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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 47 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 15 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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we need a retro, y2k, 2000s board
Off-Topic, Lounge, and Strange World are all good places for that topic smile
dark Nobody called those "aesthetics" that name back then. The whole "y2k" thing is so vague and it groups things that were never seen as being related back at the time, it doesn't even make sense. It's faux nostalgia. Fauxstalgia
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>The whole "y2k" thing is so vague and it groups things that were never seen as being related back at the time
this shit is basically every decade lol, that's just how shit goes

pointy nipples
At the time, "Y2K" was just "modern", "contemporary", "futuristic", etc. - but since those definitions change over time, it's useful to give older forms distinct names to differentiate them

Nobody my age (30s) can complain about younger people being fascinated with (or delusional/inaccurate about) 90s-00s media, technology, fashions, aesthetics, etc., since we did the same shit to the 60s-80s biggrin
this is the worst idea I've ever seen on /q/

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How do you know if you love someone waha
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another girl know dat feel dark
when PENIS gets hard kuma6
how did that girl know? a girl has no PENIS
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I've been told this lie for too long as well.
but turns out girls DO have PENIS that can get hard too!

2D Ero@Heyuri
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i just sit in bed all day at this point and do nothings uuuuh(・A・) then i go here and lurk a litl bit then open a 2 shot chat room and wait for something then i close caus nobody joins then i lurk moar then go sleeps or something. im leaving out details but whateva what do i do im so friggin board!(;´Д`)
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I did too, dammit time zones (;´Д`)
>I did too, dammit time zones (;´Д`)

Good ways to get rid of boredom are watching anime and playing video games
WOAH same, cry (-_-)
Same here! Why do I, a very hawt virgin Heyurizen girl, can't seem to have a chat with a handsome Heyurizen man who would share my interests to live together, and maybe make some children to abuse the welfare system while waiting in the 2shot chat room? Life is unfair ( ノД`)

2D Cute@Heyuri

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
I want to take a hueg crap in her personal rori toilet leaving permanent marks, and spread my germs all over her cute bathroom blush

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before reading the filename i thought she bit on the "hard" part of cheese
Get her to a dentist. cry
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>Get her to a dentist.

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Alright Heyuri, what do you prefer? Coffee or Tea?
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having milk coffie right now(1/3 coffie 2/3 milk + suger)
I've always preferred coffee, i drink it occasionally and for taste. Always with a bit of milk
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jap green tea
hmm.. apple joos ( ´ω`)

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ho ho ho iyahoo

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teh christmas rei dance2

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I don't know if this is the place. But I'm so desperate that I can't take it anymore. I draw and I feel like my drawings are not good enough and they are all garbage. I feel bad and this situation makes my difficult life even more difficult.
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Why are krauts so obsessed with the poles anyway? unsure
it's about the polodomor or polocaust so I've heard wink
>polodomor or polocaust
Not sure what those names are supposed to refer to...
that's right holo and holo only blush

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She's back!
>She's back!
indeed, it's tama-chan with green hair iyahoo

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So, Parsee wears candles on her head because of some tradition. But in Sweden there's also a tradition of women wearing candles on their head – Saint Lucy's Day (that was yesterday, 13th December). I wonder if it's related in any way. Maybe Parsee is actually celebrating advent and St Lucy's day unsure
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true. its true. Once teh candles are used up, the girls hair will start to burn. Usually the one who's Lucia always ends up dead.
Parsee is about to go to a shrine in the deepest night and cast death curse by nailing the doll representing the person she wants dead to a sacred object, nail going a certain body part pointing the spirit where the death should begin or cause death. Nailed to something like a tree or the shrine gate each night - the more the better, i think the usual peroid is a week, one daily.
I think you can be tried for attempted murder in japan for it but im not sure or at least an intent to murder.

The saint portrayed with a candle crown is almost certainly related to the tradition of the church waiting for the birth of Christ
In catholicism there are 4 candles and it is lit just before the altar, each candle for another week of the advent peroid, stacking with one extra each week until Christmas, symbolising 4000 years of the world since the beginning of the relation of God with humankind, waiting for a promised messiah. Each candle being a millenium.

She just seems to wear more than that.
I havent read much lives of saints, so I cant make out anything besides that.
The fact it is in december makes me very confident that this is the root.
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"Hashihime is a lady, oni or a goddess who appears in legends about bridges. She is also called Uji no Hashihime.

She appears in many legends and has various aspects, but the two major ones are the 'Jealous Oni' encountered and killed by Minamoto no Tsuna at Ichijo Modori-bashi Bridge, and the 'Guardian kami of the bridge' enshrined in Hashihime-jinja Shrine near Uji-bashi Bridge.

The story can be summarized as follows:

During the reign of Emperor Saga (809-825), a daughter of a court noble who had become filled with envy shut herself away in Kibune-jinja Shrine, praying:

"O Great Myojin Kami of Kibune, please change me into a Kijin (oni goddess) while I am still alive." "I want to possess and kill a woman I envy." The Myojin God felt sorry and told her, "If you really want to become an oni, change your appearance and soak in the Uji-gawa River for 21 days."

After the woman returned to Heiankyo (the former name of Kyoto), she made five horns by separating her hair into five parts, she painted herself red by putting cinnabar on her face and red lead paint on her body, put a tetsuwa (a three-legged iron stand) upside down on her head, put lit torches on the three legs and put a torch burning at both ends into her mouth, making five fires in total. Late that night, she ran south on Yamato-oji Street, and those who saw her fell and died of shock at seeing such an oni-like figure. Then she soaked in the Uji-gawa river for 21 days and, as Kibune Daimyojin had said, she became an oni while she was still alive.
This is 'Uji no Hashihime.'

She killed the woman she envied, then the woman's relatives, the relatives of the woman's man, and finally just anybody."
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Pic rel is how the Uji-bashi bridge (Parsee's original bridge) looks like nowadays

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