Boards |
Since we had one for 4chan let's do a reddit edition.
Good: r/piracy - speaks for itself. No lolis sadly.
Bad: r/unpopularopinion - despite its name, nobody ever voices a genuinely unpopular opinion here. Like the rest of reddit, 90% of the posts are recycled garbage.
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how can anyone bear to use reddit is beyond me |
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>>6156 |
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Good: |
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all subreddits are bad!!! |
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>>6337 |
I've been reading a lot of materialist philosophy, and the major thrust (assuming my retard brain hasn't mixed it all up), is that economic conditions are the most major cause of social change. Basically, culture is a dynamic device to cope with changing economic conditions.
One example is given of how dominance hierarchies formed as a response to the rise of agriculture. The materialist view posits that hunter-gatherer societies were more egalitarian because generally speaking everyone had the same chance at acquiring resources, but the rise of agriculture made it possible (sometimes simply due to the whims of nature), for one man to dominate another. That is, in hunter gatherer societies, anybody could go out foraging for food, without depending on anyone else, but in agricultural society, one man may have acquired less land than the other, or may have suffered particularly badly during a drought, which then allows the more successful farmer to buy his farm from him and use him as an employee, thus establishing a dominance hierarchy
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All human societies have dominance hierarchies. Most social animals do, too. Plains Indians of North America, such as the Comanche, had a chief and elder figures and they were your quintessential hunter-gatherer style society right up until the 19th century. |
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look up Sapolsky pacific culture among baboons - in a troupe of baboons where all the alpha males died from food poisoning after hogging all the poisoned food, the lower ranking males made sure than no new alphas could emerge and created a much less violent less hierarchical culture, and they made sure that immigrating baboons respected the new norms. |
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My apologies. I think I blotted out the first half of your post when I read it the first time. |
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I disagree. Psychology and culture are prior to material conditions. Since humans interpret and experience everything by mentally analyzing whatever representations of external reality are formed in their mind, any external material reality is a collective hallucination. You can observe that many pre-modern cultures, before the rise of mass telecommunications, had completely different ways of interpreting reality. We count in base 10, but in the Nom language they count in base 27! You can see for yourself that internet dwellers that use one website can appear fundamentally twisted and incomprehensible to others. A /pol/tard seems irrational to a Twitter user and vice versa, both wouldn't be able to comprehend the kinds of things we see on Heyuri's /b/ on a daily basis. Why are these websites so different? Because the initial user base, the foundation of the culture, possess a certain collective consciousness which they pass down to new users, creating a collective unconscious that reproduces itself by drawing people into it's culture via language, daily expressions, the use of repeated meme formations. |
Are you alive? you said you were a fan of america and were taking a vacation to las vegas and you would let us when you got to the hotel
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It was 6 in the afternoon when we realized we were in the middle of joshua tree national park, almost at the arizona border. Needless to say, we got lost. I knew it, I alway knew, but I didn't tell anyone. I wanted to spend a little more time cruising the desert. We saw a lot of interesting stuff, so it was totally worth it in my book. |
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>What really pissed me off though, was the fact that they had covered the main street with some LED roof monstrosity! |
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My impressions of los angeles were that, the whole fucking town smelt of piss, even beverly hills. There were quite a lot of freaks on the sidewalk but I was expecting worse. A few meme flags here and there, specially at amoeba records, the store was absolutely packed with gay stuff. |
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>>6371 |
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forgot to mention it was 40 to 45 degrees celsius in vegas |
can you guys take mullvad vpn ips off the spam list? i can provide all the ips if needed
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works for me |
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let me test with sweden, maybe only usa and poland are blocked |
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huh, i guess they only blocked some of them |
How much longer until we get to 100K posts on /b/?
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29K more posts ヽ(´∇`)ノ |
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3 months? |
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Super cute picture |
can admin-sama or mod-sama ban the IP that made these threads? the first one was a CP-sharing thread that I deleted and muted, and the second was another similar thread 20 minutes later, with the request that mods stop deleting his threads
I'd have saved a screencap as proof but I didn't think to do it before deletion
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>can admin-sama or mod-sama ban the IP that made these threads? |
/b/ is being flooded with low quality thread, including yet another thread from the spammer-kun
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File: 1657061194570.png (134 KB, 962x944)
![]() >but maybe he just really lets loose on SW? |
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File: 1657058548570.png (177 KB, 988x778)
![]() キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!! |
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File: 1657216956572.jpg (630 KB, 1200x1600)
![]() キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!! |
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Pretty sure he came from 4/f/ |
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>>64779 |
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File: 53.png (430 KB, 666x452)
![]() はいきました |
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File: nytimes.jpg (72 KB, 191x253)
![]() キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! |
I found this and cropped it and made it into a gif. I figured it could be a nice b& hammer icon for Kaguya-sama & mod-sama! If you like it of course!
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File: me-tan ban_10fps.gif (23 KB, 68x63)
![]() ahhhhhh~~~~~ |
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File: me-tan ban_20fps.gif (20 KB, 68x63)
![]() キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!! |
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10fps looks teh best |
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File: me-tan ban_16fps.gif (20 KB, 68x63)
![]() キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!! |
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File: me-tan ban_12fps.gif (20 KB, 68x63)
![]() キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!! |
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There are currently 18 fortunes, all have the exact same "rarity". |
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We need more, we need a 1% chance get! |
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I don't think it was actually rare, that just happened to be the first time it appeared |
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i got teg current LOLOLOLOLOL.... |
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It was gone for a long time, someone reimplemented it and typed it differently (I think it's also a lot shorter than teh old one) |
I only posted this yesterday and now it's gone and im banned until 2048.
Can someone tell me whats going on?
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File: rika (6).jpg (62 KB, 640x624)
![]() you guys talking about me? |
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File: kaguya (2).jpg (21 KB, 175x165)
![]() I don't think I will be out of new ips anytime soon |
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Good point, our banning module can use some updates: |
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File: oFrOm76.jpg (179 KB, 1792x1200)
![]() >>64727 |
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is the janny greek or is it forbidden to say nigger anymore |
Selling this thread for two dollars.
Imagine all the things you can write with this thread.
Advertise your next business... or confide your despairs.
Anything you want! No strings attached.
Right here, right now.
One dollar.
Surely you don't want to miss the opportunity to discuss absolutely anything you want!
Heyuri may shut down soon... won't you regret it then?
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i bid for 80 cents |
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85! |
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a whole dollar! I'd buy THAT for a dollar! |
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I bid 87 ₹. |
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i bid 26 silver |
A bit like the evergreen 'trapped on a desert-island' sort of question.
You are cursed so that you can only use five websites of your choosing. No matter which machine you use, whether brand new, or a friend's, only these few sites will be open to you.
Which one would you choose?
For me it's:
1. Heyuri (For LOLz)
2.PDFDrive (So I can download books)
3.ReadComicOnline (So I can have access to loads of old comics to keep me busy)
4.MP3Juices (So I can get music.)
5.M4UHD (So I can watch movies/TV.)
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I guess it would be: |
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>>6246 |
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>>6260 |
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>>6260 |
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i'm going to not count proxy sites nor archives because that would be against the spirit of the post (´ー`) |
I've been going on Heyuri for a while, and I feel like Heyuri has lost its feel-good, do-whatever, happy and carefree attitude. It has been replaced with:
1. A collective attitude of Unwarranted Self-Importance
2. a /jp/ style culture where the most minor infractions result in public bans, angry sageposts, and rants
3. Overmoderation, taking rule 8 far too seriously and punishing people for tiny oversteps (like public banning someone for using christ chan)
4. Random autosages (or even deletions) of threads that dont break the rules, usually of threads that arent about the same 2-3 brainmelting topics or a random porn dump (basically, you have to think and act the same as everyone else or your thread gets deleted, locked, or autosaged, leading to a very echo-chambery enviroment)
5. General hostility from mods who feel the need to "correct" users about the proper way to breathe to fit in with heyuris very stifled and forced culture
I dont like it. It wasnt like this before, but as time goes on, the userbase was replaced with new people who dont understand this site. Its turned into the exact same culture that most "splinter of 4chan" websites go, instead of the "going its own way" vision that lolico/kuz wrote about on the front page.
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no greentexting on heyuri, especially if your greentexting does nothing but grossly misrepresent someone who is trying to earnestly engage with you |
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I am really uncreative when making posts on /b/ |
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>>64568 |
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i love teh rulez but mods are fags!!!!!! |
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That's cuz ur a n00b |
i am working with some "big" names. i guess this is a promote/giveaway for non heyuri. i originally reached out to the anon who ran bandcamp and ended printing out 50 CDs for the last heyuri along with 2 stickers each.
i don't believe bandcamp anon will give me accesses but i am in contact with magio from kinpatsu, who i believe can sell the CDs and ship them out for me. the person who runs 4chan s4s radio show said he can shout heyuri and the CDs out on his next stream next month.
i don't believe LRM shouting out heyuri will bring a bunch of rule breakers but instead can help grow originality and activity.
i also would like to be added on staff, if u need to reach me. join the irc at
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File: B41F5C2D-AB45-4295-9427-4B208016E7F(...).jpg (1482 KB, 4032x3024)
![]() i got something extra? |
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Free dolphin porn included?! |
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delivery received |
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I got my CD. now I just gotta find something to play it on (´ー`) |
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