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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 8 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 36 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Let's say you fell ass first, with great force and acceleration, onto the handle of a waiting broomstick, and the broom happened to grind upwards, deep into your butthole, exactly like a forced penetration. Obviously, pain and embarrassment would be immediate effects, but do you think it would soon metastasize into a full on rape trauma? I mean, there is no culprit here, except for the cruel hand of fate (and maybe a loosed banana peel),so how would such a trauma express itself? An aversion to slippery floors? A fear of heights? A phobia of cleaning equipment?

I haven't been able to find an answer to this myself, so I'm wondering what all of you think.
Is this based on real life experiences? My condolences for your ass. (;´Д`)

Anyway, I guess it can be possible? Now how it manifests, I wouldn't know. Depends on where the individual places the catalyst to the whole event. If the person goes "If only I didn't slip..." then maybe the trauma will express itself in an aversion to slippery floors like you said.
You're getting cause and effect mixed up, when your ass fell on that broom you subconsciously remembered when I raeped u (´・ω・`)
remembered that video of the guy who fell from his apartment and got impaled by a street concrete thing
french people are weird
this is oddly specific, anon please elaborate

(うちの日本語が下手だったらごめんなさい (ToT)

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Why is every thread on /b/ a sticky?
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Sorry, I hadn't fapped in a while and everywhere became sticky blush
Of course everything is on fire on the very first day of my vacations closed-eyes2
Post No. rollback is something i'm working on right now. After that i'll take care of issue #53.
>Post No. rollback is something i'm working on right now
what happened when I was asleep? astonish
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It's a tale not to speak of, but since you haev asked...

It was an gruel some battle between good an evil, a fight for only those who was there to witness could speak of teh words for teh fallen threads. A sad days our kingdom as hope seemed to faint among our people... Luckily our horny mage, mod-sama manged to cum all over most of the threads to keep them sticky and safe for the moment. While Kaguya, our main knight used time magic to revert all teh evil.

Things went back as nothing happen.
And for our attackers, they fainted into our memory of teh past.

Post your daily good deeds in this thread to help heal the earth.
Today I helped an elderly woman with her grocery bags.
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I helped paint my neighbors lawn (´・ω・`)
W-what?! monapc
I gave some candy to an 8 year old
            ⊂ ⊂ヽ、   /)/)
             ヽ、  `っ (  ヽ
        ∧_∧ (  、・) c、  `っ
       (ω・`∩  ∨ ̄∨  (  、・) / ̄`⊃
        (   /         ∨ ̄∨ |  ⊃
  ∧_∧ (/_/ー'              (  、・) ∧_∧
  (・ω・`∩                  ∨ ̄∨ (・ω・`)   I jumped
  O,_  〈                         ⊂⊂ ヽ
    `ヽ_)                          >   )
I helped an old lady cross the road

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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
Shiny and luciuos!!

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Last I heard from the grapevine it was some Fed raid or something. Whatever happened anyway?
Are there any other sites like it?
Try allthefallen
hacked/raided by hackers, most likely no feds
It's sad that it's gone. There was quite a bit of humor interspersed with Look and guru art.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I think that quote use should be valid in any case where real quotes would've been used.
For example, using the quoting feature if I'm quoting something that no one said, to make an example or a joke, should still be justified because I'm still QUOTING something, even if it wasn't explicitly said by any other user.
That's not how the feature was used nor what it's meant to do.
you can still use quotation marks for that
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i'm not dutch happy
You can use blockquotes for that OP

liek this


forgotten directory of 4chan related flash content, from games to the 2005 otakon panel
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It has been posted here several times in the past, but I suppose it's been a while (;^Д^)
Dog onigiri
Cat pata
Foruda foruda

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Where did the footer links go glare
Or did they always display only when entering a thread?
>Or did they always display only when entering a thread?
Not always, but they've been like that since around late 2021 - it's long overdue a fix sweat2
Hayai!! astonish
On Heyuri.net we have the quickest fixes of all interwebs cool

I wouldn't say it's obscure but Blame! is loosely based off of several western sci-fi books from the 90's. Notably, feersum endjinn, it was written by Ian M banks of the culture series and it takes place from the perspective of 4 different people notably one really dumb or immature young man whose simpleminded thinking and speech shows up in his parts of the book.

The backdrop is a castle the size of a country whose capital(the chandelier) is at war with the basement and where the end times are about to happen.

What's your obscure fact?
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Feersum Endjinn is great, Nihei also took a lot of inspiration from Great Sky River by Gregory Benford. Most of the character names in Blame! are lifted straight from that book.
Not exactly the most obscure, but Space Battleship Yamato was a great inspiration for Space Invaders, and subsequently nearly every shoot em up made in the 80s and 90s. Gradius, Salamander, R-Type, etc. So, it's partly Leiji Matsumoto to thank for the space shmup.
Arab anon here. No surprise in that regard. Anime has been popular in Arabia since the 70s. Even older Gen Xers remember stuff like Treasure Island, Captain Tsubasa, the aforementioned Space Battleship Yamato, Rose of Versailles, and other stuff. I think anime is seen as something even more normie than it is in the West (and I suppose in the West it's considered normie enough, I suppose). So I can't be surprised that Islamists try making their own anime.

BTW, if you ever return to this board and see this, I'd really like to know more. Can't find anything about that Al Qaeda anime.
The Matrix movies were gay all along (´・ω・`)
I blame spacetoon

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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why am I got deleted again closed-eyes2
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fair enough nyaoo-closedeyes
do you seriously believe what's written on kym? Sometimes I get the impression they think /pol/ and 4chan are interchangeable words
Regardless of KYM's overall accuracy, it's correct in this case - it's a /pol/-derived meme that was popular on the /pol/-aligned boards of 4chan and 8chan from around 2015 onwards, which is precisely the kind of thing that Rule 8 was intended to keep out closed-eyes2

重音? てとてとにしてやんよ
 ( ・ω・)=つ≡つ
 (っ ≡つ=つ
 /   ) ババババ
 ( / ̄∪

Does anyone have a backup of the complete Matsucon website, the site for 2ch AA stuff, which the domain expired?
It's on the Wayback Machine, but I have no idea how complete it is:

No. Nobody has that.
so that's where the emotes come from

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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As you can see from this: https://t.me/kolymaofficial/36, kolyma has suspended operations, so naturally we aren't hosted by them anymore. We are fully independent, and I am in charge of everything, including hosting from now on. Kuz has had recent health concerns and can no longer run a hosting company full time.

However, I'm not in a situation to pay for the server bills (of all Heyuri, GUROchan, and some other imageboards, also sites like 2ちゃん and Ayashii), so kuz will continue to pay the server bills for the time being. He is paying out of our friendship, not for business reasons or a contract, and he said he is content with paying for as long as needed. This will be the case until I am ready to pay for myself, but I can't really promise a date on this due to my personal situation. I don't think I will have a stable job for a few years, or my salary will be worth anything in USD... But anyways.

In other news, it seems that Epik (who is our registrar) is having some troubles and may likely shut down soon. This means we need to move to another registrar soon, who would need to allow occasional lolicon and JK< panchira stuff we have on our boards - if you have any suggestions, I would like to hear. We are considering NameSilo.
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leave it to freetards to overthink everything
most terrorist cells these days dont even care enough to put their stuff on the deep websweat2
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What trouble? Installing the tor browser is easy as fork and then just go to the fucken website.
Can confirm. Modern day terrorism is shit anyways.
He means that most people aren't gonna get an XMR wallet, buy the tiny tiny amount then send it for the token to use
When did they ever? All the classic jihadi sites were clearnet. If even they can get hosted, what do a few lolis matter?

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