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Was Windows Vista really THAT bad?

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sorry guys, but aero fucking sucks, seriously
it's worse now, but that doesn't mean that what came before is good. Same thing with windows 7, vista and XP. Just because the new versions are terrible, that doesn't mean windows didn't already suck then, don't let nostalgia cloud your judgement.
nah, you're wrong lol
7's UI sucks since that introduced all the ribbon shit, but Aero was mostly just the same as before but shiny. Mostly. 8's UI is abysmal, and we're still dealing with dumb shit from 8.

in terms of outright usability, MS got it nearly perfect with 95 apart from a handful of really rough spots (editing file associations in 95 is obscenely unfriendly -- 3.x just had you select a program and that was that, and 98 onwards let you configure things via the Open With menu -- or at least, I think that was 98, that could have been introduced in ME)
98 made some things better, a few things a bit worse, and each release was always less consistent, and that basically kept happening every Windows version since 95

which, to be fair, is because 95 pretty much just discarded most things from 3.x and copied Apple's System 7 lmao
95's UI was overall friendlier in terms of usability, even if a few aspects are less polished vs System 7, and all the really clunky bits are for things the Mac OS just doesn't have (like setting file associations lol)
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The only reason why I am using Vista is because my laptop that had Windows 7 on it died. I am using a garbage picked desktop PC that came with a hard drive with Vista already on it. I am using Mypal, the only browser I could find that works half decently with modern websites. This is also my first computer with an AMD processor, I like how cool it runs.

Returning to Vista made me remember a few things I hated about it, and a few things that were new to me, that I also hate.
-It has a hard time remembering folder view settings and often forgets them. This really sucks as I am often in my file explorer moving files around.
-For some reason, the file explorer search on the local hard drive sucks, it just can't find things at all. But when I search for the same files on a backup external hard drive connected via USB cord, it finds them just fine.
-It can never remember the last folder I was saving things to. I save alot of stuff in Paint, it never remembers to stay in the folder I want it to be in, I always have to navigate to it.
It can never remember the last file type I was saving as. I save alot of stuff in Paint as .png, it never remembers to stay on the .png format, I always have to navigate to it. More than once I have accidentally saved things as .jpg, it ruins everything as the compression/pixelation on this version of Paint is super bad.
-You can't open a text box in Paint when the image is zoomed in or out, only when its viewed at 100%.
-You can't make a text box smaller in Paint once you set the diameters.
-Once you finalize your text in paint, the text appears in a white box, it's not transparent.
-There is no font preview in Paint where the fonts are listed in the font they represent.

Everything listed here was not a problem on Windows 7.
Paint in Vista is basically the same one used since Win2k (so, .png support at all) with a handful of really minor changes (the default palette is different IIRC). 7 onward Paint is basically a completely different program.
As a result, Paint on Vista doesn't do a lot of things that more modern programs do and uses the old file selector.

Also, turn off indexing on the drive to make search not suck. I have to do this even on 7/8/10. It's slower, but it actually finds things.
Just use a third party file manager

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new hobby is going to the park at night when im upset and assaulting the first person i see walking around alone and then running away before the cops come is the biggest rush ive had in so long

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that sounds like a good way to get shot where I live lol
the people in my hood that hang out in parks at night are so high on fent they wouldn't even notice
If you're going to resort to crime to get off why not do something more rewarding that's also a victimless crime like sneaking into a women's restroom and finding a way to get the hot fudge and lemonade? You know how credit card thieves will install fake plastic/electronic parts onto an ATM? You could make a fake plastic toilet bowl to put inside one of the toilets and disable the flusher. Most people will just shrug and leave if the toilet doesn't flush and you can be in the next stall ready to retrieve the fresh, steaming hot lemonade and/or chocolate of the hot girl that just exited the stall. You can wait a minute for her to leave the restroom to avoid suspicion and you can peek out of your stall to see what she looks like and dump the prize out if she isn't hot and maybe have a cleaning kit with you. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't count as child molestation if you were caught eating a little girl's steaming hot poop if you never made any kind of contact with her, not even eye contact.
in soviet russia, the park at night assaults you in the first person i see

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irwin couldnt do that, not safe sweat

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Library of Heyuria

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That's a lotta manga! astonish
so much ero drool

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A waha-in-the-box!

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please dont, im easily surpri- AAH! *BANG BANG BANG*
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Each and every one of you will be send a waha in a box!
Don't threaten me with a good time! cool

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while you were wasting time on the internet i filled my steam deck with pirated games biggrin

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noo!! i hate using laptop in bed. its not comfortable for me. deck is handheld and yes your hands will go numb bit only at first. nyaoo-closedeyes

i did play half of pillars of eternity 1 on it but you are right. there are games that one wouldnt play on deck, thankfully i mostly play vns and jrpgs. there is no better device for such games, trust me. biggrin
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What are you talking about?

Strategy games are great on the Steam Deck
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more games acquired! i will never play them all! biggrin biggrin
not OP and I've been using a laptop lately but I don't play those, and when I do play things more suited to mouse and keyboard ive been connecting a mouse 2 my laptop, sometimes sitting at my desk sometimes not
idk, using desktop just feels 2 restrictive 4 my liking

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Fumo corruption is no laughing matter. closed-eyes2

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>no laughing matter.
but i already laughed!
she is aroused
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i would imagine that, within all of those grimoires, patchy has a romance book or ten hidden in her library. Coincidentally, it must be the same section that Koakuma is forbidden to enter.
I think she’s into itnyaoo-closedeyes

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Rogue Lesbian Womans and VAGINAWOMAN should kiss a little. nyaoo-closedeyes

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billy is only twelve, he cannot be compared to a SHOWERMAN!
We aren't talking no showerBOYS! We're talking showerMEN! angrycool
remember, Showermen are formed in the shower...
you cannot create a Showerman if you are dry...
What game is this? It looks like something I would enjoy thoroughly.
it's Battle Royale R, hosted here on cgi.heyuri.net! it was recently added to the CGI games

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prodefch... is dead ;_;

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We had a b board a /I/ and /q/ then a secret board
Was /l/ for loli?
You mention >>117777
but in another thread on this board you mention the site got reported for CP and gore. So did you take it down because of that or because you simply did not have time for it anymore?
lern to wayback
not sure why did he choose to capitalize but it was an /i/, not /l/
Sorry was on phone and it autocorrect
That thread wasn't me lol I didn't allow gore or Loli on prodefch or has anyone posted gore

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just put em in a microwave biggrin

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I would watch more anime if it looked like this. (´∇`)σ
Wasn't there actually a show that kind of looked like this?
>I would watch more anime if it looked like this. (´∇`)σ
you masochist! (;゚∀゚)

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Whomever you maybe be, you mustn't leave us hanging like this. Therefore, I thoroughly implore you to disclose the results of this experiment and the ones you may conduct in the future, if you may. Please heed my message to avoid such hiccups in your future endeavours.
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smack chiyo chan until she cries
And if a double-decker bus crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine

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rchan is back.

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where is tsukichan
Rchan não é cancer. Bom, ainda não, pois o sítio começou ontem, nem userbase tem ainda.

me why?
Surprised it came back. Brazil's had alot of IB death in recent times. 84ch, 83ch, vhschan.

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you can be sure whoever owns these talks to them as if they were people
nothing wrong witg having a little company at home nyaoo-closedeyes
i talk to my bjd as if they are people (im away from them and miss them so much sad)
What is he stepping on?
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Tea. And that's her if remember correctly.

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