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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 1 minute ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 51 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
whats up with the orange balls? are aliens real? nyaoo2
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deez ballz? biggrin
i want to believe! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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All you sadsacks who come on here and write your pathetic little blogposts had better stop in the coming year. I reccomend you read this, and take it's advice as gospel. You can make a lot of progress in a year.
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blogposters? I don't fucking read em lolico
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I like blogposts threads
For your conbinience I upped a PDF portable document file of the book biggrin
this is the greatest and most useful thing I've ever read.
let's all how to goodbye depression and constrict ANUS 1000 times every day!
Thankies! :3

Pantsu thread
11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
you didnt post a counterexample...
the last in 2010? i could probably find something. for it to be oreimo of all the series lol. it started airing in october of that year. i can do my best to confirm if it was indeed. if you mean aired anime then i wonder if you're right. if this aired in october though i have a feeling there's more out there. i don't remember which episode this was though. so maybe it aired later.
man, oreimo was great. i don't know why idiots get so hung up on the basically nonexistent incest. it's like hardly there until the very end and the novels. normies really project too hard onto anime. that was such a fun watch. all the characters were so cute and i can't say the series was ever that boring.
i wonder what the last panty shot of 2024 was now that i've got it on my mind.
i never said it was THE last one closed-eyes
i'm going to be stuck compiling together a bunch of girls panties and their dates until new years thanks to you, it's just such a bold claim. and here i thought i was off the hook of work, i guess it's just girls underwear for me. oh brother.
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A breeze is blowing this way...
Those are all clean, right? unsure
To some extent, I am sure they are clean. But if they are well worn there will be a trace. And if there is yet the faintest trace, I am sure to pick it up ph34r (I am wearing black panties on my head and face at all times).

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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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huh, weird unsure

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you too mai nigra nigra ヽ(´ー`)ノ
fried chicken and cigars, sounds like the recipe for a good ass new years
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It's supposed to be a bottle of malt liquor. cry


Holy fuck it's 2025. mona2mona2mona2

sooo its 2025 alredy..(;゚∀゚) HEEEH?????! still i go into the new year foreva alone.. maybe i should make dat my new years resolution!!! i dont evem make those though because i kno i wont eva get around to doing them. ( ´ω`) ill get myself some caek wkwk and chill in /dating/ nao bcuz idek what else i could do, hapeh new year abd enjoy ur booze\(^o^)/

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==Dad, it feels really warm.==
Formatting fail (´∇`)σ

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Any idea how to make the mofo pee in the tray, like, precisely? It seems to does it by instinct. So it only does where the scent does it.
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let him out of the cage crazy-kun you fag ヽ(`Д´)ノ
How small is your dog that the phone is about the same size as its head?
It's a dog... you're supposed to take it for a walk a few times a day so it can pee and poo. closed-eyes2
don't worry guys, animal cruelty is a normal part of third-world culture just like raping babies and not knowing what a toilet is.
What else? Asian are sadomasochist fags
...as in the dogs. It loves it. Shitting everywhere and begging to be caged

Then it ll poo

It's a two months old dog
Really? It's two months old. I was told not to

Gee...dude just know smell of its own pee. But it don't properly shat precisely.

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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