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  • 日本のへゆり

  • 2024/09/12 - NEW GAME: Battle Royale R! Make characters and see if they can win the Heyuri Cup!
  • 2024/09/10 - Tegaki function has been added
  • 2024/06/19 - File size limits have been increased
  • 2024/06/11 - Overboard@Heyuri is back after 4 years
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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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tegaki tesuto

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people drawing cute and sexy anime girls with a mouse is tough (;´Д`)
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when the anime has a resolution lower than your display's, do you put it to full screen or watch it like that?

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if you have a CRT you can set your resolution to match the video's
Media Player Classic even has an option to do that automatically
I usually watch anime on my 480i TV though xp
i watch animu usually on my tablet so even if its resolution is much higher than 1080p it is not blurry. i think if i had to watch 480p on desktop i would do it windowed, because thats how i play vns
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full screen, of course!
or at least, as full screen as it goes, I have a 5:4 monitor lol
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how i played vns before i got steam deck biggrin
My eyes are sore just from looking at the photo!dizzy

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But girls don't poop. What is this sorcery? glare2 💩
she's just taking a PENIS! biggrin

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what games are you playing on 9/11?

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No gemu but I did watch Gunsmith Cats cool
Bin Laden's favorite game of course: Final Fantasy 7
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Mega Man Zero 4, Ghost Babel, Minesweeper, Progress Quest, and Highly Responsive to Prayers.
given that the start of the game is literally being in a terrorist cell and blowing shit up, not surprising (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

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If he could see the state of Heyuri today.... cry

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Tears of joy, I'm sure.

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i'm going to steal her lolipop smile

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Don't you dare. angry
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>Don't you dare.
too laet tongue

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how is /b/ today? I am eating golden curry and drawing cirno for 9/9 ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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post-kitchen investigation report: no edible items were found
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iPad died while I was drawing… it was oekaki, I hope itz still there… (´~`)
if you were drawing on Oekaki@Heyuri, try your luck with the [Recover Images] buttan
>my dick and ass hurts
are these 2 things related? (;゚Д゚)

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Computars are srs bizns

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do not have sex with the internet

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I just die on teh Internet
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who knows where the internet has been? you're going to catch net AIDS!

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If a yandere girl says she finds you handsome, does that mean she wants to pour acid all over your face? When she says something like “I love the whole world”, does that mean she's planning to start a nuclear war??

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>she wants to pour acid all over your face?
that'd be a fun sensation drool

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girls when they see you organising useful information and media into an accessible and free-to-use format.

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i am going to charge you double for this content
my verdict: raep
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girls when they see you organising useful information and media into an accessible, free-to-use and FREE AS IN FREEDOM format.
Make sure after your 40 day free-trail that you pay for WINrar, nishizumi-san
>>116429 test

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My grandfather (who I never had any contact with) was a pedo who molested my mother, “dressed her up,” and got away with it. Of course I hate him for that and making her mentally ill and useless, but it also makes me wonder if the paraphilia runs in the genes. The moral of the story: enjoy your loli porn but don't fuck with kids' heads.

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21 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
girls are out there getting MOLESTED with the perpetrator getting away with it
girls are out there having sex with the same sex
girls are out there HAVING SEX!!!!!
lies, I've never seen a girl having sex
we should go searching together

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would you become a vampire?

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I would become a werewolf because that's Aryan.
116334 Kun you're browner than I expected
                      ‐‐‐ 、,    ̄ ̄ ̄  `
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I think hachikuji is touching his private parts right now.

Beware when you talk to him because he might be faping

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He should beware, I'm close. ph34r
Uhhhh WHAT.
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Expect we all see hachikuji faping

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What's the most out of place space you've seen a Indian!!1!!

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fun fact did yuo kno that indians make curry from cow poo
That sounds like bullshit.
no its true
my workspace angry
Only the Hindus sweat2

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