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May i join in? nyaoo2

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It's just like a Greek myth...glare

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Heading to the BOKU store, almost there!

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They're going the WRONG WAY angry
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get me some in a bottle

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clean all that mud off of your doll!
is this what the baby of a male pregnancy looks like after it comes out the butt?
is that a carved potato lol
give it some of your blood, and place it in a bowel of milk for good health!
I think it is!!
Eat it OP

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Suck on my ball! Hurry! Hurry!

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that Was
Eeew no way!! emo
A guy and a girl in P.E. storage? Definitely a flag, sex is granted!
Nigga I ain't doin that

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im cooking something for you

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I wanted my nekos medium rare, not well-done. angry
they are better to use as tiny one use onaholes
cook a chicken instead (;´Д`)
>they are better to use as tiny one use onaholes
so would tiny ika musumes nyaoo2

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Worship them. 🙏 nyaoo-closedeyes 🙏

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Ancestors crashed their planes in american navy and commited mass suicides for this dark
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Worth it.
>Worth it.
it was drool

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i hear that this is a special kind of tea brew

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I'm gonna eat you man
I'm in ur page 48, bumping old threads ph34r
seems we forgot putting on some protections back after an update sweat2
It tastes like


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Who is your favorite western cartoon loli /b/?

Mine is pic related.

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from an 8chan user's game project

Holy shit she needs to eat.
That looks like an adult woman's face on a child's head and body.
robot shit, no thanks dark

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YOUR MOM angry
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hatate's newspaper failed horribly
she cannot pay the loans back
she tried to steal money from reimu's donation box but was caught and beaten
she does not care anymore... this is the end
I really can't enjoy any of these, just another shitter meme artist sweat3
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i want to pay her loans, take her home and nurse her to back to happiness cry
I want to take her somewhere where the debt collectors will never find her, tie her up so she can't hurt herself and rape her many times everyday until she finds true happiness through the miracle of stockholm syndrome

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Looks like my cat, she shares birds with me too

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How do Japanese pedos resist the urge to touch it? drool

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This one is my favorite! sweatdrooldrooldrool
What happened here? Did she know she was being pictured and gave an ecchi pose on purpose? nosebleed

Nice ass.
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You might like the links provided here

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good luck to any other heyurizens in the path of hurricane helene! please make preparations and use caution.

at least i have the day off and can pretend i'm a NEET again .. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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I refuse to believe in hurricanes

I have never seen one

Have you ever seen one?
I saw one a while ago, but not much happened here. ┐(゚~゚)┌
Well you can't physically see the Hurricane. You have to feel the Hurricane's presence glare2
with your dick

leave town if it's a guy hurricane or you're GAY (;´Д`)
stick your dick into the wind if it's a girl hurricane

extreme blowjob ヽ(´∇`)ノ
it will sux your pen0r off! (・∀・)

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Almost exactly 2 years ago we played Sven Coop... good times cool

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It was a lot of fun, very fond memories biggrin

Is there something similar for Half-Life 2 or other games, where dozens of players can co-op through a single player game? If so, we should do that sometime
>Is there something similar for Half-Life 2 or other games, where dozens of players can co-op through a single player game? If so, we should do that sometime
idk about any aside from sven co-op but if any1 does know a good one that we could play make sure to add it to the game nominationz table
more than anything, someone should organize them - ie. set up a server!
we would host play terraria if anyone volunteered to host a server: >>117381 (multiplayer terraria is coop by default)
terraria is the one with highest score in the list, but we could play anything else if someone volunteered to host too (as was the case with YNO, though we just made use of an abandoned server for it)
terraria sounds fun. if no one else wants to host it and a terraria server doesn't eat too much ram (my VPS only has 2gb ram) then i can give it a try
>Please note that the requirements for running your own Terraria server include needing 512 MB RAM for a small game world with a few players and no mods. For larger worlds, 1 or 2 GB RAM (10 players or more) is required. If more than 50 players are expected, then 4 GB or more RAM is recommended

Also same as minecraft, seems we have to agree on a version

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Was Windows Vista really THAT bad?

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sorry guys, but aero fucking sucks, seriously
it's worse now, but that doesn't mean that what came before is good. Same thing with windows 7, vista and XP. Just because the new versions are terrible, that doesn't mean windows didn't already suck then, don't let nostalgia cloud your judgement.
nah, you're wrong lol
7's UI sucks since that introduced all the ribbon shit, but Aero was mostly just the same as before but shiny. Mostly. 8's UI is abysmal, and we're still dealing with dumb shit from 8.

in terms of outright usability, MS got it nearly perfect with 95 apart from a handful of really rough spots (editing file associations in 95 is obscenely unfriendly -- 3.x just had you select a program and that was that, and 98 onwards let you configure things via the Open With menu -- or at least, I think that was 98, that could have been introduced in ME)
98 made some things better, a few things a bit worse, and each release was always less consistent, and that basically kept happening every Windows version since 95

which, to be fair, is because 95 pretty much just discarded most things from 3.x and copied Apple's System 7 lmao
95's UI was overall friendlier in terms of usability, even if a few aspects are less polished vs System 7, and all the really clunky bits are for things the Mac OS just doesn't have (like setting file associations lol)
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The only reason why I am using Vista is because my laptop that had Windows 7 on it died. I am using a garbage picked desktop PC that came with a hard drive with Vista already on it. I am using Mypal, the only browser I could find that works half decently with modern websites. This is also my first computer with an AMD processor, I like how cool it runs.

Returning to Vista made me remember a few things I hated about it, and a few things that were new to me, that I also hate.
-It has a hard time remembering folder view settings and often forgets them. This really sucks as I am often in my file explorer moving files around.
-For some reason, the file explorer search on the local hard drive sucks, it just can't find things at all. But when I search for the same files on a backup external hard drive connected via USB cord, it finds them just fine.
-It can never remember the last folder I was saving things to. I save alot of stuff in Paint, it never remembers to stay in the folder I want it to be in, I always have to navigate to it.
It can never remember the last file type I was saving as. I save alot of stuff in Paint as .png, it never remembers to stay on the .png format, I always have to navigate to it. More than once I have accidentally saved things as .jpg, it ruins everything as the compression/pixelation on this version of Paint is super bad.
-You can't open a text box in Paint when the image is zoomed in or out, only when its viewed at 100%.
-You can't make a text box smaller in Paint once you set the diameters.
-Once you finalize your text in paint, the text appears in a white box, it's not transparent.
-There is no font preview in Paint where the fonts are listed in the font they represent.

Everything listed here was not a problem on Windows 7.
Paint in Vista is basically the same one used since Win2k (so, .png support at all) with a handful of really minor changes (the default palette is different IIRC). 7 onward Paint is basically a completely different program.
As a result, Paint on Vista doesn't do a lot of things that more modern programs do and uses the old file selector.

Also, turn off indexing on the drive to make search not suck. I have to do this even on 7/8/10. It's slower, but it actually finds things.
Just use a third party file manager

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