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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 14 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 36 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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I am... train man
how much does it cost to ride you?
do u even fit in that box?
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I love the story

2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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She's so cute! love
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a doll is taking her pet servant for a walk (;゚Д゚)
where would a doll take their pets to anyways?
love hotel
the look the front desk will give him --->( (;゚∀゚) )
>love hotel
going to a love hotel with shinku sounds nice (´¬`)

3D Girls@Heyuri
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Let's put all that empty server storage space to good use! \(^O^)/

Name: Asagiri Mashiro (朝霧ましろ)
Title: コスって!恋して!
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Glad ur enjoying them 560-san biggrin

Name: Sanada Makoto (真田まこと)
Title: 彼女がビキニに着替えたら
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Too cute...

It's fun spotting the various reused locations - there's quite a few ITT so far xd

Name: Hanasaki Fuka (花咲楓香)
Title: ゴールデンルーキー
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Name: Kondo Asami (近藤あさみ)
Title: たおやかな君
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Name: Fujiwara Nami (藤原なみ)
Title: NEW WAVE ~癒すらぎの報酬~
flower tits!? sweat

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2D Cute@Heyuri
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Eh!? Nandatte!?
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i was young /a/ adept
All TV anime is "seasonal"...

And what do you watch all day? OVAs?
ok mr smartpants?

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I was playing Metal Gear on MSX but got distracted when asked if i wanted to continue after dying. Just lost hours and hours of progress

FUCK ME angry I don't even have an image on my hard drive to illustrate my mixture of frustation and disappointment cry
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Your fortune: Bad luck
>I don't even have an image on my hard drive to illustrate my mixture of frustation and disappointment

But I do have a sound to illustrate your mixture of frustation and disappointment:

Pretty much. I went through the length of the recordings and turns out i lost like a 2 and a half hours since my last save state. ORZ
You stupid asshole. You fucking moron. You blockheaded, bumbling, good-for-nothing oaf. Why, you're as thick as two short planks. You imbecile.
if i must

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tteSH'KAmo o-... e- ja *spits himself*
bEtsuni kyoudekin'ge- ashitanadekiterunnara..
moK'you to seWAde iinjanaideskaTTEiunyo

Damn, yer ugly. cool

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I'm playing OpenTTD and for my train networks I usually use two lanes, one in each direction. This works fine most of the time but larger networks with more trains overload easily, especially when combining freight and passengers. To solve this, I have two ideas:
Proposal A would increase the number of lanes in each direction. During limited testing, trying to upgrade single lane network segments, I found one main drawback - it was difficult to upgrade sections since tons of junctions and station entrances had to be rebuilt.
Proposal B, which I am now testing, would split the network into smaller regions. The idea is that I can retain my design on a smaller scale to avoid overloading. The main drawback I can think of is that the network will be inefficient, and it will just look shit because there aren't enough trains!
New ideas or further development of ideas A and B will be great! biggrin
does anyone even play openttd here?
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Here is my rail network(s) btw, hope it's easy to see
1)Shikoku Commuter Network
2)Kyushu Commuter Network (Under construction)
3)Western Honshu Express
you only need 2 track main lines each track flowing in the opposite direction. proper signaling and junctions will stop congestion.
do high speed 2/3 way junctions at every single station branch, never do what you have in the current setup.
also rtfm
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Aw hell yeah, a fellow OpenTTD player. I'm a casual player myself but I personally use a combination of strategies A and B for my networks
Basically you have several larger networks that are (practically) disconnected from each other, and then I add more lanes to those individual networks as the need for upgrades arises. This usually works well for my needs since I never have more than 10 to 15 trains on a network at a time, but your mileage may vary. ┐(゚~゚)┌

As for your issue, there IS actually a mysterious third option: [OVERFLOWS]
Overflows let you quantum-stack practically infinite amounts of trains at every dispensing station with minimal strain on your infrastructure budgetbiggrin. They do require very specific station setups to make them work, but unless you like building really large or really small stations it shouldn't cause too much of a problemcool. Additionally, you'll need to use a LOT of signals to make this work. The trains need to know if there's enough space for them to leave their storage closet and without proper signalling this kind of setup can clog up relatively easily (especially once you start having more trains waiting in depots than traveling on your network. Thank God you don't pay maintenance fees when trains are in depotswink). As for how to actually build them, well, I did say I was a casual didn't I sweat2? Thankfully there's a lot of guides out there that explain it a lot better than I ever could
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here's a picture from the latest singleplayer game I played. In this one, I've tried to go for nice-looking and aesthetic stations rather than actual efficient rails. Somehow, in the process of doing this, I've managed to make the dip into single digit framerates which is an even bigger achievement than making a hyper efficient train network... right? cry
I honestly haven't touched OpenTTD in quite a long time. Maybe I'll get into it again some day and finally learn how to optimize properly

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obento for sensei blush

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