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Are those up for grabs? drool
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... nosebleed
Let's play the pocky game! biggrin
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WARM mansion to learn to live in

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WTF am I looking at? sweat
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Ao Oni with SHOTA cheat code enabled nosebleed
was this game a joke? i remember watching a playthrough as a kid and aside from the jumpscares i thought it was silly and funny

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grab link and smash him (figuratively)
I tend to swing for girls but Link looks like a girl with a PENIS here, so fuck it good enough for me drool
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>a girl with a PENIS

it's a trap!

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Japanese summer is no joke. sweat3

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how did you get in there!?

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Think I lost my appetite .. dark
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finally, i can post this picture again
that's really cute...
what lies under her pantsu?

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ITT Post Showa era nostalgia.

Pic related looks comfy.

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it looks easier to clean than carpet
It looks like you'd easily mark it up if you used a crevice tool for cleaning it, and if you used a floor brush it would be weird to push over it because the flooring has a bit of texture to it.
you will never be japanese
>you will never be japanese

Doesn't mean i can't feel nostalgic for it.

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Dude, what'd you put in my drink? dizzy

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That's how they get you! Before you know it, you'll be addicted!
look at his face, he is already addicted! sweat
????? how???
Acid flashback. dizzy

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just dropping in
Why is the site on drugs....

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What show is that?
>Im planning on reworking
I'll be waiting!!
>theres else im thinking of making a flash of
I'll wait those too iyahoo
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>What show is that?
yatterman according to reverse search
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ill leave this here because i actually still like how this looks even after some time leaving it alone😊

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im growing a potted cirno

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deep throating tiem
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No you can't do that, she doesn't have where to swallow, she'll choke
pissen time, then mona2
don't worry, it's good nutrients for her!

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test moar
Kawaii~!!! blush
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>test moar
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snail getto!

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Do you like Sukeban girls /b/?

This is one of the greatest TV shows of all time but it has a shit ending tbh.

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Me too.

Yuki Saito is cute.
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Shoujo Commando Izumi is great too, never finished either but worth watching if you havent

This is the next show plan to watch.

I do wanna watch a JK with a rocket launder.
I'll have a look when I get home if that is Nyaa.si has it.

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the colors are gone, so I made her all HYPER again
nothing can contain her power! angryangry
yanda is as good as dead

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they grow up too fast cry
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I wish kids never grew up.
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2D kids never grow up

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Which do you prefer /b/ flat chest or boobs?

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Depends on my mood, but right now I'm on a milk bender. drool
flat is best!!!nyaoo

Same i love both.

That is just wrong anon.
I like both but flat girls are more messier.

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