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We will play DOOM this Saturday 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

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Who else loves mma

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MMA, boxing, wrestling... All pretty much the same thing to my noob eyes, like badminton and tennis biggrin
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I do biggrin
Charles Oliveira is the best!!!
I like the guy that said he wants soccer kicks back
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what's with the long neck?

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why the long face? sweat
>why the long face?
it's getting pulled very hard

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it is well past bed tiem. i'll get you in trouble unless u do me a favor wink

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if you need me to fix your laptop again, I ain't doing SHIT
I'm not into feet. Freak. closed-eyes2

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You're under arrest /b/.

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does someone from another BBS finding you on Heyuri feel like your middle school friend that you usually talk about eroi stuff calling out to you when your parents are next to you in street?
ive never talked about eroi stuff with my friends, but i assume its that same feeling
I had that shit happen, but everything ended up fine because we also had non ero interests to talk about.

my friends are my friends because I could talk about eroi stuff with them
they don't come here though, even if I did try and convince them
no im not and i walk away

What's your name and badge number?

You can't legally arrest me without telling me that if I ask you

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He gave them a few boxes of fresh product so police-san are showing their appreciation by giving the seller a free ride in their van happy

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They even carry him in so he doesn't have to walk himself! Shows how much they appreciate him.

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today i put umeboshi alongside the rice in my inari and it's sooo good. does heyuri like to cook?

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I liek them because of their relative cheapness, u can reach that cheapness only by cooking yourself here nyaoo-closedeyes
With my own hands, excluding microwaving stuff, I think the most complicated food I can maek is peanut butter jelly sweat2
Nope. I hate it even more than cleaning. But I do it to the degree I can because it's cheap and reliable.
it's too much effort to make something nice
going out and eating is easy, if pricey if I want something more than a rotisserie chicken and some rice or whatever
my days off are days to relax
and my working days, I don't have the energy to cook
i cook human flesh biggrin

this is what i remember her saying

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been gone for a while, anything cool happen with heyuri and heyurizens lately? mona2
also post cool pics that you like

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Other things that came from teh townhall was a decision on Off-Topic's thread count limit, and the new game nominations page for Heyuri Gaming Days ( http://cgi.heyuri.net/gamenom/ )

Townhall is a place to ask meta questions, brainstorm ideas, have fun antics & LOLs, and casual chat into the night once the main event is over - and that's exactly what we did biggrin
I'll play 2kki with you.
so much was discussed and accomplished during the townhall were you paying attention?
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haikus were written during the town hall. i wrote one about a loli skipping and falling and scraping her knee
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fellas, fellas, I made this thread for us to have a good time, so take it easy! (´ー`)
maybe I will attend the next town hall, because I've only even been to one, and that was only for a few minutes cuz I was at a funeral ( ´ω`)

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What is Heyuris favorite snack from Japan?

I like pic related.

Oi Ocha green tea is also the best.

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all I really end up getting are the cookies and cream pocky ┐(゚~゚)┌
so that's probably my favorite as of right now
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I love Pocky.
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That looks very greasy.

How can you like that?

Trust me bro they are like crack.

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rules are simple:
* edit the last posted image in the thread and then post it
* don't completely replace it, it has to visibly be an edit
that's it

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im trying to eat, nyu
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see, he wasn't blonde at first because he can go SUPER ARYAN

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maek sure to brush your teeth so they can get a fuzzy texture smile

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you have tooth-stones or whatever they are called in english, the texture is an obvious indicator
if you dont remove them then teeth will just disintegrate having outer layers falling off until nothing but the core is visible i know it because i had to get 6 teeth fixed for that reason mona2
if you dont get it checked you will pay twice the amount for removing them, not even starting to speculate about how expensive fake teeth are
there are so many weird things that can happen to ones mouth* that tooth stones dont tell me anything

*liek me PENIS wink

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A beautiful scented candle ( ´ω`)

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This smells absolutely nice
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I don't smell anything
mmm burnt hair sweat3

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i NTR'd someone last night...

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details! was she married? nyaoo
>details! was she married?
yes! Anonymous' mother was a whore and easily accepted sexx0rs with me! blush

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chinpo lol
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I glanced at the thumbnail without paying enough attention and thought the guy was shitting into the sky
I wish I had magical color changing blue shit, too. biggrin

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focus on the gaem you idiot little girl! angry

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Relax, it's just Tetris. Even dumb idiot girls can play that. closed-eyes
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i-it can be easily fixed, right? cry
once you break the cheap hinge its bork'd

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Happy 9/11 heyuri today marks a important date in American history

If we joke about today's event or think about those lost in it up to you

But today is September 11th

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Lets celebrate by blowing up a tower dance
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yiff in heaven all the people who exploded. never forget
fucking fur thing just watched
>never forget..jpg

I was going to post about how I miss these types of images, how DeviantArt was filled with them and seemingly stopped after the Paris attacks one, but with the amount of Hatsune Mikus and Sonics I've seen online taking a stance against Israel I realized they never really left. But instead of being about specifically the tragedy of the situation and not showing any real political affiliation, the "cartoon characters crying at tragedies" genre has turned into using said tragedy as a way to push ideology. It matters more about who the artist thinks is the cause of death rather than the deaths of humans, which comes secondary.

Very interesting observation, I think, and sort of shows the progression of politically slanted retardation online. Autism never truly dies. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
wow... i never really thought much about this, but its Troo foruda

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