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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 41 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 18 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Interesting arguments in this thread, but I definitely agree with >>5319 that we are really more in danger of moving too hard in the opposite direction. And don't expect it to be very consistent either. I've heard people criticizing 18 or 19 year olds for going out with 15 year olds ( a common highschool occurence), then later saying that no-one above 25 should go out with 18 or 19 year olds, because despite being legal, they are 'still children'
bumping a fascinating and scary thread for moar replies
in a very serious way i hope the next stage is condemning the shitty gays and admitting that pride movement was embarrassing. forcing gay values on children was violating them and exposing them to it as toddlers and forcing its way into the education system was backwards.
I'm one of those scum that believes that there should be no rules to sex apart from the obvious three: no woman should be raped no older person should have sex with a prepubescent child, and no male should be sodomized. Simple. I don't care what anyone else does. If a 18 year old dates a 16 year old so what big fucking deal. If a 16 year old sleeps with a 90 year old, good for him. The sexual revolution was a mistake.

In 1955, John Money coined the word "gender" in its current form, and performed a penile mutilation ritual to the newborn David Reimer; he had the boy's testicles lobbed off, replacing it with an artificial VAGINA, and had his parents raise him off as a girl while undergoing hormone treatments. Furthermore, he had David as a young child immitating sex acts with his twin brother. Money even had the brothers undressed, and engaged in "genital inspections" - in which he took a photograph of on at least one occasion. Money described the experiments as successful, though David never ended up identifying as a woman, and describes his visits with Money as dramatic.

Except, in adulthood, David's brother killed himself with anti-depressants, and later by shooting himself in the head.

bernardininer So what is the joke? I know, it's really good because it's like, "I have 100 bucks, I must be RICH." Yeah, I heard that too, and it's really not that funny, but hey, whatever floats your boat. I'm not going to argue with the dictionary definition of what's "rich", though.

Tell me another. Is that funny? The only thing I think is funny is that you just pronounced the word "joke" like, "joek".saitama

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ウォーキン イン ア トイレ ワンダーランド🎵

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Truth Social、いつの間にか登録できるようになってた

Does anyone know what SuicidalRabbitDiary.txt is?
It's on 2ちゃん uploader, I thought it was quite interesting.
Didn't read it all but it just sounds like another edgy txt file that some teenager created in the early 2000s.
It's Satoshi Uujima's diary.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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is this R8?
not accusing anyone, just askin'
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Liek I said: it started on /sp/, spread to /v/, then spread further

It's one of the defining terms of 2010s 4chan, along with "based/based god" - which I believe also started on /sp/, or was at least popularized there before spreading
i always thought btfo was older than that
>i always thought btfo was older than that
GTFO & STFU are more than a decade older and were far more widespread (same era as WTF, n00b, owned, hax, etc.), so maybe ur mixing it up with those
probably just that

I've been thinking recently about how the Internet might look if it lost some basic functionality-- or never had that functionality in the first place.

For example, what if they never figured out how to get images or videos online, and the Internet was text only?

My optimistic idea is that it would drive all the narcissists out, since they couldn't make any shrines to themselves (except maybe narcissist writers), and the internet would be a slightly more intelligent place, since so many people hate reading.

What if it was images only? Well then it would probably be a narcissist overload; just some big dumb photo album--anyone with any brains wouldn't use it. Although it would probably be easier to avoid, like TV was. No text would mean it would be nearly useless for work or keeping in touch with people...

I'm wondering what ideas all of you might have...
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If it was video only, or image only, you could have text appear on screen.
What if the internet never came up with the idea of [x]boards at all. would forums reign supreme? pata
>What if the internet never came up with the idea of [x]boards at all. would forums reign supreme?
Assuming that u meant "imageboards/2ch-type boards" by [x]boards, the web didn't go from "everyone using forums" -> "everyone using [x]boards", so it's a misguided question to begin with

It's true that virtually every Western imageboard user prior to the mid-2010s started out on forums, because those had been the norm in the West since the late 90s. However, most forum users did not move to imageboards, since imageboards were always a niche even at 4chan's peak - the vast majority of ex-forum users went from using forums/chatrooms/IM/etc. -> using social networking sites/Twitter/various phone apps/Reddit/etc.

U can read https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Imageboard for a little background on how the imageboard format came to be, and where in the timeline forum-style bulletin boards came along - their adoption in the West VS complete lack of adoption in Japan lead to Japanese and Western netizens venturing off down their own paths until 4chan somewhat bridged the gap years later (but only for a relatively small slice of Western netizens)
>"everyone using forums" -> "everyone using [x]boards", so it's a misguided question to begin with
Yeah, I figured as much as well. Not that I doubted it, just interesting assumption. I'm thinking about that question because alot of common internet culture comes from imageboards and such. I wonder if it would be the same on forums.
(Though, I have to admit, it is probably a biased view about internet culture on my part.)

That was an interesting read btw! pata
You don't have to imagine the internet if it was video only. Ever heard of tiktok? Yeah...

No, I am not ok. I am sick and I cannot move. But I am still able to see and to listen. I am not alone. I am with my family and friends. I am not alone.
I am suffering from a medical condition that has caused me to be unable to move. It is something that I have been dealing with for a long time. I am not alone, as my family and friends have been there to support me throughout this ordeal.saitamasaitamasaitamasaitama
god bless you my friend... foruda
How do you even have friends when you can't move????
I hope the sweet embrace of death comes for you soon, Chris!
How exactly are you able to write things if you are unable to move? monapc

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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How much of this should we tolerate and how should we handle it?
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>We live in a modern world where every action must be based logically
Heyuri is from the ancient times where boring stuff like "logic" can be safely disregarded for the sake of protecting LOLs
I still think the newbie went overboard
when threads are derailed multiple times its because they are cursed and they should be culled from the site to prevent them cursing other threads
>and shit flinging with buzzwords like "degeneracy" and "hero" with no argument to them don't count as discussion
That was just one out of all those posts. Even the replies to it were completely civil
We need to call the thread exorcist kuz

Dear dentis

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or you can contact me here eyallevi041@gmail.com

Wishing you continued prosperity.

Eyal Levi
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
There a bunch of blurred out spots on the map of Israel O_o
     ( ゚ω゚ )  It's no, >>6610
    /    \
  ((⊂  )   ノ\つ))
      ヽ ヘ }
 ε≡Ξ ノノ `J
And this is what Eyal looks like.
(・∀゚ )
who's dentis (;゚Д゚)

 \                    /
   \  丶       i.   |      /     ./       /
    \  ヽ     i.   .|     /    /      /
      \  ヽ    i  |     /   /     /
 __          わ た し で す            --
     二           ノノノノ           = 二
   ̄             (・∀゚ )                 ̄
    -‐                             ‐-

            /               ヽ      \
    /                    丶     \
   /   /    /      |   i,      丶     \
 /    /    /       |    i,      丶     \

and i can't host it myself
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
buy a VPS and host with that! if you're not willing to put in some effort, then you shouldn't make a website in the first place ( ´∀`)つ
>yeah but neocities is associated with children
I think only children would be concerned about that or think that matters ^^;
i don't think theres anything wrong with infinity free for your purpose. you can't be hacked through their servers and what you want (something that you could presumably do on neocities) can be done there.
i have used infinityfree before with no problems, it does delete everything if you haven't registered a domain for x days.

there was a guy there asking for information similar to you for starting a blog//website
Have you seen vern.cc? If they accept you, you get a free shell account on a machine running Nix.
>vern's internet radio, featuring only libre music
lol free-aks xd

Site Discussion@Heyuri
this was not r8
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Are you really asking why a tranny image was deleted and anime/otaku related weren't? I think you got a wrong imageboard, unless you're a sharty refugee. Iirc they always said that Heyuri was full of trannies (how ironic)
no jokes allowed on my random board!!!
Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?
I found that 4chan post AFTER deleting those images and banning u for them - it had nothing to do with the deletions/ban, I was just using that link to show other users what was posted so they can see why teh b& was justified. I could tell it was from 4chan due to the filename, so I searched a few archives to find it, and didn't feel liek posting it myself closed-eyes2

Quoting kaguya's post on teh front page:
>Ban discussions about Trans stuff: Internet is full of this discussions for the past decade, we don't want it to spill to Heyuri. This became a very politicized topic anyways, so Rule 7 is now more strictly enforced for this topic. The only exception is when the topic is the gender of a fictional characters.

Lame smartphone selfie images were already borderline Rule 8 to begin with depending on their contents, but anything prominently including social/political-type tranz0rs-related material for no good reason = Rule 7. See >>64706 4 moar details and past discussions
>Lame smartphone selfie images
>anything prominently including social/political-type tranz0rs-related material for no good reason
was 4 lolz
>full of this discussions for the past decade, we don't want it to spill to Heyuri.
I'm bored of hearing about it too

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Would this be considered rule 8?
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My ISP hates archive.is for some reason now, so I cant view the forum post (;´Д`)
sounds like you need to change isp. that should be illegal for them to do thatangry
Try replacing .is with .vn, .ph, or .li
Sometimes changing your DNS is all you need
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Limonov mentioned astonish onigiri

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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What's up with all the blogposts?
the 4th one is funny, but the other ones i could definitely see as blogposts
3 out of 4 of these at least have potential for discussion and lolz, i'd say these aren't that bad. Better than most posts you'd find on bant, s4s or wherever else
I'd give an example but i can't even make up something so boring and not worthy of any discussion
i dont really see a problem with any of them ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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