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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 minute ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 6 hours, 36 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Tomorrow begins my first day of my third year of highs school.
Like almost everyone here I was also for a long time the biggest antisocial weirdo and have wasted all my teenage years up until now. But I want to change this. At least on this last year I want to live "normally" and have friends.
Can I still live the teenage high school life or am I too old for that? Can you old geezers give me some advice?
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best way to get friends is just not to think really, be in the moment and just say the things you wanna say. never talk bad about anyone else and if you wanna stay safe. another important thing is to stand your own ground, if you think like everyone else and agrees on everything - then you are boring.

Ironic, i've few to none friends but talking with people is so easy these days. used to be very shy and anxious for most of my life.
How did it go? pata
>Like almost everyone here I was also for a long time the biggest antisocial weirdo and have wasted all my teenage years up until now. But I want to change this. At least on this last year I want to live "normally" and have friends.
I had this. I moved schools in my last year due to shit and realized I could see whether or not it was because I was an autist or if everyone at old school just hated me (my nickname used to be 'school shooter' lmao)
I discovered it was half/half. On one hand nobody bothered me, I had pleasant interactions. But it was lonely, not horribly lonely but I just couldn't fit in anywhere, I floated around all the cliques, groups, individuals, etc... couldn't stick to anything
Anyway it's nearly the end anyway. I'd also like to know how your year went
This takes me back. I never had friends in high school or college. I still don't have any and I've never been in a relationship. It's mostly my own fault for avoiding people or obsessing over grades. Now I'm nearly 30 and way too old to keep up with people. This might be your senior year but you can make a change now. Even if you graduate without friends your still young enough to make them or get a gf. The gap isn't that wide. The biggest mistake I made was defeatism. I'd try to make friends, fuck up, then come away thinking it was hopeless and avoid people for years and then try again and the cycle repeats. I was my own worst enemy.

Learn to accept setbacks and rejection and take up every opportunity that comes your way. "Oh you guys doing group study? Mind if I tag along?" Don't be afraid of coming off as awkward or strange. You will come off as a weirdo at first. It will be hard since everyone's got their cliques and friend groups. Just push through it. You will over think things. Your brain will worry. Remember, don't think just do.
I have liek... two, three friends I talk to regularly, but no one from highschool
highschool suckkksssss

What’s the link? Is there a link or is it just a bias?

It always feels like you need to be a certain level of unhappy to make good art. It’s like mental instability fuels creativity. Does it actually? If not, why does it feel that way?
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I believe that it's a myth which makes for a nice underdog story. Artists also buy into it and I think try to procure such stories themselves.
It's not necessarily true though. A lot of the people I see who've talked this talk have very little talent actually, and mostly want to yammer on about the piece to cover up the fact that there is nothing in it.
Sometimes there is a link. It's a very individual thing though.
Mental health could instead be a proxy to "Mental Veil"

As one peels away ideals and illusions accompanied, the schism between the daily and the stripped down reality acts as a fork in the road. One either spirals out of control, or weaves their own amusements on and away.

Attachment is bondage after all~
Another piece of line of thought to make one feel special. No one is really special.
People like stories that they can relate to and that describe a similar situation to their own. People who have depression have an easier time relating to art about depression. I'd say how much you like art made by mentally ill people compared to art made by normal people depends on how mentally ill you yourself are.
I think people emphasize too much about relatability when curiosity also plays a role. 'A day in the Life of an Exotic Dancer' will attract more eyes than 'A day in the Life of an Accountant.', generally. Regular people can be curious about how the mind of a mentally ill person works. If it was as much about relatability as some imply, the works of mentally ill people wouldn't get nearly as much general exposure as they do.

Think of all the young teenagers with hopes for their future who just died young and are now burning in hell forever for not accepting Christ and instead living for the world. Imagine their parents either in denial in clueless about what is happening to their beloved children and will continue to happen forever

Little Tommy may have had plans to hang out with his friends the next day… He got shot by a feral nigger… Now he's being tortured in hell. Imagine the screams. Imagine what Tommy is thinking right now. He never paid much attention to religion. He was just a child. Maybe excited to one day find a woman he will love while living a relatively calm life. If only he had accepted Christ… Nobody told him it is not a fairytale. That doesn't excuse 15 year old Tommy, though. He will be burned, stabbed, ripped apart, fed boiling iron, eaten by maggots, and so on for all eternity.

Think of all the young teenagers (aged 13 to 16) that decide that their lives are too miserable, so they tie a noose around their neck, thinking it will be lights out forever… Ooops!!! No it's not!!! They suddenly stand before The Lord. No western standards of what a little heckin kid is. They think to themselves "How could this have happened? You were not supposed to be real! I am just a child!!!", but it is too late.
Their parents and loved ones will share posts on social media like "Fly high, rest in peace angel, etc", unaware their little angel they raised for over a decade is now being tortured forever in hell.
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Schizophrenic religion. Don't think in dichotomies, its more complicated than Heaven/Hell. We are on a prison planet farmed for our Loosh by reptilian entities. Don't go to the light when you pass
The doctrine of 'Hell' is a human-origin teaching that is utterly wrong and offensive to God.

The term 'Hell' does not exist in the Old Testament, some translations such as the KJV have translated words like 'Sheol' to Hell, but the vast majority of biblical scholars (including those who might believe in Hell or that Hell is mentioned in the NT) agree that it's totally inappropriate. Sheol and Abaddon (in the OT) are terms used in a poetic, symbolic way to represent and convey teachings that I won't go into here, but they have nothing to do with causing human beings endless suffering. Most translations today use 'death' for Sheol and 'annihilation' of Abaddon , but even these terms don't really covey what they mean, and they do NOT relate to threats against humans to cause them endless post-mortal suffering. If you actually read the OT with an open mind and not through the filter of these doctrines, you'll see that I'm correct here.

The NT is more complex, 'Hell' is an English word so that word doesn't appear in the NT, the original terms are 'Gehenna', 'Hades' and 'Tartarus'. Now if you know anything about Greek mythology it might strike you immediately that 'Hades' and 'Tartarus' are Greek mythological concepts, so this should ring alarm bells. Is Greek mythology somehow well-aligned with the teachings in the OT and of Jesus? If you actually read through the NT and examine the places where these terms appear, they are used to symbolise things - usually they symbolise JUDGEMENT. So for example there's the PARABLE of 'The Rich Man and Lazarus', which depicts a rich man dying and then, "in torment" looking up and seeing Abraham (read the full thing here ), now if you read that through the filter of the 'hell doctrine', it's reasonable enough I guess at face value to say that this is a depiction of hell below and heaven above and so on. Without that filter, however, and a better knowledge of the writings as a whole and the context, it appears the author\speaker is appropriating the symbology of Hades, the underworld (a Greek mythological concept), where in many cases people thought of it as being structure with 'strata' based on the moral good of a person during life. On one level the story is saying basically that once you're dead, you can't go back and be a better person or change what you did or your relationship with other people. There are actually other layers to the story that I won't go into but if you read it in context, the original author\speaker wasn't depicting or defending the notion of Hell. There are a few other examples like Jesus talking about "burning up" branches and so on - but again this is not talking about people physically being tortured by flames for eternity, it's talking 'election' or about how some actions will 'endure' or have 'enduring value' while others do not.

I've read through this stuff many times and I'm fully confident that 'Hell' isn't even a concept that the NT authors believed in, it is simply a doctrine\filter that is IMPOSED on translations of the original text and via culture\religion, so that many people get damaged by it.

Don't take anything I've said as 100% truth, but OP is absolutely wrong and I'd beg him to reconsider saying such ugly things about others and about God.

In my belief, any adult, teenager, or child who dies is simply unconscious\non-existent for now, they will awake at the resurrection of all the dead, and be comforted.

I'd like to investigate this idea
The one thing that witheld me from conversion was the concept of heaven and hell seemed ridiculous. It seems so imbalanced, so wasteful, so weird, so unnecessary.

>I'd like to investigate this idea

One decent source on the 'Hell' doctrine thing is this site (godsplanforall.com). Please note that I don't agree with everything these people say, or even their general outlook, but it has some good sections (especially 'Part II', Chapters 15-20, it's really not that long to read) going into how the bible translations have been shaped by this doctrine and how the doctrine is imposed on the writings. There are other sources you could try too.

>The one thing that witheld me from conversion was the concept of heaven and hell seemed ridiculous. It seems so imbalanced, so wasteful, so weird, so unnecessary.

I don't want to convert you to anything. I think it's so absurd because humans have this tendency to use threats of violence to coerce others, for profit or gain in some way.

If you had an interest in approaching the subject, I'd say start by focusing on reading the Book of Proverbs over and over again, maybe 100 times. Read it and try to understand what it's actually saying, meditate on it. Don't take things at face value. Listen intently. Early on you'll see the expression "the fear of The Lord", which when read through the filter of something like the hell doctrine might mean one thing, but what's it actually mean?

Whatever the case, the whole idea of hell is perverse and wrong and doesn't even accord with what the NT authors wrote.
>I don't want to convert you to anything. I think it's so absurd because humans have this tendency to use threats of violence to coerce others, for profit or gain in some way.
No worries! I became interested in Christianity after years of being a staunch atheist. The catalyst was a dream I had where a man came to me, told me his name, and said I must look him up. I did that, and what I found was that his name was Greek for 'messenger of God'. I don't know Greek or anything, in fact the word wasn't even a 'real' word, it was a composition of two words.
The only thing that sat wrong with me about all the doctrine was that of heaven and hell, and I was sad to give up my journey because I was just stuck at why these things exist, and nobody wants to talk about it.
So thank you for giving me an avenue where I may find answers.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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How much longer do you think Heyuri has left before it joins the long list of dead image board sites?
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I'll never forget heyuri, even when it goes down, even when im on my death bed, never ever!
uhh, i dont know why that sent twice, but the message is reiterated!
Heyuri acknowledges your fighting spirit nyaoo-closedeyes
THREAD THEME: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeIjmvZZ_SQ
In the ol'd days we always said
>You shut one site down we multiply
I'm sure there is going to be replacement.wink
However I'm kinda worried about the probs over @ 4chinz.unsure
Imagine all the twatter and redditfags there flooding our oldchansmona2
something like this is nothing specialdance2dance2

Now, I've never actually been to a therapist (thank god), but in my second year of high-school, people in my year kept getting busted for doing crazy shit, (like the boys were climbing school buildings, and torturing monkeys, and the girls were stealing test tubes to use as sex toys, and shitting in the middle of the bathroom floor (all unrelated incidents)), so they hired some sort of trained psychologist, who each of us had to see at least once a week. I think they made me go to work on my 'porn addiction', which was discovered at an earlier (super awkward) meeting (interrogation) between me, my parents, and the principal.

Personally I was fine with this arrangement, since my session came on Friday afternoons. I got to cut class and basically considered it an early start to the weekend. However I think this psychologist lady was a hack. She started right away making inferences about me that I didn't identify with, and I think she was just barelling along with generalized therapy-speak and hoping I would respond (considering she was seeing several dozen students a week, would it really be possible for her to focus on any one of us?)

I remember one time I told her I liked to draw, so she told me to come back for the next session with one of my drawings. I forgot all about that until 10 minutes before the session in question, and I rushed out some bullshit drawing without thinking too much. (It was some kid sitting on a beanbag chair, eagerly watching TV, if I remember correctly.) When I showed her the drawing she spent time analyzing it and humming like she was comprehending something, and I was kind of worried she would realize I rushed it out. But she looked at me and said 'You know, going by this drawing, I think you're kind of a nervous person, you know, with how sharp the lines are, and how the kid is leaning forward in the beanbag chair, I think you're kind of a harried person, there's a lot of nervous energy in this drawing."

And I had to try really hard to hold back laughter, since I was thinking 'Well of course there's a lot of nervous energy in the drawing, I did it in 8 minutes before I got here to avoid turning up empty-handed!'

Anyway I never really had a breakthru with that psychologist, maybe because I wasn't 'open' enough. ( I had a suspicion that she was giving reports to the administration, and if I said anything incriminating they would call my parents and turn it into a disciplinary case.) And after that I left the school cause we moved too far away, so I never saw her again.

Anyway, what are your own personal experiences with therapists/counsellors/psychologists?
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I've seen various different people - from the "guy at school that the problem kids get sent to", to several years of seeing various psychologists/psychiatrists/therapists (some I was forced to, others I purposefully seeked out)

My conclusion was that 99% of them suck and aren't qualified to do their jobs, and any benefits they might bring about are placebo + sunk cost fallacy at best ^^;

2 major things helped me escape the situation I was in:
1. finding sum good people on teh interwebs who had the patience to give me advice after I asked for help (this was 2015-2016, not sure this is even possible these days with how much more retarded everyone is)
2. one particular therapist giving me the idea of breaking down the steps to overcoming my issues into the tiniest of baby steps (to the point where each individual step was very easily doable) - they were otherwise totally useless and too expensive (for a NEET, but the cheaper ones sucked even harder)
my parents sent me to 2 psychologists years ago because they thought I am mentally ill. I hated them both. I refused to go to them. In my opinion, unless you are critically mentally ill then you don't need them.
I saw many since my early childhood (all forced by parents), apparently my parents and various teachers suspected I was autistic... But I wasn't.
One of them diagnosed me with major depression and gave me heavy SSRIs during my adolescence. I was sure at the time that they had no effect on me, so one day I just quit using them and felt no difference afterwards. I was either diagnosed wrongly, the medicine had no effect on me, or perhaps my brain is too b0rked purin

One of the last ones I visited told me I could have a certain situation, which sounded reasonable to me. If he was right (I am still not 100% sure myself if this is the case), it has no cure and I can live just fine without treating it. My parents were starting to give up too, so I didn't visit many of them afterwards.

Bonus: One of the first things nearly all of them would ask me was if I hear voices that weren't there, some asking it multiple times. Whatever that implies aside, should they even ask that to the patient himself? O_o

>the girls were stealing test tubes to use as sex toys
Hawt! Did they ever return them used?
>Hawt! Did they ever return them used?

Not as far as I know. The story is that a group of them were caught in the bathroom during an assembly ( when most people in school could be counted on to stay away), showing each other how to use it safely, and apparently showing each other this trick where they roll it over and over in their hands and press it between their thighs so that it ends up warm. The implication is definitely that it was sort of a common practice. I don't know what exactly 'showing each other how to use it' implies. Maybe it was talk, or maybe they were having some kind of orgy in there. I like to imagine the latter.(´¬`)

If it was very rampant, it may well be that they returned some used. nida
Actually, thanks for reminding me. It occurs to me that I stole some lab equipment too, for my own bullshit home experiments. I didn't use everything I stole, so I might have a test tube with residual manko juice lying around somewhere...ヽ(゚ρ゚)ノ

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Please get rid of the 3D CP on /b/, thank you kindly
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Thank you my beloved administrators
pol scum in lounge
would this go under literal pedo shit? of course theres no nudity but its puting a child in a sexual context. https://img.heyuri.net/b/koko.php?res=74744
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As long as it's not the "annoying"/newgon wiki-ish type of pedo, like that guy in the thread whose images (though I couldn't see them on time) were deleted for being MAP propaganda stuff, "literal pedos" or sexualized images of children (as long as it's not at a level that would cause legal troubles) r not banned. Stuff like loli panchira or old style pedo captions (i grabbed this pic from macrochan) are fine.

When it feels like it's promoting some kind of agenda such as stuff on https://www.newgon.net/wiki/Memes_and_Graphics , that's when I think it enters into B& area.
1st thought it was christcuck spam but after closer examination it seems to me that's some /x/ stuff.huh
Don't know what's that got to do with /pol/...unsure
If you're referring to the word 'Nigger' we use on certain occasion on here.cool

Site Discussion@Heyuri
Is Heyuri against Tor posting? Whenever I post via Tor I get lots of messages telling me I'm banned but they keep giving me different dates and reasons for the ban.

Also sorry for asking this in the wrong thread. And my cat just pooped on my bed.....
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tor test 5
I think most tor nodes are b& ever since range bans were introduced
tor test 6
huh, I guess theyre not anymore
tor test
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Do you even know how the TOR network operates?rolleyes
Maybe several exist nodes are banned here...nyaoo
Most Tor exit nodes these days seem to be hosted on Cloudflare's datacenters, and/or I believe Cloudflare also keeps track of exit nodes and has some kind of special routing for them in order to give their users the option to block them - either way, they nearly always show up like this on Kokonotsuba's mod panel:

This means:
1. they stick out liek a sore thumb against all the usual IPv4 addresses of regular/VPN users
2. if we range ban 2405:8100:8000:5ca1 (which we temporarily do whenever it's being abused), it blocks the majority of Tor users xd

Had to dropout from university because I got expelled from home and I'm a kissless virgin on top of that! Does anyone have a harder life?

My only electronic is an old cellphone where the touchscreen doesn't work properly. I'm 23yo.

Listening to jpop and grindcore on my cellphone when I have charge is my only cope.
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Maybe he should just man the fuck up
what country?
Let's all pray for nigra nii-san! (´人`)
hang in there hnn
holy shit and i thought that my life was shitty (;゚Д゚)!
you are in my prayers, and because my god is actually real (unlike all your fake n gay gods), good things are to come homeless nigger nii-san! iyahoo

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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testing to see if cookies save, since they didn't earlier

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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I'm curious, has the sell of banner space provided the desired results? did Kaguya deny placing some banner or have all the requests been given the greenlight? If not, what kind of ad would you deny 100%?
Image completely unrelated
I can't see how many people have clicked to the banners, but I am happy with the results so far biggrin
It's just supposed to bring some activity/traffic to the sites/boards linked there.
>did Kaguya deny placing some banner or have all the requests been given the greenlight
So far all proposed banners were added. I don't want to add more banners to Heyuri's front page/the Off-Topic board (I am considering removing some of these in the future). There are few conditions for banners to be added too, you can read >>64431 for details
I've been thinking if we should change teh konata push banner from heyuri to lounge. It is a easy change for me and as we do not have a banner for lounge that could be good idea?
it's hard to make a banner for a site that has no images
go ahead nyaoo
I think the curry banner should be one of the 300x100 ones too if it's easy to do
Making curry to 300x100 is harder. So might as well thow it. It's my least liked banner nyaoo-closedeyes

something tells me this isnt the real chris from barcelona spain foruda
Fried chicken is NIGGER FOOD!
roast white man is NIGGER FOOD

get it right you horrible racist ヽ(`Д´)ノ
I thought we were eating the other white meat
What have I been eating this whole time? (;´Д`)

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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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trolling is an integral part of the old internet, why is it banned on heyuri?
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whenever i try posting via tor I'm always bannned for some reason. is heyuri against tor posting?
I don't think that relates to this thread
I once gave a bullshit explanation on something relating post numbers, the quote feature and quoting the OP that i pulled completely out of my ass. Did anyone save that?
>Did anyone save that?
If it was on Site Discussion it's probably still up, but if it was on Off-Topic then probably not sweat2
the trolling has to be good, it cant just be some rulebreaking spam e.g. some nu-internet meme over and over
also, heyuri wont, and cant emulate EVERYTHING 2000s--you aren't seeing copious amounts of illegal videos like child and snuff porn

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