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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 40 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 17 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Cute@Heyuri
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Pyocola is TEH cutest & most evil character ever!
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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what are some winter themed anime to watch happy⛄
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You should know this!!!
I should watch White album 2... after i finish teh game! sweat2
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Last quarter or so of Haibane Renmei. It has a comfy new years ceremony bit so I'm always watching it close to new years.
i would say serial lain for how depressing the mood makes me feel during december

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Dear Santa Claus,

For Christmas this year I would like an otokonoko slave boy. It's been a tough year and I've been good so I think I deserve it. I've said my prayers every night and given to the needy. Please Santa, grant my wish and give me a living onahole to fill with cum. I really need something to relieve my stress.

You Know Who

Your fortune: You have aids
"You Know Who" appears to be on the naughty list... so for christmas he will be getting AIDs from krampus
That's just cuz I'm gay (´ー`)
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Silly OP...

Anyone who's been on the nice list would know that Santa is the trap rolleyes
it has been a while since I've sat down and looked any shota h material but I should go read this... (´¬`)

how many kaomojis can fit in one Internet? ( ̄ー ̄)
are we talking about small kaomojis like (゚ー゚) or wide kaomojis like (σ・∀・)σ
>are we talking about small kaomojis like (゚ー゚) or wide kaomojis like (σ・∀・)σ
BIG ONES ( ´∀`)つ

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Don't thank me, thank rape cool

Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining
Can't rape the willing. drool nosebleed
>Can't rape the willing.
kuso... SAY NO OR IT'S NOT RAPE ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
<teh rapeman drops the woman to safety and walks away>
W: "w-wait!"
<teh rapeman stops>
W: "i-i just wanted to say... th-thank-"
R: "do not thank me"
W: *gasp*
<camera slowly zooms in teh rapeman's back>
R: "i was not the one who saved you..."
<teh rapeman turns around, epic song playing in the background>
R: "it was the spirit of the raep"
<teh rapeman salutes the woman and jumps down>
i deeply apologize, i did not know the reverse arrow was a type of quote
>i deeply apologize, i did not know the reverse arrow was a type of quote
you needn't worry. you have also written something that gives me a great appreciation of raep iyahoo

Your fortune: Tomo will strangle you in your sleep

Liek the title says, your favorite doujinshi based on the substance (and I don't mean the white stuff, though that is always appreciated ( ´ω`) ).

Mine is https://exhentai.org/g/1665035/8f08c5004c/ or Ubawarete Ataerareta Mono -Chounyuu Kaizou-
I dug this one up from my bookmarks, I'd nearly forgotten it while I was reading grimdark guro stuff. Those are nice, but something that resolves in a good ending is refreshing. Witch gets the shota and heals her sadness, everyone is happy. Also retard grandma mom is hawt. (´¬`)
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Nevermind. I figured it out. I like this. All of the internet should work like this.
how did you figure it out? i had to search for an answer online
is there some hidden message you found by inspecting the page or something?
the term doujin doesn't always mean something pornographic, y'know?
That's I wrote [Erotic] in the title!
Would ero-doujin have sufficed? (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
Yashiro Ryo] Shiawase ni Narou ne | Happily Ever After (COMIC LOE VOL.7 Mini LO 2 Jikanme) [English] [Xzosk]

there honestly isn't that much plot
but what is there is pretty bleak, that ending hits like a truck

imagine your home life being so bad that this was a better situation lul, goddamn

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Are any of you super crazy rich? Or maybe your parents are and you live with them?
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Your fortune: Only time will tell
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Internets: 16235969000 yen in yumemiru gambler, 163513G in @Party II
Reality: (equivalent of) 2.15 USD in my wallet

Your fortune: Only time will tell
fortune god is strangely useless today...

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
That's true...

Your fortune: ayo fuck yo' cracka' ass, predictan' tha dam' footchoo ain't no easy job, fo' sho'

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Only $599 USD?! love
>Only $599 USD?!
try $699 USD, cuz cool
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k. but i'll make a special deal just for you... $698 USD. THAT IS TEH FINAL OFFER

Your fortune: Your harem is only just begining

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vitamin C.C iyahoo
Finally, you can buy cans of Sakura's pee! iyahoo
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So I was at work today, stocking cream cheese or some shit, and this really fat dude walked up to me screaming, asking "SHE NEEDS TO USE YOUR FUCKING BATHROOM,WHERE IS IT?!" and then I see this really tiny girl next to him. She was blonde, and pale like a corpse, with insanely red cheeks. She wasn't doing the peepee dance or complaining, unlike her monstrously fat dad, but after I pointed him in the direction of the shitter, I've been wondering... what did that little girl need to do to that toilet?
If you were still at work, I would ask you to show us the remains of the terlet
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Ah, the old daughter excuse. A classic trick from the fat dad book. Much face was saved that day, I'm sure.

On another note, I got yelled at a by a fat dude at work a few days ago after I told him I couldn't ring him up at our department register. I think fat dudes are just naturally aggressive, it's just innate for them to be loud and demanding. There oughta to be a study on them, they're a truly fascinating species. biggrin
Sounds liek...... GHOSTS! 😱
>I think fat dudes are just naturally aggressive
As weird as that sounds, it's one of the symptoms of sugar withdrawal when you're really addicted, therefore fat. It all makes sense wink
I imagined that guy saying this with a New York accent.

Your fortune: Very bad luck

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I want an robot image where Miyano kisses Saku Momoi on the cheek.
Please generate it for me!
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Wow, thanks! Ear bite is fine too biggrin
nom nom nom iyahoo
curious... i started the loli show this weekend.....
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And now I lewded it up! biggrin cool
adorable kissing face love

We value your privacy... as a source of data to sell! biggrin
Oh no don't sell info on my bizzare fetishes please. closed-eyes2
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You'd think the algorithm knowing your preferences would be a good thing, since it could recommend you only the things you like. But it doesn't work like that, on the contrary. The engagement is way higher when we see content that makes as mad, than when we see stuff we like, so algorithm deliberately wants to annoy us dark
Nitori forgot to note uncertainty of measuring devices and she cant find any documentation on some abscure 1950s soviet ammeter online that she used and now she has to either fabricate numbers hoping it does not break when used at the border current of her calculations and get sued for being a trash engineer who made up numbers and stamped it as legit only to burn the entire motor
Or she has redo everything

Or is it me? nyaoo2

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