Boards |
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![]() >>3301 |
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![]() >>3311 |
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![]() >>3312 |
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![]() >>3313 |
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File: undress2.jpg (106 KB, 921x1199)
![]() That's all I have on hand. |
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I will fap to whatever you dump! |
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Your standards are too low |
Here's a collection of loli mangas by Inuboshi. Like last time I'll post them one at a time to make them more digestible.
First up: [Inuboshi] A Young Girl's Melancholy -Ema's Case-
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![]() Nice to see someone else on here while I post. Are you liking this thread so far? |
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I get notifications for all new posts ヽ(´ー`)ノ |
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Ah, I'll post the rest to a new thread then. Thanks. |
Almost all of us are probably SO RORNEY and probably won't ever get a companion in life, but if the time comes and the opportunity presents itself. Would you get a girlfriend?
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>>6166 |
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>>6022 |
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>>6917 |
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no, i want a friend to have similar to same interest as i do. if she wants sex, ill do it. |
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No I'd rather have a male best friend. My best friend passed at age 18. I'd rather have someone like him again. |
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>>880 |
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>>880 |
- I changed links my e-mail address on Heyuri to protonmail, as I don't know for how long I will be able to access the old one
- All kokonotsuba boards have tripcode based PM module now, I centralized them
- There are now granular (is this really the rite word?) bans, meaning we can ban for hours too now instead of only "x amount of days" (thx komeo)
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I can give you a address so you don't have to embarrass yourself, dude |
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it's not any better, but this is not the place to discuss that. |
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>I changed links my e-mail address on Heyuri to protonmail |
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sorry, my wii is long b0rk |
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File: IMG_3326.jpg (90 KB, 640x480)
![]() I added your e-mail to my Wii's address book. It should have sent an e-mail to your address, unless proton blocked it thinking it's spam, or anything else got in the way. |
Name 1 good and 1 bad 4chan board. Explain why you think they're bad/good. Try to exclude the more infamous/obvious boards such as /b/, /pol/ or /r9k/.
I'll start:
Good: /wsg/ - one of my favourite boards, good threads, alright conversation quality, in general i like the concept of a video sharing board.
Bad: /s4s/ - nowadays it's like a discord safe space chatroom, if you've been there you'd understand.
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I stick to alt-chans and have done so for the past eight or so years. I checked out 4chan, specifically /his/, /jp/, /k/, and /x/ to see how it was, and I couldn't find a single good thread. 90% of all threads are low-effort baity one-liners. I know I should take it easy, but man, it pissed me off to see all this mindlessness. |
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Its really pretty fucked up these days. I'd say that I enjoy getting on to witness the carnage though. |
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>>6843 |
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The only reason I go to 4chan from time to time is because /lit/ boards on altchans feel pretty empty and inactive. There are so many things wrong with that site. |
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I went on 4chan last night and I agre it sucks |
Rule 7
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that entire thread... |
Manually deleting threads uzee.... I believe I've been doing it since the anonymoose spam, but I am thinking about enabling auto pruning again soon. We have better spam prevention tools now (thx 4 komeo), so board wipings shouldn't happen unless all janitors are offline for long enough.
Normally I also archive worthy threads just before pruning, but we must do that before they get auto deleted from now on.
I think Kokonotsuba is meant to have the thread pruning feature on too, otherwise stuff like this happens:
While we're on it, what do you think about increasing page limit a little? It used to be 5, then I increased it to 10 after a townhall, but it seem to be able to handle 15 pages fine as well.
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I feel like (based on my experience with devs working on captchas) a useful captcha module is more trouble than it's worth. I could enable kaptcha, but it has major flaws too and not my code to make public. It recently proved to be useless against automated spam on another site anyways. |
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It turns out that range bans were always there, you just didn't know how to hand them out |
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i tested many formats for handing them out, but not with global bans |
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>>64955 |
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Someone with l33t sk1llz trying their hardest to pwn ur site will find a way regardless, but a captcha will at least hinder/deter the lowest effort skiddies and spambots - which is all it really needs to do |
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なぜ北京語と広東語2つの言語として考えるんのか |
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> It is difficult to define what constitutes a language as opposed to a dialect. |
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はい、けどそれは日本語とあまり関係ある文じゃないと思う |
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Wikipedia英語版だと非母語日本語話者数は20万人(0.2million)と書かれてて根拠はエスノローグの情報。 |
would it be possible to have multi-image-posting functionality? so we could image-dump more efficiently.
today I wanted to dump my Cirno folder, but I didn't feel like posting each and every image one by one.
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>>65007 |
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![]() >>65007 |
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>>65010 |
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>>65035 |
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>very inefficient and backwards and stupid |
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