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  • 日本のへゆり

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don't tell me that peeking at pantsu carries a death penalty (;´Д`)

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I thought it was one of Japan's national sports, along with table tennis and baseball. ⚾
the thrill is in the danger! not just of discovery, but of DEATH!
If that is the last thing I see... I am not too mad Σ(°Д°)
i am sure that the execution rates in japan would rise sharply if this measure was implemented...
imagine all teh thrill and fun of panchira hunting. There are tons of cool spy cameras t o buy! nyaoo-closedeyes

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cat liek water? glare

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I've seen so many Haruhi-Konatas lately, that I was suprised that Haruhi didn't have blue hair...
why is the water green
how the fuck is endless eight real? which slant eyed idiot aproved it?
soozooemiya haeroohi mona2
>why is the water green
The Japanese love green tea so much they bathe in it

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what would you do?

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many women? sasuga...
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Read. My. Lips.

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>Read. My. Lips.
when i read your lips, they say "PENIS" glare

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how to maek niggerhtcore
a special gift from a special person

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Well, at least it's not faux-y2k breakcore closed-eyes
it's weird how fucking "nightcore" caught on when slowing songs down generally sounds better
both nightcore and slowed+reverb are really popular
hav u even watched th video
it's mildly lulzy

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Shit in my mouth!
Is this one of the lesser-known cenobites from the Hellraiser comic books? xp
Book porn
modern day smut has nothing on the classics! tongue
Fuck off to TikTok with this shit


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Let's play a game, /b/. Here are the rules:
-A Japanese search term is posted.
-Your goal is to find a video with content that matches the description of the term in question.
-Once you find the video, post it; in the same post, add your own search term.
-The cycle continues until the thread is no more, baby. cool

My search term is: 威嚇蛙

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Retrieve a video that contains 【トイレシーン】

Find me 臭い足
Fetch me "歌う野菜"
Now find セクシーなイグアナ
Go find ゲロっ娘

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plug it in!

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She can power my electric shaver! biggrin

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Post nekos! x3

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I’m sure pets would make him less angrynyaoo-closedeyes
Cats are always nude.sweat2
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no pets!
why so angry neko-san? sweat
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when kissing you lick all around in someone else's mouth... that sounds disgusting, im never gonna kiss anyone evar!

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sounds hot and awesome (´¬`)
The kissing sounds are prob the most arousal thing ever on this planet!
Especially if you do it with someone of the same sex!

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this will sound strange to you but is there a way to get in contact with my waifu for reals? i dont believe in paranormal stuff but im not opposed to them existing (i simply dont believe it until i see it) and if this works i will 100% believe it, but i'd prefer if it doesnt require drugs or esoteric stuff that i have no hope of acquiring
please, its important, theres some things i need to discuss with her

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It sounds too god to be real glare, does someone here tried? How it went? Any tips?
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i heard of something called reality shifting on /x/, supposedly women from tik-tok shift into the harry potter universe or some shit like that. never did it or dug that deep into it. but it might be something that interest you.
>be like speaking to my waifu and not a copy of her?
no, you're making a tulpa, their there own being, you can make there form to look like your waifu, but there's a chance they will change there appearance, personality, or voice.
it's real, but takes a lot of time and dedication, i heard of anons making a tulpa quickly and sometimes by accident, but for me it took many years. the best advice i read on the internet was to feel the tulpa, not think it, and that the tulpa is sentient from the very beginning
My understanding of a tulpa is that they were created by Vajrayana (tantric) Buddhist monks to prove the illusory nature of the mind and the senses, thus bringing the aspirant closer to nirvana. If you're making a tulpa to to indulge your senses, then that is the precise opposite of what the technique is intended for. Tantric practices have a reputation for being difficult, esoteric and dangerous.

Frankly though I think it's more difficult than most people realize, and the people saying they can actually see or touch their tulpa are just 14 year old girls roleplaying. Just call it an imaginary friend, that's really what it is.
I wanted a tulpa years ago. I'm pretty sure I'm too sane for this shit, because every successful tulpa description sounds like the person successfully managed to avert their eyes from reality and make themselves schizophrenic, and I wasn't willing to literally go crazy. ┐(゚~゚)┌

Take one mildly cracked mind and split that sucker open, and your waifu could be real... (;゚Д゚)
i just want to clarify something with her to know 100% what she truly feels about the situation, in a way its to soothe my worries
i probably wont be making a tulpa unless everything else fails though due to the amount of effort required and because im being lead to believe she will be an entity separate from my waifu

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>unsupported image type
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The unstoppable duo

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I want to eat her face

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Would you rather live on the West coast but not in Cali or on the East coast but not in New York?

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My answer too. I love the cold. If I can't get to Alaska, I'll take wherever is coldest and it seems like upper New England might be the answer.

I lived in Oregon for a while and it was nice but more rainy than snowy. And too many obnoxious hipsters with ugly tattoos and piercings.glare1
I think south coast, cause i don't like cold weather. Maybe greece, since its not latin.
does hawaii count?
My condolences
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nice, any connectichad heyurians? :D


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