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  • 日本のへゆり

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she shows up at teh front door of your hikkicave doing this. What is your next action?

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i report indecent exposure!!! nyaoo
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>i report indecent exposure!!!
you haev escaped, for now...
i invite her inside!!

I invite myself into her insides!
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take her inside and start making love!

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KAGUYA, NOOOOOOOO!!!!crycrycry

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who did this!?
i did it
kaguya decieved me this whole time! i thought she was a cute anime girl but hes a turkish man instead
i will never forget this betrayal! he deserved to have his hair assploded!
The silver lining to all that is that he's already in Turkey if he wants to get a cheap hair transplant smile
It was me. She couldn't dodge my explosive barber technique. onigiri
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>She couldn't dodge my explosive barber technique.
what are you using!? bombs!? napalm!?

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Aaargh! that burst my ear drums cry I underestimated her

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puchippy-chan warning appeared in teh real world... astonish she is more powerful than they anticipated

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People would call that a wojak if it was made today.
Wasn't the wojak a mentally unstable attentionfag from erischan who raided krautchan with pals? He was the one who made the original face and wojak was his name. Translating into casually 'warrior'. Anyone has more info?
That's a r*ddit rage comic face so in a way it's much worse than a w*jak
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Seems 4plebs has added a TAIMU TORABERU feature, useful to find some long-forgotten flashes!
This is 4/f/ from exactly the last decade: https://archive.4plebs.org/f/timetravel/2014-09-15_13:49:00
You could always do this with date start/end feature, this barely makes it easier but I'll share nyaoo-closedeyes

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you wouldnt happen to know the name of the song would you?
Siamsa by Ronan Hardiman
thank you very much!
Thanks a lot! Through this the first flash I saw was Miku talking about her mango

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My favorite is Osaka personally. How about you guys?

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How much do u beat her??
if you make the loli cry, you're doing it wrong.
drool Dykelicious picture!
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Is she a real lesbian though; would she fall in love with another girl if things didn't work with Sakaki.

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i would like to thank ziggy (mod) for keeping heyrui safe
thank you

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thank you ziggy
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thank you ziggy for keeping heyrui safe
thank you
ziggy played guitar
That's whassup, my zigga.

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Is Heyuri into JAV lolis or fake AV lolis as they are called in Japan?

I like these kinds of Japanese porn videos where petite adults play the role of an elementary school girl.

Sadly, if you don't know where to look, they are becoming hard to find because Google has been censoring a lot of porn links recently.

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What's that white stuff coming out of the VAGINA at 1 minute? huh
Probably a symptom of VAGINAl yeast infection:
> VAGINAl yeast infection, also known as candidal vulvovaginitis and VAGINAl thrush, is excessive growth of yeast in the VAGINA that results in irritation. The most common symptom is VAGINAl itching, which may be severe. Other symptoms include burning with urination, a thick, white VAGINAl discharge that typically does not smell bad, pain during sex, and redness around the VAGINA.
Adding this to the days I'm glad to be born with a cock. The worst stuff come with sekkusu which isn't a worry biggrin


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rofl xdd
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I like this one the best
aw thank u ~ biggrin

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I'm playing Super Monkey Ball and for the whole game you just have full view of the monkeys' asses, they made it hard to not want to have sex with them huh

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you can fuck monkeys!? astonish
Swallow that banana whole slut
kinda thats how we got teh aids sweat
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>you can fuck monkeys!?

I mean, did you never hear about what happened in Indonesia?
hahaha it took 35 policemen to took pony away. teh village needed their monke prostitute biggrin

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I was doing an educational research, and came across this Japanese website listing some old Japanese mags. They are censoring the best parts so it should be perfectly legal, I think biggrin

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loli for the buddha.
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from 神話少女栗山千明 btw.

I think /l/ brought a lot of pedos over here too.
You might like the links provided here

I found out that Japan had several amateur photo magazines where some were dedicated to just (voyeur) panty shots. These were long running mags too. You'd never see those types of things now.

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always watching... じーっ

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/(◕ω◕)\ *jiiiiii*

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I wanted to post a picture of my cock for you Heyuri!

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No one cares anymore about my cock D:
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(ノ´ з `)ノ tis a kewt cock
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Touch my pet cock his name is hachikuji!!!

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♫ bobobobob bobobob ♫
♫ bobobobob bobobob ♫
♫ bobobobob bobobob ♫
♫ bobobobob bobob baaaaah!!! ♫

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Well, I got another anime to add to my "To Watch" list lolico


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It's almost Autumn! What are your plans for the Pumpkin Season?

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My plan is to start going on longer walks again, because they are the best during autumn ( ´ω`)
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taek a ride on a swing~
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making sweet love to the aki sisters til december
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We know that Lily White represents SPRING!, Minoriko sisters fall, Letty (and maybe Cirno) Winter... but which 2hu represents summer?

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