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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 39 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 29 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Let's see your favorite cum tribs (global rules still apply). Here are some I did myself
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last one for today
she has a nice cosplay iyahoo
>thanks. nao i cant browse heyuri in da library
im revoking your library card ヽ(`Д´)ノ
too late

2D Cute@Heyuri
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Why always "bewbz are hot", but never "bewwwbs are qt"?????( ´ω`)
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om nom nom
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i asume he was hungry.
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>Why is he eating pencils.
why is he eating you?
i love eating pencils so cool yeahhhhh
are those slim jims
Would this guy be able to eat >>127115 pencil?

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i'm a delinquent now, pyo cool
She grew up

She would be like 35 or 40 now glare
>She would be like 35 or 40 now
old! glare
People who watched it back then were probably older than her back then, and they are even older right now (if they're still alive cry)

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Heyuri, have YOU, educated stupid, encountered the divine teachings of the wisest human Gene Ray and accepted that 4 different corner harmonic 24 hour Days rotate simultaneously within a single 4 quadrant rotation of a squared equator and cubed Earth?
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>educated stupid
That sounds like an oxymoron...
>4 different corner harmonic 24 hour Days
4? i could accept 2 or even 3, but 4?
Not really. A lot of pseudo-intelectualls who finished some meme college majors and think think they're always the smartest person in the room (while often times they're the dumbest) come to mind. "Overeducated", some people call it

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
eat my shorts!
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I like black bike shorts on lolis. It's purpose is to offer an extra layer of protection when it's worn under skirt. She may already understand why that place need an extra protection...
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3D Girls@Heyuri
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Why is this place so busy these days?
I go weeks/months between visits. Usually its like, 10-15 pages of threads to catch up. It was this way for years (slow). I was away since Halloween - 50 new pages of threads to catch up on?!
The average "unique users" now sits at 20-25 users when it almost always was less than 10.
After all these years, did Heyuri finally get mainstream? Popular?

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imo there should be a hard limit of whining for no reason dark
>And thread stagnation is a lot better than having 90% of thread being useless...
As someone who frequented many imageboards and altchans – no, having a board with one or two old and long threads, which at some point just become imagedumps full of low quality shitpost, as is the case with many small and dead imageboards, is not better than what Heyuri has right now glare2
>imo there should be a hard limit of threads per board like most imageboard do it
>And thread stagnation is a lot better than having 90% of thread being useless...
>They serve no purpose except making it harder for somebody to find/create interesting threads
Ur doing it VERY wrong sweat

Off-Topic is what could be described as a "rolling" board - where new threads are frequently made at a steady pace to keep things moving

It's not about "finding interesting threads" (although u can by all means lurk the back catalog); it's about the "live" experience of making threads and receiving/making replies within minutes, users riffing off of each other in quick succession, etc.
All of you guys should stop posting when I'm not here, and then post all of your threads at the same time when I visit. I think that would be most convenient.
we're all information microdose addicts nowadays after all

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https://inv.nadeko.net/ o7 RIP. Now I'll have to wait a month before someone finds a fix. Does anyone have any alternatives besides just downloading everything lol?
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When OP was made pretty much all invidious instances were down but yes, it's been resolved the information in this thread is still pretty helpful for whenever it it's down again (or permanently) smile
i think inv and ikatube and ytdlp are helping ^_^
Worst thing is I actually only discovered yewtube and other invidious instances just a couple of days before YouTube started to crack down on them, so I didn't even get to use them that much
To note about inv.nadeko.net / Invidious.
When I search and listen to music, the "Topic" accounts (the ones that usually have the best audio quality) are the ones that give me the most issues. I believe these are robotic accounts relating to streaming services. Often times I get a playback error that media failed to load. So I click to the left on the Youtube embed link (2nd best option). That rarely works, those fucks cock block that too and the video doesn't play it just says "Watch on Youtube".

Problem is that Topic accounts are the only results for alot of the older and obscure music I listen too. They sometimes take the place of older, user uploaded music that was on YT for ages and then was removed due to copyright strikes once the "official" music was uploaded to the site with an "official" Topic account (or sometimes Vevo, fuck Vevo too).
So yeah, forgot to say, user uploaded music almost always works for me on these Youtube front ends, I believe I had the same problems with Poketube.fun. I don't know what Youtube does to these front ends concerning "official" music accounts to make music and videos harder to play off site, but they must to something.

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meh too. (*^ー゚)b
I pissed (´・ω・`)8==D------

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I just farted so hard right before I saw this thread. (・∀・)

2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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