Boards |
I only posted this yesterday and now it's gone and im banned until 2048.
Can someone tell me whats going on?
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File: rika (6).jpg (62 KB, 640x624)
![]() you guys talking about me? |
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File: kaguya (2).jpg (21 KB, 175x165)
![]() I don't think I will be out of new ips anytime soon |
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Good point, our banning module can use some updates: |
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File: oFrOm76.jpg (179 KB, 1792x1200)
![]() >>64727 |
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is the janny greek or is it forbidden to say nigger anymore |
Selling this thread for two dollars.
Imagine all the things you can write with this thread.
Advertise your next business... or confide your despairs.
Anything you want! No strings attached.
Right here, right now.
One dollar.
Surely you don't want to miss the opportunity to discuss absolutely anything you want!
Heyuri may shut down soon... won't you regret it then?
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i bid for 80 cents |
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85! |
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a whole dollar! I'd buy THAT for a dollar! |
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I bid 87 ₹. |
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i bid 26 silver |
A bit like the evergreen 'trapped on a desert-island' sort of question.
You are cursed so that you can only use five websites of your choosing. No matter which machine you use, whether brand new, or a friend's, only these few sites will be open to you.
Which one would you choose?
For me it's:
1. Heyuri (For LOLz)
2.PDFDrive (So I can download books)
3.ReadComicOnline (So I can have access to loads of old comics to keep me busy)
4.MP3Juices (So I can get music.)
5.M4UHD (So I can watch movies/TV.)
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I guess it would be: |
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>>6246 |
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>>6260 |
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>>6260 |
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i'm going to not count proxy sites nor archives because that would be against the spirit of the post (´ー`) |
I've been going on Heyuri for a while, and I feel like Heyuri has lost its feel-good, do-whatever, happy and carefree attitude. It has been replaced with:
1. A collective attitude of Unwarranted Self-Importance
2. a /jp/ style culture where the most minor infractions result in public bans, angry sageposts, and rants
3. Overmoderation, taking rule 8 far too seriously and punishing people for tiny oversteps (like public banning someone for using christ chan)
4. Random autosages (or even deletions) of threads that dont break the rules, usually of threads that arent about the same 2-3 brainmelting topics or a random porn dump (basically, you have to think and act the same as everyone else or your thread gets deleted, locked, or autosaged, leading to a very echo-chambery enviroment)
5. General hostility from mods who feel the need to "correct" users about the proper way to breathe to fit in with heyuris very stifled and forced culture
I dont like it. It wasnt like this before, but as time goes on, the userbase was replaced with new people who dont understand this site. Its turned into the exact same culture that most "splinter of 4chan" websites go, instead of the "going its own way" vision that lolico/kuz wrote about on the front page.
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no greentexting on heyuri, especially if your greentexting does nothing but grossly misrepresent someone who is trying to earnestly engage with you |
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I am really uncreative when making posts on /b/ |
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>>64568 |
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i love teh rulez but mods are fags!!!!!! |
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That's cuz ur a n00b |
i am working with some "big" names. i guess this is a promote/giveaway for non heyuri. i originally reached out to the anon who ran bandcamp and ended printing out 50 CDs for the last heyuri along with 2 stickers each.
i don't believe bandcamp anon will give me accesses but i am in contact with magio from kinpatsu, who i believe can sell the CDs and ship them out for me. the person who runs 4chan s4s radio show said he can shout heyuri and the CDs out on his next stream next month.
i don't believe LRM shouting out heyuri will bring a bunch of rule breakers but instead can help grow originality and activity.
i also would like to be added on staff, if u need to reach me. join the irc at
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File: B41F5C2D-AB45-4295-9427-4B208016E7F(...).jpg (1482 KB, 4032x3024)
![]() i got something extra? |
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Free dolphin porn included?! |
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delivery received |
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I got my CD. now I just gotta find something to play it on (´ー`) |
People usually demonize an older guy going after a younger girl, but there are still a number of people who are quite fine with older women taking younger boys, and still a lot of guys who consider it a notch on their belt, or are unbothered by it. This leads me to believe that our standards for what constitute rape are arbitrary, and if a concerted effort was put in, all forms of rape could be made totally legal and socially-acceptable.
I think this would be a good thing because then everybody would get to have sex, and also it would take away the stigma of being raped since it would just be like regular sex plus the rape statisctics would go down since nobody is raping anymore.
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Rape happens when someone is sexually attracted to someone else and doesn't care about their feelings, so to make people think rape is not morally wrong all you have to do is convince them that it's not morally wrong to not care about people's feelings, which is possible. |
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>>6308 |
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>>6313 |
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Some very deep insights in this thread. |
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>>6244 |
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dark souls |
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Persona 2 EP |
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Jack Move is the best. |
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@Party2 |
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Ar Tonelico |
Not sure why this /q/ thread was baleeted - in my opinion it shouldn't have been. Anyway, here's the reply I wanted to make to it:
Rule 7 is basically the "don't devolve into modern-day /pol/ or Twitter when it comes to controversial political/social topics" rule. Earlier this year, there was a big increase in the amount of times "tranny" was being thrown about and used to troll/bait (in both directions), so we decided to clamp down on it
It's not that it can't be mentioned entirely, nor that u can't post ur hawt meatspin pr0nz - it's just that any kind of post-2014 style arguments/debates/trolling/"pinkpilling"/needlessly-slipping-mentions-of-it-into-everything/etc. are B&, and less leniency will be shown compared to other political/social topics (where we let a lot of things slide until things go seriously awry)
Regarding what happened in 64704-san's screencap - User A said their favorite game was Fallout New Vegas, and User B replied by calling them a tranny. That's Rule 7, but also Rule 8 due to it apparently being a meme on certain fail websites
Also, friendly reminder to n00b mods: if the action to take isn't clear, or you have any doubts at all, it's best to leave it alone for somebody else to deal with. Definitely don't just listen to the first reply you get on /q/ about it and start baleeting things
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Ah, I see! I'm so sorry!!! (;´Д`) (;´Д`) (;´Д`) |
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>>64707 |
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File: dont worry.jpg (7 KB, 250x213)
![]() Don't worry about it, that particular post wasn't really worth saving anyways. Mod-san's explanation is a good reference for the future cases |
Since mod-sama said we can use /q/ to report rule-breaking posts.
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I'm in favor of removing emoticons, yotsubas are all we need |
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The reason I went along with the database update was because it could solve the bug where post wouldn't go through if it had certain obscure unicode characters. The one who did teh update probably just wanted to create his R8 thread (>>64683) though... |
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>>64698 |
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File: 11746384945674.jpg (272 KB, 500x706)
![]() I am locking this thread. |
You know how, when World2ch got back up, and Heyurians flocked to the site and it was kind of an extension of Heyuri for a while (maybe it still is, I haven't checked in a while.) Well, I was thinking, what if that sort of effect could be replicated?
My idea is this:
1.We find a small site (textboards, imageboards, forums, maybe), which is small but seems reasonably entertaining or seems to have some fairly agreeable users or a fairly reasonable activity level.
2. We turn up in numbers, give the regulars some lolz and a thrill at the uptick in activity.
3. Gradually introduce some of our finer 'heyurisms' into the mix. An emphasis on Lols at the expense of Serious Business, original OC instead of posting templates, discussion about whatever comes to mind instead of gnawing at all the same used up 'culture war' topics. We do all this without compromising the sites own culture or being so bold as to say 'LOL UR UNDER HEYURI CONTROL NAOW!!!'
4. Profit- That is, we made a site at least a little better than we found it.
I hesitate to call this 'raiding' because my idea isn't that we just spam lolis and ads for Heyuri for a few days and then call it a WIN. Think of it a bit like the CIA disrupting the hippie movement, but in a good way. Basically, we try in subtle ways to make these boardz a bit more fun and imaginative. Someone posts the millionth 'tfw no gf' thread, complete with crying wojak? Derail it to talk about Old Skool Hardcore. Someone goes on and on about how getting raped by black guys made them into a tranny? Derail to talk about ramen. Someone wants to babble on and on about 'hating degenerates' and 'soyciety'? Derail to talk about your loli sex fantatsies.
There could be some ground rules I think, including
-We only do it on worthwhile looking sites. A lot of people come here advertising 'baby's first textboard' or 'baby's firts forum', and almost invariably those are flops. Basically I think we should do it on sites where the userbase is small, but not non-existent.
-We only do one site at a time. Socially engineering a website is a pretty tall order, even a small one. This sort of thing will probably get disorganized very quickly if we go around half a dozen different sites simultaneously.
-Insist on lols, but don't be too domineering. There will probably be a lot of R8 content and overdone social media debates. I basically advocate for a Christly philosophy of turning the other cheek. Post a thread of the sort you would usually post on heyuri, regardless of what you think the reaction would be. If they reply with wojaks or buzzwords ignore them or counter with original OC. If they start whining about something lame or trying to turn things into Serious Business just spam 'cheer up emo kid!' or such like. If people keep trying to start shit, just evade them and double down on the lols.
-Experimentation would be good. Maybe you have an idea for some lolz that are in violation of Rule 8, but you think they are objectively funny, or could be made so. Well these other sites wouldn't have Rule 8, so you could do whatever you want.
-Don't be too autistic about it. I think this sort of thing should be seen less as 'making smaller websites just liek Heyuri' and more like 'taking small websites and making them a more hospitable environment for lolz'. It's wouldn't be a hardcore, stake your life on it thing, just show up and provide lols unassumingly. There would be no quota to be met, except maybe refreshing the site after a few days and seeing a few threads worth reading. Basically I think about it like reverse-engineering what happens when a bunch of normies flock to a site and turn it to shit. Imagine a bunch of Heyurians flocking to a site and making it even better.
I don't know, maybe this is bull shit and pretentious. Even regular raids are rarely very effective. At least I got to exorcise some of my megalomaniac tendencies in writing!
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File: retard.jpg (121 KB, 830x531)
![]() >>64549 |
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so they're a bunch of internet weirdos who post anime and lolis and pretend to be little girls, huh? |
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File: topblogs.jpg (90 KB, 652x709)
![]() >>64615 |
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>>64157 |
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>>64667 |
I want to compile a guide to the internet for new users, i.e. what sites to use for what, how to find/pirate software and media, etc.
Problem is, I'm honestly pretty new myself. (at least compared to other users here)
Can Heyurians please help? (or am I just st00pid and should lurk moar?)
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>>6221 |
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>>6240 |
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>I don't remembar saying anything about that |
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I don't think so, it's an otome's secret ( ´ω`) |
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I deleted it partly because I took it for a bot, and partly because I remember ad threads have been deleted in the past. But now, I think ads themselves aren't prohibited, at least not explicitly stated as such in the rules. |
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how could you think it was an ad is beyond me, but I forgive you mod-san |
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>>64673 |
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>>64673 |
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"Card games" |
Why the fuck did you have to add the "if she never wiped and never bathed" part!?? I (and probably many others) would've gladly accepted otherwise!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
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only if she was really THAT cute, I refuse to lick some fat ugly womans bum ヽ(`Д´)ノ |
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If you like ass you are gay period. Ass is gay and so is getting butt sweat and shit on your tongue faggot. ヽ(`Д´)ノ |
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>>6176 |
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>>6192 |
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>>6194 |
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