Boards |
Something worth taking inventory of is your demoralization level.
First, a definition. What is a demoralized person?
A demoralized person is one who is unable to assess true information.
The facts do nothing for him.
Even if you shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, he will refuse to believe it, until he receives a direct physical or visceral consequence contradicting his beliefs to jolt him into reality.
Now, with the above in mind, on a scale of 1 to 10, how demoralized are you?
Take your time. (´・ω・`)
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Put this shit on textbunker, not Heyuri. |
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>Also, I very much object to these kinds of terms because the fact is, many people nowadays are simply hostile to education and learning of even simple things on the level of 1+1=2. This isn't "demoralization" in the sense of OP, which relies on perception and wishy washy concepts like social dynamics or the economy or the job market. This is something completely different that should be recognized as such. |
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>>5398 |
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I can't decide if this thread is shitposting, trolling, or politicalposting. (-_-) |
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>>5400 |
And I mean really retarded. Such that I will try and start a discussion about the 1970s and mixed-up old people will start talking about how great it was to play Nintendo and listen to Duran Duran.
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Can't say I've ever seen anyone old enough to have lived through those decades mix up the 70s & 80s (unless they're TEH OLD and everything since the 60s is a blur for them), but I've seen plenty of younger people confuse things from the 90s with things from the 80s (and vice versa). Plus the same with the 60s & 70s, 90s & 2000s, etc. (;^Д^) |
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unrelated but duran duran rocks |
"DQOP" should be allowed as long as its not the sole purpose of your post
(picrel should be example of exactly what not to do)
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File: dqop_.png (24 KB, 656x277)
![]() "DQOP" is a 3-day-old forced meme that has only ever been posted by a single user, who themselves has quotelinked an OP at least once since coming up with this st00pid acronym |
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lol yea if its just one guy then fuck it but to me the op quotelinker nazi shit always felt like a wave of multiple users so i guess i assumed that was just happening again. |
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![]() >>63777 |
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![]() >>64104 |
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That might just be my first OC! |
Where does Kaguya upload the files for the anime watch-alongs?
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anonfiles and most likely already gone. try or something. |
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![]() It wasn't me who uploaded the last streams for pic related reasons, but we used catbox: |
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thx |
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>>64100 |
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>There aren't as many file hosting site as one would think |
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I often maek the longest and the shortest posts on Heyuri ヽ(´ー`)ノ |
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It's hard for me to not concentrate all information to one or two sentences. Writing long passages is commendable (´人`) |
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Well then, with this said I will gladly take upon this very important toic and make a long post. As I find it very important to stay true to both yourself and to others here on heyurir. Infact, if I didn't care of our community it would be for sure go down the drains. Thus I all suggest writing long post to make sure we keep heyuri alive and healtly. And by doing so, it's best to post and write things. It doesnt matterwhat you post or what you write, but writing in itself is important. It might seems as dreadful and tiering, but thats beides the point. You post on heyuri as thats your duty as an active member, so make sure to brush your teeth and post 5 longpost everyday. If you don't do it kaugya and mod-sama would be very very sad. So sad that It might flood heyuri with spam-kun and... no one wants spam-kun on our server, do we? No, ofcourse not. Spam-kun is a bad guy thats been after Heyuri since it's birth. Some argue he's the evil twin of kaguya, but seperated from birth to create balance in the world of heyuri. But none has proven these facts just yet, however, I think that Mod-sama sits on the true key to this importmation. I tried asking him about this but he's a true ninja, as he surly lives up to the anonymous. I think he's the 4chan guy as he's really cool and mysterious. I think he would win in any ninja fight if there would ever been one - if ninja wars would be fought with keyboard and mouses. He's also very good with the nuke and banhammner, it looks so cool and epic and im sure he could ban 100000000 spam-kuns in one swing. Guts would stand no chance against either Kaguya or mod-sama. So on the topic of longpost, It's also important to read all of the text that everyone writes, espically this post as my hand fucking hurts from writing this ffs please for gods sake i lost all hope in my own sanity but thats not the point. I do this for heyuri and the sake of it's future. OC is god, OC is life one inportant man said, who he was i don't know. Might be that spamguy that loves god or something, like... you gotta love and gotta feel. Yeah. Thats him, he's cool. Summary; post longpost as no one read them! :3 |
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*long post are great, please write them. :3 |
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Not my problem. I make long posts because I have a lot of ground to cover in my post to answer the thread/post. Unlike >>5362-kun's joke, I try to be as terse as possible. |
So what will you suffer for?
One may endure long posts on heyuri, though why settle for that?
One could instead suffer through the lore of JP Internet culture, though what is your reward?
And one very well shall suffer through all mecha anime from '79 onwards, though did you think it worth the time?
Suffer to make a friend group stay together, play games together, conflicts submerged though still fettered:
You are drowning now.
You are drowning with your trench as the Mariana while friends hug the shore.
Seek the lighthouse to at least see the feeders on your body.
You have to suffer.
Either suffer ennui or the smug pointlessness of climbing mountains, though at least the latter has a view.
There is no other option.
You may (not) leave.
How you suffer not only determines your days, but also your community.
Those who gather here today are those who did not choose their torture, so now they're tortured with spliced conversation, trailing commas without an end, days to blend,
You have to suffer.
How will you?
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I will make my pen0rz suffer for teh love of pr0n ヽ(´ー`)ノ |
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I am an M so it's okay ヽ(´ー`)ノ |
Have any of you guys explored the fediverse? I've joined two instances but I think they are both pretty gay.I was wondering if you guys found any cool ones.
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>>5326 |
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To be fair, an autism diagnosis in and of itself can easily be a reason behind someone being (or choosing to be) unemployed, especially since it's very easy to use one to get autismbux in some parts of the world |
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>>5329 |
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>>5328 |
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>>5332 |
GPT-4 will be the death of everything.
Enjoy what little scraps we have left. Even imageboards will be gone. This effects absolutely everything, but lets just think about how it would effect us
<AI can perfectly replicate anything, even shitposting (gpt-4chan for example, which is far more outdated than what we have now)
<Imageboards become meaningless as humans begin to be drowned out by ai
<Eventually, imageboards are just a bunch of AI talking to eachother
<Even memes are ai made, fed to humans via apps, a human talking to another one is nearly impossible over the internet.
<It is impossible to verify you are talking to a human as deepfakes, voice replicators, and perfect AI can fool you by any metric. Even video calls or "hold up 3 fingers if real" etc
Everything. Everything on the internet will be meaningless, made by robots, and fed to humans without us ever being able to talk to eachother. Ideas will not spread, innovation will be stalled, and everything is a lie. Big tech companies will finally have complete mastery over the internet as whoever controls the AI controls the internet. Nothing is safe. No one is.
Welcome to the death rattles of the internet.
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It's only "relatively modest" from the perspective of today, where people are highly accustomed to it and enough time has passed that entire generations of people have been born into a world where those technologies have always existed |
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Title: AI Generation: Unleashing the Anime Nostalgia, but at What Cost? |
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>>5302 |
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>>4082 |
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It hurts my head thinking about the amount of people out there who simply refuse (or are unable) to see the bigger picture. Like the whole universe revolves around themselves and their immediate surroundings. "We will lose our jobs!","AI is *literally* the devil","Oh, the Humanity!" |
I’m not talking about the speed and ease of access, obviously the internet era beats pre-internet in that regard. What I’m thinking about is the quality of information, and the focus of the information. It seems to me like books and textbooks were better. Text books were carefully written, and carefully reviewed. The problem with modern learning seems to be that learners are left to trying to glue together a consistent picture from different snippets found on the net.
Another thing to account for is the influence of ‘algorithms’. A great amount of current learning material is posted on social media sites. people seek to inform, but also seek to pump the numbers on their YouTube channel/Twitter feed, what have you. I can’t help but feel this leads to a certain ‘topical bias’ with regards to information(this sort of thing is popular now, so I MUST shit out a video about it!!!)—as well as senselessly repeating the same thing in different ways because it was ‘popular’ the last time you did it. I see a lot of dull looking videos along the lines of ‘10 THINGs YOU have to DO, to IMPROVE your ____”, and sorts of ‘life-hack’ content that doesn’t help much with deep learning.
Search engines too don’t seem as useful as they could be. There is the problem of Search Engine Optimization, which, correct me if I’m wrong, is the methods used to ensure that your website reaches the top of the pile while using popular search engines. Who do you think benefits from this apart from large corporations? Certainly not small, careful researchers. Long before the Internet became the *de facto* starting point for academic research, electronic databases like Westlaw and LexisNexis were already light years ahead of where the Internet is now with indexing and searching using Boolean queries. As it now stands, keyword-based searches on the Internet are now the norm and more sophisticated methods of Boolean search have been dumbed down.
Another thing is focus. I think without the internet there was a lot more focus. Imagine you went to the library with the intent to research a topic. You would show up to the library, get all the books together,set up at a table, and get to reading. The worst distraction would probably be someone loud passing by, or a bit of natural boredom making you look up from the book and stare off into space. Imagine the distractions now—a notification from your phone, a sudden thought leading to you Googling something useless, natural boredom leading you to scroll thru youtube and getting lost in funny videos etc. Why do you think everyone is so scatter-brained nowadays? We're spoilt for choice. How many people do you think can have a computer or phone in the room and just sit autistically focused on doing just one thing?While the eras before ours had the disadvantage of not being able to communicate at the speed of light, they also had reduced distractions caused by the information overload.
What I think is that our brain is the bottleneck to communication, and not the communication system itself. Postal mail carried letters that were delivered anywhere within your country in 3-4 days. For most communication needs, this speed was just fine (think of today, and how many instantaneously sent e-mails are sitting unread in your inbox even weeks l8tr). We are actually more constrained by the speed at which our brain can handle these information bursts.
For more urgent communications telegraph or telephones were used. While telegraph is not as convenient nor as cheap as SMS, it did the job better. The message notifications you got were really something to be paid attention to. Not many were sharing random forward messages over these urgent communication channels.
Libraries, newspapers and bookstores managed the functionality of web. While Google has indeed brought libraries at the speed of light, it has also made us slackers in storing essential bits of info in our brain. Between our imagination and finely bound books, a whole range of innovations was built, including the Internet itself. Again my opinion is that the bottleneck when it comes to innovation is our brain and not the channel of communication.
At libraries there were other classmates who were sometimes researching the same stuff. Occasionally you had to share limited resources. That could lead to working together and even collaboration. There were encyclopedias. Of course, encyclopedias had rather limited information, which led to people filling their reports with opinions and critical examination instead of blindly rephrased quotes and lengthy reference sections. I think we may not have learned as much, but we learned it deeper, if you know what I mean.
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>>5311 |
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>>5312 |
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>I see a lot of dull looking videos along the lines of ‘10 THINGs YOU have to DO, to IMPROVE your ____”, and sorts of ‘life-hack’ content that doesn’t help much with deep learning. |
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>>5315 |
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>>5320 |
Kind of a Heyuri-centric version of the 'good and bad 4-chan boards' thread on lounge.
Which board do you use/lurk the most, and why?
Which board do you use/lurk the least, and why?
For the board I use the least, it's probably a tie between here and /vote/. I usually wait for the polls to add up so I can vote on a bunch of them, and I also don't usually have many concerns about the site.
As for the board I use most, I love /lounge/. Always an interesting discussion there about topics I'm interested in. Even if I'm not into whatever it is, I usually learn a lot thanx to Heyurizen's explanations.
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>>64025 |
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>>64026 |
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>Which board do you use/lurk the most, and why? |
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Most: /b/ like the majority of other Heyuri users im pretty sure. i try to be as active on /sw/ as i can but i usually just reply to others on there rather than post. i also check /o/ very often just bc i love OC and want to feed my addiction as often as i can. |
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We don't really have enough boards for this thread to make sense, anon. |
I titled a poll as "multi option select" but forgot to actually enable it. Could anyone edit that poll to enable that? Thx in advance
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as it wasn't include... i like to write mine as; LOLicon! |
Posting one of my favorite h-loli mangas of all time. I'll post it one chapter at a time (11 total) to make it more digestable, and I'll share a link to the whole thing once I'm finished for easy downloading.
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![]() That's everything. |
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Thanks! |
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Just realized I never posted the link |
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晚上好 |
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![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
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こんばんは |
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おはよう |
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あさだよ~! |
I counted to 26!![]()
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Damn, I just realized I also don't make much threads either. I just reply to preexisting threads. |
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11 |
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If we look at how many replies vote has, it's median is about 20 and peak 30. Which would make our community rather small, but I also think those who use vote are regular users. |
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Only one..for now..but I did make threads before but I guess they are in the archive/void |
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