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Hey! Lips off my NcDomalds! angry
>Lips off my NcDomalds!
too laet it has her germs cry
>her germs
Nobi nobi neck astonish

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I have consumed 500mg of dramamine. In this thread I will report my experience.

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9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
OP-san can you share some of your drugz with me? nyaoo2
non deliriant doses of DPH are basically just going to make you sleepy. you should really stay away from it though, the high sucks. cotton mouth to the extreme, dysphoric, and couch lock. not to mention how shitty delirium is.

if you're too young or have no other way to get good illegal drugs, you can try DXM instead. if you're in the US you can buy it on amazon under the brand robotablets. i would not recommend drinking syrups or taking most non robotab versions of it, since most brands contain lots of additives like tylenol and will destroy your liver if you abuse it long term. or if you want a legal stimulant high, benzedrex inhalers work.
>benzedrex inhalers

You're better off using meth. (;´Д`)
yeah benzedrex is a lot dirtier than other stims but if someone is resorting to using DPH they probably don't have access to anything illegal
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>Ignore altaic languages
NEVAR!! angryangryangry
Şehitler ölmez vatan bölünmez!!!!!!!!!!
백두산 기상을 다 안고 근로의 정신은 깃들어 진리로 뭉쳐진 억센 뜻 온 세계 앞서 나가리!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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english is an altaic language too it just seems germanic due to convergent evolution.
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what the fuck is an altic language lol
altic is madness if it includes nihongo lol
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Man, and I thought Azerbaijan and South Africa had it bad with enclaves and exclaves. The diplomatic talks over the border disputes must be insane... sweat
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27 tribes united!!!

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one might think this is a dream, but once u realise his face is outward - he never sees what he wished to see.
Sounds liek a cruel and unusual punishment. He wants to see pantsu but he is cursed without a vessel to roam freely or see himself in front of a mirror.
He has no body and he must fap. (;´Д`)
w-wear me, senpai .. blush
Pantsu-chan gets farted in all day. They have a mouth and a nose, so they must taste/smell every bit of gas their owner expels into them. What a life dark
what a life indeed drool

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He's on Shavkat's shadow now
shavkat just got announced for a fight against belal, i wish i was still in kazakhstan because when shavkat wins it will be a national celebration

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delicious strawberry jam drool

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This doesn't taste like strawberry jam. It tastes like iron. astonish
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Even better
dropped your guts xd

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why hasn't russia nuked ukraine yet?
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This is how I play toehoe. biggrin

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SWF Embed
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🎵 Como hoy es Viernes Social, 🎵
🎵 voy a hacer to' lo que pueda! 🎵
🎵 Por eso voy a beber, 🎵
🎵 to'a clase' ron y cerveza! 🎵
🎵 Buscaré una buena mami, 🎵
🎵 y gozaré hasta que amanezca!!! 🎵

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no hablo espanol, motherfucker. biggrin
Ay caranba
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Tomo guro edit thingy nyaoo-closedeyes

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13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
I fapped to that video btw
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Okay! biggrin
that eye-hole looks very penetrable x3
Make sakaki next please blush

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Osaka is good but i prefer sakaki

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This was a good show.

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you suck at maeking tea ヽ(`Д´)ノ

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I'd like to see you do better, bitch. biggrin

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hey guys how is goingxp

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O hai
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I am attempting to consume this bedsheet. I'll let you know how it goes.
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I know you’ve heard of Longcat, but what about Shortcat? nyaoo2
>but what about Shortcat?
WTF glareglare

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Does anyone here speak Persian? I want to learn Tajik but my university only offers Farsi, how mutually intelligible are they? The internet says they're basically the same besides some loan words and the script but my friend who lived in Tajikistan until he was a teenager said that Tajik is closer to Uzbek than Farsi

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LOL WTF R U SAYIN OP?? unsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsureunsure
there is nothing that was said in my original comment that should be difficult to understand
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>but my friend who lived in Tajikistan until he was a teenager said that Tajik is closer to Uzbek than Farsi
Doesn't sound feasible, as a native Turkic speaker, Uzbek is a language I can somewhat understand unlike anything Indo-European. A dialect of it seems influenced at most
>The standard language is based on the northwestern dialects of Tajik (region of the old major city of Samarqand), which have been somewhat influenced by the neighbouring Uzbek language as a result of geographical proximity
>This Tajik–Uzbek bilingualism has had a strong influence on the phonology, morphology, and syntax of Bukharan Tajik
In any case, if u want to learn Tajik, you should learn it instead of another language close to it
Ignore altaic languages on the map, that's highly debated*

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