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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 11 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours, 6 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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-. .. --. --. . .-. ...
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Oh, I get it, I mean I'm not nameless anymore
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Mmm guro
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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That's all I have on hand.
Should my next dump be another h-manga or something like this thread?
I will fap to whatever you dump!
Your standards are too low

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Here's a collection of loli mangas by Inuboshi. Like last time I'll post them one at a time to make them more digestible.

First up: [Inuboshi] A Young Girl's Melancholy -Ema's Case-
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Nice to see someone else on here while I post. Are you liking this thread so far?
I get notifications for all new posts ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Yes I liek it, but keep in mind this software can't handle threads bigger than few hundreds of posts - it usually starts to have issues around 400~ posts
Ah, I'll post the rest to a new thread then. Thanks.

Almost all of us are probably SO RORNEY and probably won't ever get a companion in life, but if the time comes and the opportunity presents itself. Would you get a girlfriend?
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I will talk to you
yea, it is a lot of responsibility, its not easy as "i have a gf ok the end", you cant treat her like a friend, its a lot of maintenance
From what I've heard, treating a girl like a friend totally dries them up sexually.
no, i want a friend to have similar to same interest as i do. if she wants sex, ill do it.
No I'd rather have a male best friend. My best friend passed at age 18. I'd rather have someone like him again.

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最近、パロディウスを遊だ😊 パロディウスはついてどう思いか?

Go wild mate
you need this too

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. . .

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I like this new look
Read /b/ sticky
/b/: a sticky read

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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where's my favicon BITCH?!

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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- I changed links my e-mail address on Heyuri to protonmail, as I don't know for how long I will be able to access the old one
- All kokonotsuba boards have tripcode based PM module now, I centralized them
- There are now granular (is this really the rite word?) bans, meaning we can ban for hours too now instead of only "x amount of days" (thx komeo)
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I can give you a cock.li address so you don't have to embarrass yourself, dude
it's not any better, but this is not the place to discuss that.
>I changed links my e-mail address on Heyuri to protonmail

I just sent you a Wii friend request. I hope you accept blushblush
sorry, my wii is long b0rk cry
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I added your e-mail to my Wii's address book. It should have sent an e-mail to your address, unless proton blocked it thinking it's spam, or anything else got in the way.unsure

Name 1 good and 1 bad 4chan board. Explain why you think they're bad/good. Try to exclude the more infamous/obvious boards such as /b/, /pol/ or /r9k/.
I'll start:
Good: /wsg/ - one of my favourite boards, good threads, alright conversation quality, in general i like the concept of a video sharing board.
Bad: /s4s/ - nowadays it's like a discord safe space chatroom, if you've been there you'd understand.
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I stick to alt-chans and have done so for the past eight or so years. I checked out 4chan, specifically /his/, /jp/, /k/, and /x/ to see how it was, and I couldn't find a single good thread. 90% of all threads are low-effort baity one-liners. I know I should take it easy, but man, it pissed me off to see all this mindlessness.

4chan is a mental sinkhole, that's all it is. I sincerely don't understand how anyone uses that s(h)ite. depression
Its really pretty fucked up these days. I'd say that I enjoy getting on to witness the carnage though.
wsg: fun threads with surprising quality sometimes.
outdoors is also cool a bit slow though
/b/ says something about the human condition that when all rules are lifted everything just turns into one big orgy XD
sir you have a nice ass! (;゚∀゚)
The only reason I go to 4chan from time to time is because /lit/ boards on altchans feel pretty empty and inactive. There are so many things wrong with that site.
I went on 4chan last night and I agre it sucks

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Rule 7
that entire thread... dark

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Manually deleting threads uzee.... I believe I've been doing it since the anonymoose spam, but I am thinking about enabling auto pruning again soon. We have better spam prevention tools now (thx 4 komeo), so board wipings shouldn't happen unless all janitors are offline for long enough.

Normally I also archive worthy threads just before pruning, but we must do that before they get auto deleted from now on.
I think Kokonotsuba is meant to have the thread pruning feature on too, otherwise stuff like this happens: https://img.heyuri.net/b/150.html

While we're on it, what do you think about increasing page limit a little? It used to be 5, then I increased it to 10 after a townhall, but it seem to be able to handle 15 pages fine as well.
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I feel like (based on my experience with devs working on captchas) a useful captcha module is more trouble than it's worth. I could enable kaptcha, but it has major flaws too and not my code to make public. It recently proved to be useless against automated spam on another site anyways.

Making them based on PPH doesn't sound like good ideas, there are only organic dumping threads that would increase it
It turns out that range bans were always there, you just didn't know how to hand them out banana
i tested many formats for handing them out, but not with global bans sweat2
In my opinion, there's no need for captcha. Almost every captcha can bypassed by someone with relatively little or no skill (extensions available). Even Kaptcha, in which it might be more secure by obscurity, can by bypassed by someone with a bit of skill. Only captcha that seems to work are those like the one on HHS (for uncustomized spam).
Someone with l33t sk1llz trying their hardest to pwn ur site will find a way regardless, but a captcha will at least hinder/deter the lowest effort skiddies and spambots - which is all it really needs to do

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> It is difficult to define what constitutes a language as opposed to a dialect.


Site Discussion@Heyuri
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would it be possible to have multi-image-posting functionality? so we could image-dump more efficiently.
today I wanted to dump my Cirno folder, but I didn't feel like posting each and every image one by one.
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Wait a minute, didn't something like this happen last year?xd
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why not? imageboards are made to share images, after all.
Imageboards are designed for doing everything in a very inefficient and backwards and stupid way. Any improvements are shit and only a reddit0r would want them.
My god... Honestly i am impressed...
>very inefficient and backwards and stupid
That's what I'm all about biggrin

Christian Christian
Christian Christian
Christian Christian
I Christian'd
Jihad to destroy Christians with PENIS

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