese flash (?) game (on the internet): https://neutralx0.net/room/mini0/ tehegg

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>Your browser does not support WebGL
i will enable it... what's teh gaem about?

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i figured out how to write paper, are you proud of me? What should i write?

(im from a month into the future, i didn't accidentally write the wrong date or anything!)

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if you are from future whats my name?
gonna post it tomorrow
>whats my name?
Woah! How'd you know? astonish
>Woah! How'd you know?
if i told you it would disrupt teh future, you will find out on the 29th of september though happy

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i think i dont have it in me anymore /b/oss... i prefer quick faps with my hand than using onahole. whats your experience with onas? do you have a fav one? or perhaps you have a whole stash of them and cant just pick one that easily? biggrin

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i have the suspicion that i would get jailed just for having that
check if shops in your country sell these exact models
if multiple shops do then it almost certainly is fine to import them

and they dont open stuff in europe really if you pay the tax at the same time you pay for shipping, they dont care enough to open stuff that only requires a stamp to let go they dont get paid enough to do that of their own volition and japan has a good reputation in general so they dont suspect anything even if so
i imported loli images multiple times despite it being a felony and nobody cared, check the method you use for shipping and its package detention rate, official nationwide post services are usually the least suspicious and least checked
i dont fear because in my case it is around 0.4% and those are mostly obvious illegal shit or description of contents is on a suspicious list so they automatically detain it no matter what despite being clean, i also imported lockpicking tools that is a felony under my real name and nobody cared
not shaming for fear but thats how it usually goes
>if anyone has a link to the comic, i will be thankful
Junketsu Darumarriage by Shiruka Bakaudon
Enjoy! biggrin
living on the edge...
glad I live somewhere that loli is legal, I am not fucking getting locked up on CP charges for fucking anime pictures and shit

also, lock picking tools being illegal is some shit -- you can be charged with intent for burglary if you have them on your person in a suspicious situation (it is a bit lame that the burden of proof is on you but you are considered to have put yourself in a position where you are not beyond a reasonable doubt), but you can possess them and you wouldn't have any issues having them in your own home
like I'm in the US, if it's not clear lol

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While cleaning around, I found an old tomb raider pamphlet with a Lara Croft butt that I used to fap to biggrin

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>whats was your guys' first faps pre-internet?
archie comics lol
specifically, betty and veronica's swimsuit comics

I had access to the Internet on the family computer when I was 4. I fapped to porn without even comprehending what I was looking at, or that what I was doing was fapping. I thought my PENIS was defective because mine had foreskin and all of the porn I saw on teh Intarnets was American, so none of teh guys had foreskin. I'm 28 now...
4? damn, that's a bit much
I had internet since I can remember, but my memory sux so I probably should be able to remember a time before internet, or at least before I had internet.
wasn't till I hit puberty that I started jacking it, although once I started, that was it, I was JACKING ヽ(´∇`)ノ

saw a couple ero things before that but not much and I didn't touch myself to it

My childhood home had one of the first broadband Internet connections installed in my country, actually! Unfortunately, once my parents realised they were raising an annoying little autist and that they didn't really feel like it, they simply sat me down in front of the Wild West that was the 2000s Internet and let that raise me instead. And I turned out fine (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

Cum to think of it, the first time I fapped properly, I was like 6, and I thought I had invented it. As in, I thought nobody else in the world had caught on to the fact that stroking your PENIS feels good. I think it was to one of those Meet 'N' Fuck games on Newgrounds.
NTA but I was already getting hardons and edging when I was 5. I guess some of us horny bastards start early.

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Take a close look between this dogs legs.

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>there's this weird artifact.
The artifact appears to be spreading... glare
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the nose knows

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While you were out enriching your life with new thoughts and experiences on the internet, I beat Parappa the Rapper

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it would be funny if this was true
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Since the thread was bumped, might as well update that while you guys were talking about jerking off and onaholes I beat Parappa the Rapper 2, and a report on
>Maybe my grievances with its gameplay were fixed in 2?
It did that and more ヽ(´∇`)ノ

The gameplay was much tighter, characters even more larger than life, the visuals and music got an upgrade and above all made me realize what actually makes the series special more than all of that; it's a rhythm game that lets you make your own rhythms.
I didn't really catch onto it in 1, but to get more points you had to do more than just copy whatever your instructor was doing, but do a freestyle that matches the flow of them. 2 makes this much more clear, after stage 1 every song tells you "do your own thang, mon!" With some really competent beats to back it up, knowing this makes it so much more goddamn fun. I'm going through 1 again to get COOL mode on the stages (´ー`)

Why don't other rhythm games do that.. (;´Д`)
>Why don't other rhythm games do that.. (;´Д`)
that does remind me of how Beatmania used to have FREE SCRATCH zones in songs where you could mess around
they got rid of that terribly quickly since the optimal thing was to just scratch exactly once so you got the points from it, but I liked the idea

at some point early on, the series stopped punishing you for hitting notes not on teh chart, letting you freestyle a bit
beatmania is keysounded, so every notepress plays a sample in the song (pop'n is mechanically identical to beatmania and lets you do the same thing)
it is very fun trying to add my own stuff to songs when I play, even if I do still need to dodge the "duplicate note POOR" system that's supposed to prevent mashing but gets in the way of being cool

it is neat how parappa has it as a deep-rooted game design mechanic rather than something that the game begrudgingly lets you do like beatmania and pop'n
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oops, didn't want to sage
it should be.

Your fortune: You just lost the game

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How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?
Trying hard not to smile, though I feel bad
I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will

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karaoke tiem?

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M-my pinky... it's disappeared!

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She can also make your PENIS disappear!

Don't ask how she does it, it's a secret!

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