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  • 日本のへゆり

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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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heavy for the win!

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Every merc calls Heavy fat even though he isn't really fat, just burly
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he was inspired by GabeN
he is fat tho
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marry me gaben

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uwaaa lightning glare What do i do? I'm going to get shocked cry

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You have to remember that Iku is a fish. An anthropomorphized, celestial, earthquake-sensing, lightning wielding, japanese youkai-monster fish, but a fish nonetheless. So...

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Cleared this with all 120 stars. I guess it doesn't need anyone else to sing its praises, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The level design is brilliant. No direct nostalgia influenced me as I never played this as a kid. I'm sure it was primarily hardware limitations that made them make the courses so compact, but I really think it's excellent how close things are together. It makes everything feel like a diorama and in a sense makes it MORE immersive rather than less in my opinion. Favorite course? Maybe Tick Tock Clock. Simple as it is, the revolving, compact layout is really a cool idea. Also I'm not super interested in speedrunning but playing through this made the speedruns all the more impressive to watch. I can't imagine the nerves of the Bowser throws at the end of a potential WR.

First person to reply chooses which game from my list I play next (as you can see I haven't played that many famous games compared to most otaku loners...):
Super Mario Bros. (1985)
Chrono Trigger (1995)
Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Half-Life (1998)
Metal Gear Solid (1998)
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
Silent Hill (1999)
Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
Fallout 3 (2008)
Hollow Knight (2017)

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4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
everytime i played half life i could never understand the story
things just happen and i only recall characters talking about whats going on just once or twice
by the time i got to xen i had only a vague idea of what happened and only guessed that the big headed baby caused the invasion
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half-life's storyline is kind of generic but the presentation is really good. with how short they are, I'd recommend checking out the expansions while you're at it
Though I may be late, my friend has been bugging me for a while now to play Hollow Knight and so I now see the chance to pass that responsibility on to you now (゚ー゚)
super mario 64 is an unparalleled masterpiece

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BAKA ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
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LOL cirno in a box xd
i think she does it to seduce humans
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chiruno is fat closed-eyes
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>chiruno is fat
perfect & plump

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even zombies can appreciate cosplay nyaoo-closedeyes

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this pic is implying otakus = zombies
>this pic is implying otakus = zombies
no wonder i've been eating brains lately

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This image speaks to many parts of the artistic soul. Teh art of this really speaks to me.


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try softer
It hurts 116299 Kun? That's okay for ITS HARD ANAL RAEP
>That's okay for ITS HARD ANAL RAEP
i'll raep you next wink

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i cannot help but see all forms of female school uniform as eroi now (;´Д`)

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Older I get, easier I can get aroused. I think it's supposed to be the other way but that doesn't matter nyaoo-closedeyes
unfortunately this ^
>Older I get, easier I can get aroused
at least you'll still be able to fap when you turn into an old old ojisan ( ´ω`)
anyone older than 22 is already an ojisan

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My poop looks like marshmallows glare

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matsuri rape!!! nosebleed
that's not matsuri lol
maybe seeing Ana just reminded him of his desire to raep Matsuri ┐(゚~゚)┌
I know but matsuri was my favorite!
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>matsuri rape!!!
i'll raep her nya

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this left over pizza is getting cold... so i am eating it... Eh? I'm talking about the food not the pr0n, oji-san! rolleyes

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How can we know that kaguya is really Turkish?

After all, m00t turned out to not be Mexican.

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you're right, maybe he is from the lunar surface
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He does run this website pretty Turkishly. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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