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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 47 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 56 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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It works almost like browser youtube downloaders but better.

1. Add a bookmark in your browser with URL being:

2. Find the video you want to download

3. Change your video link format appropriately
(add "ext." before the link and the directory should be "?smXXXXXXXX") like this:

From: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm123456789
To: https://ext.nicovideo.jp/?sm123456789

4. Click the script you added as a bookmark and wait a bit for the download


For example you want to download
1. You want to download a video under the link https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18224247
2. You create a bookmark with the above JS (if you haven't already / if you have done it already you skip this step)
3. Fix the link to be https://ext.nicovideo.jp/?sm18224247
4. Click the script bookmark
5. Wait until it downloads

thx desu~
this iz so awesome like the cheese to my macaroni biggrin
With yt-dlp you can download entire playlists and search results. This command downloads over 3000 videos that are probably related to キルミーベイベー in some way! Being logged into niconico and using cookies-from-browser is needed to get age restricted videos, and doubling every % is needed for .cmd/.bat files in Windows.
yt-dlp --cookies-from-browser "firefox:%%APPDATA%%\librewolf\Profiles" --download-archive archive.txt -i -o "C:\Downloads\nicovideo\%%(title)s %%(id)s %%(uploader)s.%%(ext)s" https://www.nicovideo.jp/search/%%E3%%82%%AD%%E3%%83%%AB%%E3%%83%%9F%%E3%%83%%BC%%E3%%83%%99%%E3%%82%%A4%%E3%%83%%99%%E3%%83%%BC?sort=f

I've tried using Duolingo but what I learn there doesn't really stick. is there any websites or videos I can use to learn?
have you memorized all the kana yet?
learn the kana if you don't know them
there's no real bad way to do this, unless it takes more than a month for you to mostly remember them, in which case the method sucks
really, just looking up a stroke chart and writing them out

download anki on your desktop
there's a free Android app and a paid iOS app and you can sync everything to AnkiWeb with an account if you want to do this shit on the go

this anki deck is pretty solid for learning the most common 1k or so words
I advise against doing more than 20 cards a day or else reviews will fuck you in the ass, and don't do more than 30 or else reviews will genuinely become unbearable
never skip a day, always do all your anki reps
at 15 cards a day, this should take you like 3 months and you'll know mostly enough to watch random shit and not be totally lost

tatsumoto's site has some actively bad advice on it (really, most places do, including here, so you'll have to just find what works/doesn't the hard way), but some shit is gold

read the tae kim grammar guide
I won't pretend the use of kanji there kind of gets in the way of actually learning the grammar since you're juggling around all this shit you'll barely know, but just install yomitan in your browser so you can focus on the grammar
you'll need a dictionary to install yomitan

this deck is good too for more words (delete the N5 after doing the above deck, and go into anki and add the tag "jp1k" to all the cards in this one if you're hitting your head against a wall with remembering the kanji, which will enable a setting that allows for kanji mouseovers - that isn't an anki feature, it's just all the decks on the site have that feature implemented)
might upload a deck with those steps already done but I'm lazy right now

I spent ages on core2k a while ago and got fucking nowhere, it turns out trying to remember isolated words and kanji is kind of shit

listen to as much japanese as you are willing to (some days you won't be willing to do much, but like, at least try), feed anime into this and it'll make the sentence density not suck for casual listening
if you can't even follow along, it's too hard

watch more anime, turn english subs off unless you're completely lost, and then only long enough for you to be able to follow the plot again

at some point you'll want to read a bunch of shit in Japanese too, probably once you finished the first anki deck

doing this shit has been getting results for me

the tl;dr:
* do that first anki deck linked, 15 cards a day
* read tae kim's grammar guide (not the complete guide)
* watch shit in japanese

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share videos that make you smile biggrin
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>Are you guys going trick or treating?.webm
makes me LOL everytime ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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I miss that counterstrike flavour. The last LAN party I went to only had a few guys playing. Everone wants CS:S now :(
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A classic that must be watched on every Hallow's Eve. biggrin
because not everything was anime :)

*clears throat* Everyone, may I have your attention please. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

After the failure of today's gaming event (Doom), I have decided to organize another. This time, it'll be foolproof, bulletproof, iron-clad. No technical difficulties can ruin it, and it will be accessible to everyone because it's a game we can all play in our browser: Yume 2kki.

I assume most of you know what this is, but just so we're all on the same page, it's a Yume Nikki fangame. Yume Nikki is a Japanese game where you play as a hikki girl who sleeps all the time and the game is just about exploring her dreams. It's kind of like an interactive art-gallery with a loosely woven plot that can be inferred from the scenes. Yume 2kki (pronounced Yume Nikki - a pun as the number two is is nii in Japanese) is much of the same thing, only much larger, and overall more lighthearted in tone and less horror themed than Yume Nikki. There's even a cute bathhouse scene where you can have the character wear a school swimsuit. kuma6

We'll be starting Sunday the 23rd at 1:00 pm EST i.e. 18:00 UTC. Be there or be square! cool

Link to teh game: https://ynoproject.net/2kki/
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>This time, it'll be foolproof, bulletproof, iron-clad. No technical difficulties can ruin it
inb4 that site suddenly explodes on the day xd
>There's even a cute bathhouse scene where you can have the character wear a school swimsuit
I LIEK iyahoo
I voted yes for both of those options too. (;´Д`)

Doom would have worked if I could use Zandronum. Heck, if people wanted to they could still do it.
>I've told you we should play yume 2kki or bombermine but you niggas ain't listen
It's not about telling us what to play, but about organizing the event ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Ive looked at it and it seems perfect! But my question is: Theres a party feature, would that be the way to join in? If so it needs a passwerd..sad
Yes, we'd set a password here and then we'd have our own secret party chat. ph34r

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5 years since the last KINSHOMOKUROKU & CHOUDENJIHOU...
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index is kawaii
index, uiharu and misaka imouto. although misaka herself i also cannot deny. they all have cute little booties and cute personalities.
Did S3 kill the series?
railgun s4 announced smile
ZOMG WTF IT ACTUALLY DID キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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w-who is this meant for? (;´Д`)
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Santa-san around the world biggrin
Yes! Kick them! They'd enjoy it! They are into it!! ヽ(´∇`)ノ ヽ(´∇`)ノ
my review of gintama:
shinpachi reminds me too much of myself, i'm suing sorachi and sunrise for emotional damage
gin is cool but katsura is my favourite character
kaguya needs more pr0n
i liek this show biggrin
i just realized i said kaguya instead of kagura but both would be true i guess

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A good and trustworthy source of mine says that there is literally nothing wrong with making love to your own daughter so long as both enjoy it.

That is all.
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I implore you to post it again (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

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I have a problem Heyuri.

I think I overdone it and now my google maps reviews are never allowed to be published. Tagged as "not posted".

I think I 1-stared my past schools too much.
I used google maps reviews as private imageboards because you can post photos, videos and comments and some idiotic made up locations were fun where everyone posted random things.
You could hijack locations and make a persons business appear with a suzuran picture instead of the logo with no checks.

I know that most dumb posts were new generation tiktok kids but they were hilarious too and they are more wild than average kids their age 20 years ago.
You can find teh CP sometimes there too.
Quite rare but still more common than on modern imageboards.

How do I evade teh ban? I like it there.

Obvious 10 year old morons who troll get nothing for posting ISIS shooting down helicopters under a local pizzeria and I get shadowbanned for merely making up plausible stories about my past schools! So unjust and sad!
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i find it hard to believe google maps reviews are an un-moderated place. that doesnt make any sense to me.
send your mortal soul to google HQ become part of AI project
They also recently disabled rating my local police office dark but my school still was lower rated than the police office and court
They are, or at least they used to be
You still can make up a business, or a spot and fill random things as details and they won't figure it out for well over a year in most cases

Kids often name their teachers or principal saying that they sucked cock in front of the class, rate it 1 star and they stay up for years
Some spots became ISIS propaganda centers, one evolved into an imageboard where kids uploaded messages written in paint and posted them as pictures of the object and made a board that way, bangladesh places host most cp, if you type out generation alpha or z words you can find beacons of idiocy
Kids made fake fortnite-academies by vandalizing their school pages in google maps to attract kids from the entire earth to post fortnite things there, or at least it was the case when it was very popular
I usually type swearwords in languages I know and read reviews as they draw idiots to post idiocy
Thank you i will
Hopefully they unban me for selling my soul
School is at 1.1
Police was 1.2 last time I checked
Court still strong at 1.3 stars
i think they are barely moderated, maybe its similar to the play store where people can post malware that goes by undetected for months

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my screen.... it's... it's blue! (゚血゚#)
windows lol

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Who is the GREEN DEVIL and who is the GREEN CUTIE?

Nominations and judgements
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i had eroi dream tonight
initially i had shmion but then her sister (other shmion) demanded to share me between them
i had troubles finding who was who before i realized my shmion had bigger tities
i cameヽ(´∇`)ノ
Good for you

I had a dream today in which I tried very hard but old sluts denied my doctorate and I woke up scared. I was confused what is reality and what is dream for half an hour in complete panic cry
did you fuck her?ヽ(`Д´)ノ

2D Cute@Heyuri
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Hi I am Yuno. Hi am from Japan.

Your site is cute. Many many many cute photo. But after many many time, found some photo of me, I no understando how.

What else you talk? What is the favorite discussion you say please?

Sorry for my question. Bye bye Heyuri.

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Sorry,ButThisIsAVeryNarrowWebsite.HopeYou'llUnderstand( ´ω`)
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she looks happy
i'm glad we got something wholesome for a change ( ´ω`)

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2D Ero@Heyuri
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