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Motherfucker Mike here, I just took the biggest shit. What the fuck is up with that piss?

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>I just took the biggest shit
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Today I hit 165lb (74kg) on bench, I weigh 142lb (63kg). By the end of the year I want to hit 200lb (91kg) and weigh 160lb (72kg). It's sad that I will never be able to fix the fact I'm 5'6 at 18 years old though

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Lol, I'm 5'7.(Just barely.) And as such I'm more focused on getting lean, since I think the sight of me as a brickhouse would look kinda funny.nida
I used to train for the sake of looking attractive to women but I still get no woman attention so I just train for the sake of getting stronger for combat sports
shorter u are, quicker u get strong biggrin

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I wish I could be the balloon...

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Cheer up, emo nerd!
balloon-san is haeving a great tiem biggrin

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Who is prettiest Sailor Moon girl?

For me it’s Sailor Mercury. She’s just drool

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>internal organs are stored in the ass, that's why women have big asses
now that's skinny! glare

Who stealed her back bone??!!1!1 angry
i believe in this
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It's Jupiter!
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hmm... ami is really pretty but usagi does things to my ability to think, although that could be because she's kind of retarded on top of being very pretty -- ami is too smart to engage my ahoko instincts, even if I also do like smart girls
and then minako is also quite like usagi, but I think usagi is prettier honestly

very hard question

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look at the white dot!

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EYE HAX astonish
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EYEBALL WIN Magic is real after all astonish

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Anya is sleeping.

Would you sneak into her room rape her while she's sleeping and record it /b/?

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I want to break her walls with my Basilic gun! drool

I can relate
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f0r u only!
Can I please get the icecream??? I even am using Heyuri! I just want some ice cream
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Ha ha, nie dla psa!

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how to cure anhedonia ?

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nooo, i hate energy drinks, they are too sweet and full of chemicals
thank you, i will try these (except for tea because i only drink watersweat2)
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>i hate energy drinks, they are too sweet and full of chemicals
you should try fairy liquid instead then!
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How did it go?

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i ate sushi for the first time ever today, the verdict?

it was ok, the nigiri was my favourite

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I think Sushi is fine!
Where I live, there are a lot of sushi restaurants, but no general washoku places at all...! I want to try it but I'd haev to go to the other side of the country cry
i went out with some friends and they said they know an even better place we can go to next time, i dont know what to expect to be honest, i wanted to try some sake but they only sold it in half liter bottles and since neither of us ever tried it we didnt want to be rude and buy it in case we didnt like it
i dont know what Omurice is but i will try that next time if they have it
I was in the exact same situation wrt sake just a few days ago! I finally found a place that actually had sake but it was expensive and a whole bottle... but the waiter was kind enough to offer me a small cup to try, for free ヽ(´∇`)ノ! The "alcohol" taste is strong, but the thing is it has got a very interesting aftertaste. It's also very smooth.

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kagunyaa~ that's sugoi! i didn't know they could get so big glare please be gentle blush

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I’m so happy to have finally found a place on the internetz where I can be myself biggrin

(Picture is unrelated)

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I send you psychic damage and curse over web protocol.
i believe we have all been lead astray, the image in the OP is actually quite related to the topic at hand, i dont know how yet but my hunches never let me down

Nah I just thought the little flame people were cute lol nyaoo
kill yourself nigger



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loli haet unpkg.com ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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Me too - pull the trigger!! angry
Maybe adding
can fix this?
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SWF Embed

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in Japan, it is! https://x.com/McDonaldsJapan/status/1826137155627896998
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This thread was up for a week and is about to get marked for deletion in a few hours and only now i find out that it's an official ad dizzy
I don't like mcdonalds but this is still better than their american ads
I missed hearing miko's voice and Im glad she got a fat(🍔) pile of 円 for this
Still not gonna eat it, making ur own burgers is really easy and delicious like that guy said
Its a really dumb add though. The whole part where she spills the milkshake on her xd like am I supposed to find this hot? Chicken nuggets rolling of her back? xd It just seems awkward with that dumb music too. Like burgers and fries on her ass. Ya Allah, its so stupid. I can just imagine how strange it was when they were shooting it. Dumbass intern sprinkling the fries on her whilst the photographer takes shots in the god damn film development room.

You know my psychology is getting confused now. This ad has conditioned me to feel hunger when I ever I see hot girls. Now I just want to EAT THEM. Physically consume their girlflesh to satiate my stomach's lust for food. Human female burger. I demand it. I FUCKING NEED A COOKED HUMAN FEMALE NOW. THIGHS OF A HOT JAPANESE IDOL GIRL SERVED IN A PATTY WITH HER FINGERS AS SIDES. FUUCCCCCK. I NEED TO KILL AND EAT A GIRL NOW.

>$9 burger
WTF they actually charge that muchn angry THEY DESERVE ALL THE TERRORISM THEY GET angryangryangryangry

You know I knew a guy who worked there. He swore he found a pigeon in the freezer biggrin
>Now I just want to EAT THEM. Physically consume their girlflesh to satiate my stomach's lust for food. Human female burger. I demand it.

I think I remember reading an eromanga with a plot like this a long time ago... (;゚∀゚)

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Any of you dudes live near a volcano? When's the last time it erupted?

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I erupted inside your mother.
Where is Your Mother located? Is it a tourist spot?
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There's a volcano inside my pants
its a tourist trap

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Who do you think is hotter? Anakin or Obi-Wan?

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I don't like the prequels dark

Here is how OG Anakin and Obi-Wan look like
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>Who do you think is hotter?

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Better than Disney Star Wars.

Pic related is the only shit that matters.

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What are you doing for imouto day?

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cry because i don't have a little sister cry
Probably marathon OreImo and cry myself to sleep.
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>september 6
who wants a oreimo stream (・∀・)
>who wants a oreimo stream (・∀・)
i liek nosebleed

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