Boards |
why does quoting a post and saying nothing else get you banned? Like repeating to a poster what he just said to show him how stupid it is. Instant ban. why
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A quote link (like >>63863 ) is a quote of a post number that the board software auto-linkifies |
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File: nipah.png (61 KB, 974x226)
![]() >>63867 |
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>>63866 |
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Read the rules carefully to find out. |
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>>62253 |
You can see it in many places, like people on neocities who try to make websites look like they are from the 90's (which usually means a space background and some gifs in the homepage), or the nostalgia threads on 4chan which started to become more of a regular thing in the last 6 months (...with the same flashes from the archive, in webm form of course), or even heyuri which still uses old memes and gets inspiration from them. There's also the flash preservationists, a lot of lost media from the early 00's and it feels - at least for me - like we're in a middle of a wave of nostalgia for the 2000's in general...
What I wanted to ask was whether you believe we're kind of looking at the old web, which is roughly 1997-2007, with rose tinted glasses?
Bonus: here's some points and anecdotes I thought about:
1. It's not the first time people thought that the internet was better in the past/is ruined forever - just read about eternal september.
2. This nostalgia trend started when many people of that era - especially its later part - became old enough to experience the harsh and unforgiving adult world, during a pandemic that forced them to be in their homes all day, which lead to way more phone and pc use probably.
3. Heyuri became a thing during the pandemic and had its best times during that time when people were stuck at home for 100% of the time.
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when it comes to rule 8, I think it makes sense that the same person who would dutifully follow rule 8 on heyuri could also completely ignore it on other sites. it's like how getting drunk is acceptable at a bar or a party, but inappropriate at work or at church. or how it's acceptable to take a dump in the toilet but not in the kitchen. I come to heyuri to engage with certain people in a certain way, and I go to other places to do the same thing in a different way. |
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>>4993 |
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>>4993 |
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>>4996 |
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Adding on, this is an important distinction because it is unlikely (at least in my opinion) that such a person, even if he shows restraints while here, is able to engage in the local culture properly. Surely this drunkard will rush home as soon as possible to get drunk after attending this anti-alcohol activism meeting, and surely he will never truly understand or participate in anti-alcohol activities (surely this poster goes back to 4chan or s.p or something similar in-between checking out posts here to consume and post things we don't like though it be elsewhere). The point of rule 8 isn't really to block a fixed set of bad contents, it is to foster a good culture/community and it is considered important a proper heyurian is one who does not like that kind of contents for that purpose. However it's obviously not possible to read people's minds or to enforce it at that level, so rule 8 will have to do. |
Her voice is so pretty @____@
I wonder if she is cute in real life (´¬`)
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She's probably dead. |
honestly, hope threads like these dont continue to get autosaged.
i kno were not about SRS BSNS here and thats cool, thats why i like heyuri, but to me enforcing lulzy posts by silencing these kinds of harmless posts isnt the way either.
imageboards have been a place where tons of outcasts have gathered for a long time bc its one of the few places in the world theyre allowed to express themselves, as gay as that sounds its true and we all know it. i think its a good thing as well and something we should embrace.
if the goal remains to keep these kinds of posts off of /b/ then thats understandable but in that case i propose opening a board for sharing personal stories like these. not exclusively bawww threads either but everything, if you ate a really good grilled cheese and wanted to share your love for that grilled cheese you could do it there as well.
( ´,_ゝ`)
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File: LASERCHEESE.jpg (85 KB, 800x450)
![]() >>63842 |
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>>63842 |
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File: efk.jpg (31 KB, 514x360)
![]() >>63855 |
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>would have replied to the thread which couldve probably started a larger convo which couldve probably drawn in others to chime in and contribute to the convo in a way that has happened a million times before if the thread didnt get autosaged. |
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>>63856 |
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それは中国語では? |
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国語で「OP]は「ニガーコンプレックス」、つまり「ニッコン」である。 |
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File: A_small_cup_of_coffee.jpg (74 KB, 800x600)
![]() 苦ー |
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黒ん坊やなー |
There were so many awesome threads posted here from I wanna say April 28 to May 8, but then it went back to normal. Look at the front page from 1 week ago compared to now
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It really depends on who's around, what mood they're in, and the beholder's personal taste |
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As in all things, the best advice is: be the change you want to see |
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I like threads both now and then |
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味噌カツ |
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File: EodPI6OVgAIx82l.jpg_orig#.jpg (89 KB, 1200x675)
![]() あだしまの聖地となった。 |
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Actually kokonotsuba already has sum code for filtering, but it won't be enabled on Heyuri. |
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always wanted a thread hiding feature as well but i dont think itll happen. |
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>>63798 |
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I think we (the janitor squad) are doing a good job of combating spam-kun, so you don't have to worry about him anymore |
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>>63809 |
We need to stop trying to be like old 4chan. The truth is that heyuri became nothing more than a nostalgia poisoned role-playing website, in which an userbase of disenchanted internet users, most of whom are not above 18 years old, pretend to be in the "old net" while masturbating each other. You think I'm wrong? Go to the /b/ catalog and tell me what you see. Image dumps and more image dumps and the same old, recycled jokes and topics over and over again. And the few inside jokes we actually have are either forced spam or copies of other 4chan memes. What happened to maek OC? I like to think heyuri wasn't always like this, but looking at the wiki entries, how much of it is just copied over from 4chan?
Heyuri is like the european colonies of south america that, with no culture of their own, pretended to be like europe for the longest time until the creation of a national identity.
We need to do just that, to create a national identity for Heyuria, a nationalistic revival movement. The first step is to erase the role-playing mentality and to stop advertising heyuri as a y2k nostalgia website.
Then we need to:
- Like Kaguya said in a previous thread, update the wiki with happenings that were actually relevant.
- Determine if Heyuria is a republic or a monarchy. An empire?
- Ban AI.
- Ban porn dumps.
- Determine what's the definitive heyuri-tan design.
- Replace all yotsuba emojis with heyuri-tan.
- Heyuri flag.
- Heyuri anthem.
- Hang Heyuri flyers and stickers on every major city of theUnited Statesworld.
- Attack enemy imageboards to assert dominance over the internet.
- Replace word suffixes meaning people with "yuri". So everybody and everyone becomes everyuri, newfag becomes newyuri, etc. Sort of like Ponyspeak (in that case it would be called Heyurispeak). Also replace anon with yuri.
- Make more heyuri videos on vidlii.
- Make /brazil/
- Determine a visual representation of heyurizens. Sort of like 4chan has the suited anon, and 2chan has mona.
NOW THIS IS MY CONCLUSION: Yeah I have nothing more to say. Except that it's okay to post old memes from time to time and that I don't wish to have the Rule 8 removed, obviously.
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kids could learn a lot from the heyuri way |
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lets have this to be the anthem |
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anthem should be a parody of this song |
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>>63748 |
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>>63391 |
Pleasure is a common meet with that transcends all boundaries, including gender and reproductive orientation. Gay men are no freak to this, as they too own the capacity to form chasmal and weighty romantic connections with others.
However, regardless of the press on that has been мейд in current years as a help to greater acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals, gay men silent face single challenges when it comes to sweetheart and relationships. Discrimination, stigma, and societal pressures can all make it more difficult seeking gay men to consider confident in their facility to leaning and be loved.
Everybody of the most important aspects of any loving relationship is communication and trust. Seeking gay men, being able to announce outspokenly and disinterestedly with their partners is decisive, particularly in the grasp the nettle of societal pressures that may try to undermine their relationship. Unsuspicious in their accomplice's fondness and commitment can forbear gay men to found undiluted, eternal relationships that are based on joint veneration and support.
Another significant lender in gay men's relationships is the trouble looking for heated connection and intimacy. While shafting can certainly be a interest of a loving relationship, it is not the at most or composed the most eminent aspect. Emotional intimacy, such as cuddling, sharing stories and experiences, and only being there for each other, can be good as leading in building a redoubtable, fulfilling relationship.
Despite the challenges that gay men may gall when it comes to honey and relationships, it is unscarred that they are just as effective of forming deep, loving connections as anyone else. By working to bested the barriers that wood in their behaviour pattern and celebrating the diversity of suitor in all its forms, we can spawn a over the moon marvellous where all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, can win the fervour and ecstasy they deserve.
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>мейд |
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A lot of teh words have been ran through sum kind of thesaurus script to evade spam filters, probably multiple times, as well as being machine translated (・∀・) |
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>>4708 |
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>>4694 |
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I'm sure it'll be semened in the history of serious issues !! |
out of curiosity, how often are there samefags on heyuri?
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>>63788 |
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>>63790 |
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File: secret heyuri vault entrance.png (7172 KB, 3000x2061)
![]() >>63790 |
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>what exacctly do modtools let you do? |
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I haven't seen any recently (last few months at least) either, though I don't check ur IPs so often so can't tell for sure. There at least weren't any ill-intended ones trying to push a certain idea. |
Imageboards have had a negative reputation with outsiders for awhile. Some people will discredit them by throwing out various buzzwords while others might simply see them as congregations of weird outcasts. What I'm wondering is when did this idea first become popular? I imagine it'd have to have started with the internet becoming more popular for casual users, that or changing sensibilities about what's acceptable. As a side question does their current reputation have merit? That is, whether or not the public image of *chan style boards is well deserved.
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>>4535 |
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>I did a survey of some teens, asking them why they don't use imageboards. |
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>>4528 |
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Real question is when did the stigma against the internet go away? There was always stigma against socializing on the wired, but slowly sites like YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter slowly gained mainstream acceptance as they became more and more corporate. Imageboards didn't go through the same neighborhood redevelopment and when alt right stormfags were genocided off Reddit, Twitter etc. the rapefugees flooded 4chan, 8chan etc. where /pol/ and /pnd/ gave them a base of operations to stink up the entire internet. So that's when hate against imageboards really skyrocketed. |
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>Real question is when did the stigma against the internet go away? |
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>>578 |
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>>581 |
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私は外国の人が多い方が楽しいです |
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>>584 |
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File: chiyo.jpg (41 KB, 509x382)
![]() よくできました! |
Should we do something special for Victory Day tomorrow?
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File: 5389.jpg (1296 KB, 1171x2480)
![]() You can make a thread about it |
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