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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 7 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours, 42 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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i cant post on /jp/
I every time I try to say something but i got this error msg
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Again, I could create a thread fine unsure
I would suspect it's some unknown issue that only your system can produce, but that can't be the case since you created this thread
Werk'd 4 me 2: https://img.heyuri.net/jp/koko.php?res=877

I just thought, are u trying to use emoji in ur thread? They currently don't work outside of Off-Topic, since the databases of other boards weren't updated sweat2
They are now updated 😊
w00t!!1 🎉
Thank q ☺☺☺

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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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cunny in the cleanliness thread

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日本で こんなの着てたらレイプされそうだから着るのは嫌だ。

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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what's a bad poster to you care to explain?
The user who makes bad posts, usually in Rule 8 territory
Tens of people make hundreds of "normal" posts made on Heyuri every day, don't try to justify yourself glare2
if I'm in form I made 100 posts a week that goes under your radar so I don't have a problem blending in. if arguing with people makes me a bad poster then so be it.
ublock > block element

i need sum1 to chat with me (;´Д`)
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aaaaa tysm >♡<
(´・ω・`) hi 1nt3rn3tk1tty
*holds up spork*

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I remember when heyuris front page looked like this smug
we used to have a Reimu/armpits board!? astonish
can... can we bring it back??? cry
no, kaguya hates fun
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Fun times indeed xd
>we used to have a Reimu/armpits board!?
It lasted liek 2 seconds on one of the shortlived Heyuri revival attempts b4 Akima killed the site (again), then it was brought back for Strawberry Heaven where it was used by 1 person for a couple of days b4 being deader than 日本語@Heyuri xd

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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I’m horny so here

Reply with yr dav kaomojis!!
✧⁺⸜(・ ᗜ ・ )⸝⁺✧
(੭ ˃̶͈̀ ω ˂̶͈́)੭⁾⁾
♪ ٩( ´ω` )و ♪
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>im minor
Make sure you make a lot of posts on Heyuri from now on too, on all our boards about everything including your body!
well, heyuri didn't want to see your small underdeveloped tits anyway! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

wdym ? ヾ(。`Д´。)
I'm sorry mod-sama it was just sour grapes on my part ( ´ω`)

Lately I've been watching some old games I used to play on YouTube (Starcraft 2 predominantly).

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Part 2/2

92% - Ballistic - The most addictive, and frustrating, game ever!
92% - Bishi Bashi Special - The best two-player party game around!
92% - Colony Wars - Gorgeous, totally playable space blasting.
92% - Colony Wars: Red Sun - The slickest shoot-'em-up in the galaxy!
92% - Die Hard Trilogy - Utterly brilliant, three film games in one.
92% - Formula 1 '99 - The best Formula-1 game to date...
92% - G-Police 2 - Improves on the original in every way...
92% - Gran Turismo 2 - Another generation of racing paradise!
92% - ISS Pro '98* - Nearly as good as the N64 version. Brilliant!
92% - MGS: Special Missions - The perfect compliment to the greatest game ever!
92% - Micro Machines V3 - Blistering racing game. Fantastic!
92% - Mortal Kombat Trilogy - Gory orgy of 16-bit gameplay. Not bad.
92% - Music 2000 - Infinitely better than the last, this is perfection!
92% - Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus - Supersedes Oddysee as the must-have platformer!
92% - Player Manager 2000 - Banal management game. No frills and slow.
92% - Power Shoveling* - Ludicrously complicated yet somehow intuitive controls.
92% - Ridge Racer Type 4 - Frighteningly fast arcade racing game.
92% - Rogue Trip - Motoring madness with knobs on.
92% - Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role - Same game but with nicer pants.
92% - Soul Reaver: Legacy Of Kain - Better and darker than Tomb Raider...
92% - Suzuki Bakuhatsu - Bomb defusing suddenly got sexy!
92% - Tobal 2* - Highly advanced sequel. More of everything!
92% - Tony Hawk's Skateboarding 2 - Finest skater, bar none.
92% - TOCA: Touring Car - Really fast, really fun, really racing!
92% - Toy Story Racer - Cool racing game with a difference!
92% - UEFA Striker - Simple, arcade-style football, very enjoyable.
92% - Vagrant Story* - Wait for the PAL version and this'll be awesome!
92% - Worms - Crap looking, but oh-so playable in multiplayer.
92% - Worms: Armageddon - A brilliant sequel that'll blow you away!
92% - WWF Smackdown - The best wrestling game available!
91% - Alien Trilogy - Deeply scary space shoot-'em-up. Great fun.
91% - C&C: Retaliation - Er... the 'new' last word in real-time war games!
91% - Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped - The best Crash game on the PlayStation.
91% - Dead Or Alive* - Neat fighting game complete with wobbly t*ts!
91% - FIFA '99 - The best FIFA game ever!
91% - F1 2000 - For a corking current F1 game, look no further.
91% - Street Fighter EX Plus - It's absolutely EX-cellent!
91% - Tenchu 2 - Superlative snooping. Spectacular!
91% - Triple Play 2000 - The best baseball game ever released.
91% - Vib Ribbon - Truly unique dancing platformer.
90% - Ape Escape - Our favourite platform game on the PlayStation!
90% - Broken Sword 2 - Beautifully intuitive point 'n' clicker.
90% - Duke Nukem - Fantastically playable shoot-'em-up.
90% - Final Fantasy Tactics* - Epic and engrossing strategy/RPG challenge.
90% - Formula 1 '97 - Well upgraded and stuffed with excitement!
90% - Hogs Of War - Fantastically good strategy. An absolute must.
90% - Int Track & Field 2 - Better than the first, with a wider variety of events!
90% - Kurushi Final - Ultra high quality puzzler.
90% - MDK - Brilliantly conceived 3D shooter.
90% - Metal Slug X - One of the finest shoot-'em-ups of recent years. Absolutely essential.
90% - Muppet Race Mania - Racing so good, it's silly!
90% - Music - A fantastic music-making package.
90% - Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - One of the most addictive platformers on the PSX!
90% - Point Blank - Addictive gun fun... and it's legal.
90% - Pro Pinball: Timeshock - The best pinball game available for PlayStation.
90% - R-Type Delta* - Pure adrenaline-pumping shooting perfection!
90% - Rage Racer - Super fast, varied, playable racer.
90% - Resident Evil 3 Nemesis - Removed as a sequel, but more action-packed!
90% - Sampras Extreme - One of the best tennis games on PSX. Slick.
90% - Speed Freaks - The greatest karting game ever...
90% - Spyro The Dragon 2 - Builds on the original to become a classic!
90% - Super Puzzle Fighter 2* - Fan-bloody-tastic Japanese puzzler!
90% - Time Crisis - Stupendous light-gun shooting action. Top.
90% - Time Crisis: Project Titan - Some first-class shooting action.
90% - Tomb Raider: TLR - The best of the lot, albeit slightly unoriginal!
I put teh complete HTML version online saitama2

You can use the genre checkboxes at the top of the table to filter out genres, sort the table by clicking the respective table header, sort by multiple fields using shift+click, and reset the table using ctrl+click

Efforts were made to make it look as much liek teh magazine as possible! (example: https://archive.org/details/play-075/page/122/mode/2up )

>How do you amuse yourself?
Maekin stuff liek this banana
Using dating@heyuri of course
Very nice. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

Which reminds me, I also amuse myself by checking out Neocities websites.
daydreaming!!!! i always daydream when im bored !! (≧∇≦)mona2

Having spent a collective 2 decades on the internet, I have naturally saved loads of stuff over the years. Pictures, graphics, movies, random shit ive saved from imageboards, groupchats, irc logs, lists of addresses, old passwords, everything. One of my lifelong fears was losing all this one day, so I was always very militaristic about backups and data-safekeeping.

Today, I decided to do away with all of it. None of it matters, really. 99% of I never, ever look at. Digital hoarding is pointless, and really just is a psychological anchor to your computer. I deleted almost everything except a few sentimental things that I actually do like to look at over the years, and downsized my harddrive from my old 4TB, to a 1tb, which is enough for everything I have plus a few games (and I still have 640gb left over).

I also started nofap a month or so ago, so deleting all the random pr0n (or at least, triggers) that was scattered across my computer has probably saved me at some point.

Getting rid of all this.. e-junk, really changed how I view my computer and the time i spend on it. Did I mention bookmarks? I used to have a huge bookmarks tab where I kept easy access to all the sites I use (including heyuri!). I deleted that too. If I need to go somewhere, I ought to have the will to type it in.

TL;DR: Over the years, you save an enourmous amount of junk that just weighs you down, whether you realize it or not. I think getting rid of it has helped me alot.
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For now... You never know what might happen when you least expect it, y'know
My primary computer, which is a laptop, only has 118 GB of storage. That really helps me to keep only the random crap that I truly treasure. The downside to that is every time I want to play a large game from Steam for example, I have to delete stuff or offload a bunch of my crap to a USB or other computer, so now that I think about it I still do have a hoarding problem, it's just all strewn across multiple computers and drives (-_-)
I'm a vintage software hoarder. Old programs, operating systems, kernels, word processors, languages, documentation, games, random crap on old floppy disks, BIOS files, scanned copies of punch cards etc. I save it all. I have 16 TBs of storage so far and I soon will add more.

One day I will download teh entire internets foruda
better than just deleting your decades-old digital collection, y'know
God bless the Internet
2AM, feeling restless~

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Strictly speaking, 'outsider in a foreign land' is the original definition. mona2
Of course not, stop listening to conspirators.
they exist when the government launders some tax money.
if you consider demons and angels aliens yeah
Demon here, I can confirm that people often mistake me for an alien.

It's weird how some forms of humor involve humiliating others.
The ambiguity between good humor and bad humor confuses me.
>The ambiguity between good humor and bad humor confuses me.
thats cuz your a retard xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd
looooooole XD

I'm reading this book called 'What Women Want' by Daniel Bergner, basically a review of women's sexuality, with word from sexologists and sexual anecdotes from various women. In it there's a chapter which seeks to explain why women tend to show a certain appreciation for other women, in a way that men don't with other men:

Meana was a psychology professor at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas,and just before I flew out to meet her, she said that we should start by going together to a Cirque du Soleil show at one of the casinos. So, soon after my plane landed, we sat in a darkened U-shaped theater and began our conversation while a pair of topless, dark-haired women in G-strings dove backward into a giant water-filled champagne glass on stage. The women plunged in from opposite sides of the pool, swam toward each other, and entangled with each other, eel-like. They slid up the walls, arching their spines and dragging their
breasts along the glass."

Next, a wispy blonde came skipping like a schoolgirl out on stage. Wearing a tiny pleated skirt, she swirled her hips and kept a set of hula hoops spinning around her waist. Suddenly a cable snatched her up above the audience, hoisting her high. It was her act’s climactic moment, a symbolic ravishing. The nymphet opened her legs wide above our eyes, splitting them wider than seemed humanly possible; the splitting was almost violent.

Then a sinewy black woman wearing only beads thrust and pumped her gleaming body to a tribal beat. The soft-porn performances followed each other in fast succession, the stage dominated by arresting women.
The audience was divided equally between the sexes."

Finally the platinum-wigged MC cried out,
“Where’s the beef?” and a long-haired man in a cowboy’s vest and chaps
climbed through a trap door. He strutted and swiveled and bared his abdominal ladder of muscle. He shed the chaps, kept only his groin covered, and stood in his cowboy boots, flexing his ass. Yet even as male nudity had its minutes, a dozen female bodies surrounded him.
In her early fifties, Meana, wearing a shirtdress and tights that evening and wearing her bronze-colored hair in bangs, didn’t doubt the usual explanations for the fact that women far outnumbered men among the performers, though she didn’t believe they were terribly illuminating. Those explanations went like this:The men in the audience would have been made too uneasy by more male nudity on stage. For them—for the heterosexuals among them, anyway—the cowboy needed to be obscured by breasts. And for the women in the crowd, the female nakedness fed an addiction—judging their own looks against iconic beauty. So the ticket buyers were gratified, given a live version of what they were used to from a million images on billboards, in magazines, on television: for the men, an opportunity to lust; for the women, a chance to compare."

Meana saw more in the imbalance on stage. She began simply, with
something that fit with what Chivers had found through her plethysmograph (female arousal monitors), as the flaccid Adonis tossed stones on the beach. “The female body looks the same whether aroused or not. The male without an erection,” Meana said, “is announcing a lack of arousal. The female body always holds the promise, the suggestion, of sex.” The suggestion sent a charge through both genders."

And then, the imbalance served women in a further way, an essential way—a way that formed the crux of Meana’s thinking. To be desired was at the heart of women’s desiring. Narcissism, she stressed—and she used the word not in damning judgment but in plain description—was at the core of women’s sexual psyches. The females in the audience gazed, erotically excited, at the women on stage, imagining that their own bodies were as searingly wanted as those in front of them"
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i too lazy to read all of that, but here is a simple answer:
women are hawt. both men and women appreciate the beauty ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I don't get it. Can you explain it a bit more?
My wife is not lesbian tho
that's what YOU think
no I just asked her

What do you complete the sentence with?
oh I get it know
Heyuri Incorporated
Nihon Break Kokyo Corporation!

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