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Hello Heyuri!
I couldn't use heyuri and the Internet due to the ongoing flood in southern Poland
My county's capital is 1.5 meter underwater sweat
I probably will post pictures when sun rises
Have you been struck by floods in Europe? Do your cars swim?
ZOMG! It feels so good to be able to browse interwebz again HEYURI I MISSED YOU cry
YAY YAY YAY !!!!! YAY !!!

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zbyt nie wiem bo siedze w domu i nikogo nie znam
ale piasek musieli rozdawac po tym co rano bylem sprawdzic i mama naznosila muszynianki zamiast regularnej wody w sporych ilosciach wiec wode chyba tez dawali
o pomocy nie wiem bo u mnie jest bezpiecznie ale pewnie sasiedzi by na prosbe podeszli
lokalna osp lata tu i tam
obcych spoza gminy do pomocy nie widzialem
cute girl....
Provide funds and shelter to the homeless Lolis around the globe and Lolis who have fallen victim to calamities. Submit to the Loli Independent Housing Program now.
must be cool living in europe and all... :(
I think that anon is from Portugal, there are big forest fires there right now

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The sound of my alarm in the morning makes me so angry I start gritting my teeth and frantically searching for my phone

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Faces of Heyuri

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5 month difference
130lb -> 155lb
Did I improve?

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What's your routine been?
What's your routine been?
Basically every other day I hit bench, shoulder press, front raise, lateral raise, bicep curls.
My bench one rep max is 175lb
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she has been training too, she wants to fight!
You were pose-frauding on the left and it backfired.

Good stuff tho

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Have you read the most romantic love story of all time /b/?

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Other books i would recommend.

This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas

The Lucy Variations by Sara Zarr

Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo

Nabokov has a few other books that either make reference to or are about pedophilia/children having sex as pointed out earlier such as Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle

Gabriel Garcia Marquez also has a few novels that have pedo relationships in them as well.
I really enjoy books like these. Not because I'm a pedophile, but because I feel like they express a certain wonderful moral ambiguity that is rare in most other novels.
yes the insanity part was fucking stupid but i read the first part i guess in the end he kills a man for cucking him after the nut house bullshytee
this picture hit my feels not sure why

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Since we're in the mood, what are some terrorism-related media you like and can recommend?

For me it's a tradition to watch "The Siege" every 9/11.

As for terrorism vidya, there were some made during the Dubya's era. Postal 2 has Taliban enemies with their iconic "la la la la la" shout. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhnCQDazP8c&t=363s). I also played Conflict: Desert Storm and I think it was alright, although that was years ago

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Battle of Algiers is THE terrorism movie. If you haven't seen it you absolutely should. Its one of the best films ever made. I'd highly recommend Koji Wakamatsu's film United Red Army, which is about the Asama-Sanso incident. He also filmed a documentary about the Japanese Red Army and Fusako Shigenobu (Japanese volunteers who fought against Israel). Paradise Now is great too. Its about two Palestinian NEETs who agree to be suicide bombers but get cold feet. The second Battle Royale movie ends with a bunch of Japanese kids joining al-Qaeda if I remember correctly. Also check out the Carlos miniseries starring Edgar Ramirez. Steve McQueen's amazing film Hunger is great too.

There's a handful of anime and manga. Like Code Geass and Zankyou no Terror and a few other ones. The original Eden of the East series has terrorism and religion as a theme and there's the Jin Roh movie which are much better than Code Geass garbage. The Battle Royale series ends with a bunch of Japanese high schoolers joining al-Qaeda or something, I can't remember.

Usually, I stay away from American trash, especially when it comes to terrorism. 90% of it is shitty propaganda. Homeland is fucking degenerate and The Siege was pretty shit but there are a few gems. The Naudet Brother's film 9/11 is a must watch. The famous footage of the first plane hitting the North Tower was their footage, they just happened to be making a doc on NYC fire crews when they got caught up in 9/11 and sent to the Towers. Its an authentic ground level perspective of the attack as it unfolded. Hurt Locker is great but more of a war film. Munich, Waltz With Bashir, and Lebanon are solid films which show the Israeli perspective.

As for vidya, its hard because pretty much every other Western game released in the 2000s and early 2010s was connected to terrorism and most aren't worth playing. I guess Metal Gear Solid and MGS2 and Final Fantasy 7 (Bin Laden's favorite game). There's also that one VN where some chunnibyo girl is convinced she's actually Bin Laden and masterminds a terror group, no idea what that's called though. I've heard good things about Spec Ops The Line but I've never played it.
i like to watch zero day (2003) every columbine day
You are not an otaku if you've never watched Patlabor 2!cool
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i torrent something, but teh files are b0rk in mpv & vlc ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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If you actually want to be helped, you need to give more details

What were you torrenting?
Is the torrent finished and error-free?
What errors are you getting in mpv and vlc?
>What were you torrenting?
CP. that is the only detail i can provide
I would be worried if I didn't find pizza in my pizza box sweat2
I was editing some gameplay footage once and encoded the cut down clip to an mp4 file and like a fucking idiot I didn't check to see if the file was ok before I deleted the original footage. Days later I go to open the file and it doesn't play in any software at all. Some stuff like VLC knows there is something there, like it can get the length of the video but nothing plays. It is 4GB and surely that can't be 4GB of random data. Maybe one day I will upload it and some crazy h264 hacker can fix it but 4gb would take approx 12hours on my internet to upload D:
Digital food is the future ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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Just designed my new German Kitchen all by myself

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Could i buy it from you?
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I need help
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Still no reply
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What teh fuark Jon,
what kind of customer service is this?
LOL biggrin

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anyone else here play hoi4?
personally im excited for the fire rises mod which is coming out soon

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Hoi4 is one of the worst games ever made because it is shit and yet so addicting. I would rather do drugs because at least there's a social element there.
i like the ww2 concept but game seemed boring asf
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Hoi4 is the game that I played during coronavirus and when I looked at the number of hours I got on it in just a few months I stopped playing video games forever
i tried it but i fear my brain is too small to actually understand what i am supposed to do

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Can someone open this for me, pretty please?
I don't know anything about Python and can't get it to work ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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my command prompt suddently popped up for a second huh
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Jokes aside, i got around using another prediction model on Github. Let's see what happens
That's exactly what happened for me too ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ
my computer is starting to lag now
Ah, I remember that. IIRC it's a file format, in which you can have little Python and R snippets and formatted text. It's mostly used in data science and related fields, a lot of academics use that (not that I would know). It's somewhat of an development environment too.

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>i want to live where the bunny luckies roam
it's a magical place biggrin
hit kagami already!!! angry
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Wait... What happened to Antartica?? (;´Д`)
>Wait... What happened to Antartica?? (;´Д`)
luckies stole it
space invaders sign a contract with hitler to use antarctica as a space platform to soar the stars

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under a manko glare

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PEE ON HER. biggrin

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i haet when this happens angry

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those were for dinner!!!
just eat your soxx dood
>just eat your soxx dood
they taste... sour glare
Put a little soy sauce on 'em. GG EZ.
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>Put a little soy sauce on 'em. GG EZ.
taste improved!

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The new 5ch layout is disgusting.

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...so you pretty much just have yourself as the only poster lol?
that is a lot of work on an internet with a lot of other sites to browse even for someone who might be interested

also hilariously enough, terrorists and druglords just use facebook and shit

I'm still mad at how after YEARS of changing absolutely nothing, Pixiv keeps fucking with their site and making it shittier.
the lowest elements of free market chains
nothing of value is lost when they produce evidence on themselves

and i had a regex filter on all imaginable new-internet and moron words banning for an entire range of the offender but also his entire village/town/city permanently, some 220 words
to avoid evasions bans would also hand out an autoban cookie and reban on attempted posting from new range / place on the offenders device besides posting their new ip and fingerprint

it was hilarious but i loved that abomination of an imageboard, a chamber with just me inside biggrin
Most 5ch users use dedicated mobile apps or desktop browser software to access the site anyway - they have done for a long time sweat2
Heyuri should be more interested in the nsfw version of 5ch called https://bbspink.com/
Are heyurians all banned from posting on pink?unsure
I've managed to access it a few times. Completely locked out to foreigners. Didn't find much on there, although something on there might peak some interests.

>>116826 (Yes, me)
I'm still curious what the fuck the iPhone did to us? Because modern web design philosophy is heaps and heaps of irony when you think about it. The mobile excuse is punched in the face flat when you point out all of the mobile-unfriendly shit generated by this modern web design philosophy. It's maximalism disguised as mobile-friendly minimalism, which is quite odd. We should go back to the days when you were forced to be minimal; everybody wins. And i'd argue the mobile websites back then worked better.

I forget that a lot. It's certainly unique

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I declare this the Heyuri national anthem.

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possibly but 10/11 is already the established ロリの日!
There's Alice Day on April 25th, which celebrates the day Lewis Carroll supposedly met Alice Liddell.
I forgot posting, this one is also awesum

This i agree.

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