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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 54 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 3 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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What is the best dog breed? I like golden retrievers, they look pretty. nyaoo🐶
They're big, friendly and dumb. So popular.
German Shepherds are beautiful and smart, and I love them. If you can get one with sturdy hips so they don't get hip dysplasia, you'll be good to go.

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what do you do with laptop, then?
inb4 shitpost
puyo puyo poop !

the best kind of valentine's chocolate
>what do you do with laptop, then?
use it check Heyuri or browse ero images ヽ(´∇`)ノ
can she keep her poops down it's kinda loud ( ´,_ゝ`)

2D Cute@Heyuri
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This is a robbery give me your wahas
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i waha'd iyahoo
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what about a baWAHA??
bawaha is a rare get
banana-flavor LOL (´¬`)

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i present to you... teh sky!
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>and I raise you another sky
moar sky (´¬`)
let us have a moment of silence for our australian friends who cannot see the sky but are forced to gaze upon the fires of hell 🙏
WOW (0 A 0)
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time hasn't been kind to moot
windwos xp cousin windows xq

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Really nigger you auto saged the thread 3 days after it was created?

You all really are a bunch of homosexuals.

If you hate pedophilia that much go to Reddit.

Lolis are a part of imageboard culture.
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It wasn't meant to be an /r9k/ whiny annoying style post the tone is more like oh yeah, he is such a lucky kid i am so jealous bro.
>Faganon's pedo threads have been a point of controversy within the staff. They are remarkably different from other lolikon threads, so moderation against them can be a little stricter

You do realize i am not the only anon on this site that makes pedo/loli threads, right?

Plus, i do make non-pedo threads too are the staff gonna auto sage those too?

Stop treating me as this boogeyman of Heyuri who shits up the board with CP and pro-pedo activism post i had/have nothing to do with that.
dont old threads just get autosaged on page 2 or 3? if you look at older threads, theyre also saged... doesnt seem like discrimination to me. ┐(゚~゚)┌
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>You do realize i am not the only anon on this site that makes pedo/loli threads, right?
Yeah, me and the mod who AS'd the thread exists after all xd

>Plus, i do make non-pedo threads too are the staff gonna auto sage those too?
No, the topic is only your rorikon threads.
While on it, if I'm allowed to nitpick now, while also unrelated to this thread, I would liek to point out you're the only one making threads in the unusual(here) way of referring Off-Topic as "/b/"

>Stop treating me as this boogeyman of Heyuri who shits up the board
Weren't u okay with it at >>68083 ?
>Yeah, me and the mod who AS'd the thread exists after all

I know you are joking here but that wasn't my point the point is there are other people on here who post the same type of content as me.

For example, awhile back there was a Shirley temple thread posted here which i did not make but did post in.

>While on it, if I'm allowed to nitpick now, while also unrelated to this thread, I would liek to point out you're the only one making threads in the unusual(here) way of referring Off-Topic as "/b/"

Because Off Topic is /b/ and not entirety true i have seen other anons do it too.

>Weren't u okay with it

I don't care if people don't like me nor my post but if you blame me for shit i didn't do then i care.

3D Girls@Heyuri
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Is there something warm and big to hug?
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the average board user here is WARM and learned how to LIVE.
WARM (´¬`)
im underweight(´ー`)
me too
we deserve love tooヽ(´ー`)ノ

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she pee`d
>she pee`d
>she pee`d

Imagine if Revolutionary Girl Utena, a story about some dyke and her brown girlfriend, had been made today, and by americans?
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For the orientals dating is about romance, not sex.
utena turned into a car so anthy could escape, if that's not sapphic then nothing is
how can you be romantic with a girl that doesn't love you enough to at least let you rub her clit while she strokes your PENIS?
They dont do anything romantic in the anime either. They sit in two separate beds and talk about dogmatic philosophy
I thought it was romantic because the red flower appeared when they were talking about poison or something, but I didn't understand anything about the actual story, so I'm obviously not the best at interpreting symbolism.

❤ Happy Valentines Heyuri, i hope yuor day are teh good. ❤
Kaguya is the only one I love, Kaguya is the only one who loves me blush
I love kagura more than you! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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fapped to lolis and called it a day ヽ(´ー`)ノ
i got chocolate love
Only correct answer. nyaoo-closedeyes

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What is teh meaning of lifemona2
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The Meaning of Life

Part V
Live Organ Transplants
i love that scene biggrin

As you may already know, the jewish cocaine addict Sigmund Freud formed this theory that every man is sexually attracted to his mother on an unconscious level. I want to know how much of this actually holds true for regular men (something heyurizens are anything but, yet I figured street strangers wouldn't reply with honesty to my inquiry). Please be sincere.
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yes multiple times I have had sexual desires about my mother
No, I love my mom but not sexually.
I'm kinda disappointed
I have a sexual attraction to a hypothetical mother-figure who vaguely resembles my own in her slightly tomboyish and fun-loving personality, and her large tits and chubbiness, but I swear she isn't actually my mother.
mom - nope. girl with my moms personality - very much so.

2D Ero@Heyuri
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i bet she didn't notice
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sweet manko

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