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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 23 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 13 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
2D Cute@Heyuri
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So, it's Three Kings' day. Do you still have your christmas tree up? You're only supposed to get rid of it after January 6
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i didn't get a christmas tree this year because it gave me bad allergies last year and i don't like fake trees
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Cheer up emo edgy kid emo
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I happily celebrated christmas this year, because I love God and Jesus. I hope my parents will live long and happy lives. I don't have a family bible, but I think I'm going to buy one rigth now so I can pass it down to my children smile
..and with that, the world is balanced once more happy

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Angel-chan made a magazine for last month, but it never got posted until now due to a certain someone not making a cover for it... (;^Д^)
A little late, but better than never!
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Certain nan nan angel?
epic!! iyahoodance2
>Certain nan nan angel?
yes ヽ(´∇`)ノ
zOMG WINRAR! biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
Culture!!!! waha
I’ll be givning Doujin Work a look
winrar, but too short… cry NEEDS MOAR

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Why do fat people, especially women, always get their panties in a bunch whenever you mention it to them? Isn't it just a fact of life? I have a female friend who stands on the more stout side of the spectrum (she is officially obese per BMI standards) and is known to frequently make self-deprecating jokes about her own weight; that and, considering the way she dresses herself, not even attempting to conceal the slab of lard hanging off her abdomen big enough to be made into three bars of soap, one would be led to believe she is perfectly happy having the body of an elephant seal. Turns out that is not the case. Because when I casually mentioned it to her yesterday while staying at her house, she was so pissed she actually threw me out! I was forced to sleep at the public laundry!
Oh and before you ask: no, she is not cute. She is rude, promiscuous and a half-caste.
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Do you really think getting fucked by a heyurizen would boost someone's self esteem? unsure
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>i do not know how to mark posts as "long"
Typing scroll in brackets at the beginning and end of your post, with a forward slash on the second one, like so will enable it. You can find more BBCode using the link underneath the unique users line.

>sumimasen, mod-sama!
All is forgiven, my child. My love for you is unconditional. (´人`)
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You are a very wise man, sir! Indeed, you are probably right about my friend, but I'm not apologizing, I'm too proud for that. She'll come crawling back to me one of these days. My back still hurts. Owie.
>now post pictures of her so that i can deem her worhty or unworthy
Here it is. I omitted the eyes because of all this new facial recognition technology stuff. Once I accidentally walked in when she was changing. Her teats are small and saggy.
I believe in my charisma(´人`)


I see... and from the picture's metadata, I tracked your phone and figured out where you live. I hope I can crash at your place, OP! キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!

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bar b0rk'd

2D Ero@Heyuri
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Ran is an oldbie fox with all 9 tails
Tsukasa as a newbie fox with only 1 tail
And she has a cat and tsukasa has no cats
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that's kewl!
thank you for the insight, wise master (´ー`)
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Cute! love I wish kitsune youkai were real
When I think about it I believe I can make more guesses but I am not sure of how well I guess.

*「典」as a set of rules in her contract or
*「使さ」as the personification of being used and serving others or
*「司」as the personification that she in fact is served by others

「典」- I meant a set of rules. Because it feels more like a grand book, a codex.
While in latin you have a libre, you have very serious books like a caudex or a codex that sets something as true. First laws that were true were the natural laws but humans also made them up in justice system and this is where they were written. The bible meaning the book of books in a coloquial sense, codex also means rules in a coloqual sense. But codexes used to explain them at least and reasons for such rules. Tsukasa simply made a contract, that also plays into the theme of the game of a natural anarchist market where only laws of nature apply, where you can sell and buy anything.

「使さ」As a giver of service. The thing that a servant does.
「司」As a receiver of service. The thing that a leader does.
This plays into the fox nature.
And Tsukasa is also a cute common name.

>I imagine Chimata as...

「千亦」meaning a thousand repeats feels more like it is not used specifically for the amount of "redos" but eras and ages I think.
If they meant simply infinite times ZUN probably would pick hyakuman or man but he picked a thousand. Thousand is used more typically in time measuring meaning very long.
「千代に八千代に」"For a thousand of epochs, for eight thousands of epochs" and by epoch I mean the reign of a monarch or whomever who makes history as a pole to which all events and individuals bend. I think it might hold a special place as a time counter instead of a thing counter. A thousand of generations is quite long. Though this is subjective.

(Mihama) Chiyo "thousand of generations". Tiny puny name is so sweet sounding and cute. If feels very optimal for a solid name. I wish I could name someone this well, it keeps a high spirit to be named well rather than some random gibberish.

>But her name uses the sky and heaven character but it means simply nature
It is very cute that the common belief is that heaven is nature and sacred in its perfection.
Emergence of markets is as natural as development of writing record or tools.
It must come from the perfect half of existence! The seedling of perfection on earth sprouts through the natural order!
Yin is feminine, yin is the moon, yin is dark, yin is cold and dead.
The dot in yin is the moon that travels the night sky!
It is the seedling of purity and perfection!
Nobody ages on the moon, no harm is in the moon, land of pure nature and perfection.
Far away, always reminding there is hope in uncertain times and the hope does not fear.

Cat is boring but good looking. General lucky cat characteristics.
And the yamawaro is boring.
And Iizunamaru is boring.
And the smoking lady is boring.

Momoyo "hundred of hundreds of epochs" is the same deal as Chimata. Momoyo is cool.
She has her own legend of coiling a mountain 7 and a half times!
A big insect to be feared. Also probably refering to the 100 legs of a centipede.
"The princess of insects" with insects written as a swarm. Big swarm.
I liked the th18 extra. It was quite fun.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
>Rule 8
what does that mean exactly? it says you're not allowed "outside of quoting"? wdym
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ok, thanks. Then I will continue using greentext for "Reference", is that alright?
for example



... etc

that's what I use that for.
anything you can ctrl+v is fine
it's also fine when you're translating text, writing stuff from images etc

don't use it for greentexting as mentioned, cosmetic formatting (there are bullet points or bbcode), putting words to someone's mouth (like false quotes, you see this on 4chan) as well as actions (eg. >doing x instead of y), and some other stuff you wouldn't even know about unless you saw on 4chan (>tfw no gf)

most R8.e bans issues are for greentext stories, don't overthink it sweat2
k thanks. I'll be aware not to use greentexting like r/greentext.
again, for cosmetic formatting, you could use bbcode or other symbols. That's not the function of quoting feature



- description
... etc
Alright, I will know in the future.

In Japan, they say that the first dream you have in the new year will predict things about your year.

Mine featured me walking through a kind of soapland or red light district. I saw a petite Chinese girl with a scrawny, middle-aged man being held down in bondage getting candle-wax dripped on him. Then I ended up wandering into a grocery store where one of my best friends was walking around, looking for freezie pops (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freezie) since I said I wanted to eat them. He couldn't find them and I said not to worry about it because he had good desserts already.

Do you remember your first dream of the New Year? Have you experienced one yet?
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I've had some really weird (and erotic) dreams the past week, so I can only assume that I'm going to have a really weird (and erotic) year.
Mine was me finding a man sleeping in the middle of the road
As i wanted to get him to move so that no car hits him he pulled a gun on me and shot
All my dreams revolve around me getting fucked, there has been not a single nice dream in my entire lifetime
The first dream I had this year was insignificant. I forgot it. The conclusion that I can draw from this is that this year will be insignificant and forgettable
I cant remember the last time I had a dream
I was at a platform waiting for a train I was going to drive, when I saw a face that was flattened and disconnected from the body in the tracks (;゚∀゚) I quickly went further down the platform and was met with gore and shit everywhere. I realized there were children on the platform, seemingly oblivious. I thought about how to make them leave without seeing anything. Then I woke up. So yeah I'm probably running another fucker over this year degeso( ´,_ゝ`)

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was watching medabots medarot and like, this random student council girl is too goddamn cute
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DO WANT! iyahoo
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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2D Ero@Heyuri
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2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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