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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 55 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 45 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
do mods recognize the IP of users and be more lenient or strict base on familiarity.
When a post stands out as rule-breaking, I'll log in to teh mod panel (which shows the IP address of every post) to deal with it. Sometimes the post in question will be from a familiar IP address/range that I've seen dozens of times before when dealing with rule-breaking posts, at which point I'll give the post less benefit of the doubt and maybe deal out a longer ban duration (not that it makes much difference)

I'm not monitoring teh mod panel and categorizing every IP into naughty & nice lists liek Santa-san if that's what ur asking 🎅
yes they do, and I'm on teh nice list happy
You should do that and at christmas give them nice little decorations depending on what list they're on >:)
Could a mod kindly confirm or deny my suspicions that the painfully unfunny PENIS and VAGINA spam on /b/ is coming entirely from one luser trying really hard to force a meme?
>Could a mod kindly confirm or deny my suspicions that the painfully unfunny PENIS and VAGINA spam on /b/ is coming entirely from one luser trying really hard to force a meme?
Others have begun joining in recently, but yeah - the VAST majority of it has been coming from a single user sweat2

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on a scale of 1 to dekinai how retarded would i sound if i just used the short form of verbs and then desu instead of bothering with this masu form cuckery
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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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As i think we've moved past the period of staff applying. I think we should open a new discussion thread among ourself to both discuss and learn for us that are new. But also to get feedback from the community.

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Honestly, I have no idea. There is no ban on the list with that times. Can you just wait it out and act as if that has never happened please?
NVM, I didn't realize today was the 19th - I thought you just took it. I thought there was another bug sweat2
We can't see past bans (so this needs confirmation), but it was probably a range TOR block, which should have been specified even if it was apparent.
kagy is so cute when he gets confused...
Not going to mention individual cases but this happened a lot while developing kokonotsuba (・∀・)
Reporting in too. I haven't tripped in a while but i'm still here watching every single post you make
As a vpn user, there have been many cases which my ip has been blocked / added to spamlist. I also received ban-warning i know for certain wasn't towards me. This is teh issue with sharing teh same IP-addresses - if you use teh same service, which has been teh case.

With these reason in mind, I often do not jump around with my IP adresses to much and stay with in same region. nyaoo-closedeyes

does anyone know where I can find and read real suicide notes written by normal people
when my time comes, ill put mine here. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
I mean, there is not an archive or something of the sort?

Hi, Bored. I'm Anonymous. ヽ(´∇`)ノ

The next step is to clear the mind.
I just keep procrastinating though (´・ω・`)
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There are different variation of meditation one can use, one is zazen which is "sitting meditation", which often has you focus on one thing and one thing only. Most often teh breath. breath in, breath out. Whenever you lose your focus and start thinking or focus on something else. Let that thing go and re-adjust your focus towards teh breath. Breath in, Breath out. OK? Repeat. Set a timer and do not move. Sit in right posture. Look it up. Overtime your mind will get clearer and your awareness will grow.

I use Shikantaza, which is focus on nothing. It is harder at first. nagato
Do the enlightened even have conversations anymore afterward?
It seems like a lot of conversations become unnecessary as one goes down this path...

It's hard to put into words how meaningless I find most conversations because they don't tackle fundamental issues but rather self-created issues of the mind which is illusory... even my own self-created illusory issues.

It's harder to put into words how meaningless the net has become, or friends, or most things, because it all links back to meditation and deleting the self. But it's weird to be in this transition period where the self still exists, just at a reduced volume and with all of the confusions attached
>Do the enlightened even have conversations anymore afterward?
Sure. Day-to-day I have fairly ordinary conversations about ordinary things, while online I mostly discuss technical stuffz, my research & discoveries, and answering questions if I feel I have good answers

Otherwise I just post st00pid things on teh interwebs for fun ヽ(´ー`)ノ
That's something I've been struggling with myself. It's even harder to talk to people, just because I know I can't just spout out my beliefs without seeming like some sort of autistic schizo. I think the solution is just going with the flow. That seems like the zen thing to do.
My brain felt washed with soap after another go quitting of years of nicotine addiction, surviving the first week that is. Listening to music: EXTREMELY pleasurable. Brain felt super squeaky, vision clear, brain reset. This was 2 months ago. No longer feeling as psychic, accumulating rust already. Probably from too much weed, but the weed, in the beginning, also EXTREMELY pleasurable, good for Fresh World Experiences.

And now I do still crave a decadent cowboy killer from time to time, having my brain get zapped with a "reset" feeling would be nice again. Unfortunately, I have no other major chemical addictions to cold turkey. (not addicted enough to weed yet )(´ー`)

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
Anyone know where to get the loli mods for sims 4
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hi about chatbots, what model do you recommend to use on koboldai?
Lolibooru already has an AI tag https://lolibooru.moe/post?seed=1159996797&tags=ai-generated+&page=1

Also try https://aibooru.online/
You'll need to make an account then go to settings and enable "Show niche posts" to view Loli content

Can't say, just started using it not long ago. I just press start and begin typing. However I can include one thing I should've mentioned before, go to chub.ai or aetherroom.club then copy the URL link after viewing an AI page (for example copy: https://aetherroom.club/3251) and go to KobaldAI and after starting it go to scenarios and press import then select the site you copied from and paste the URL. Enjoy

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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This just indicates that a thread is older than 1 week and hit the age limit, so it can't be bumped anymore.
threads older than age limit (currently 7 days) can't be bumped. That text comes automatically

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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mods seem to be deleting my posts at random now, like 50% of what I post. What the hell is happening?
Like when I called that drawing on /b/ "emo crap" (which is true) and it got nuked. What, is that against the rules now?
It's sad that I have to state this very obvious truth, but mods should not use their personal preferences as a criteria when cleaning the board.
I'm almost getting tired of visiting this site, when I know I'll have to behave in a certain manner and only say certain things so that I don't disrupt the shared fantasy of other users.
And before anyone comes here to say "heyuri was always a role-playing website in which we're only allowed to act accordingly!"
No, no it wasn't. Moderation used to be way more lenient. it seems to me that the newbie mods are to blame.
Lurk moar biggrin
I've been "lurking" for more than a year
maybe you could explain to me why my posts are getting deleted?
did you submit your PENIS verification picture to the tripcode !JE1M5w5l2A
that what it says in the faq before you can create threads on /b/

I personally like to go to the park, sharpen every stick I can find in secrecy, then hide them somewhere for future purposes. I don't know what park beef I would ever have that would cause me to use those sticks, but I feel satisfied knowing that they're available.
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i like to flood peoples social media with gay porn so people think they are gay
i walk on the grass instead of the road
Accha aur jab main teri ma chodunga toh kya kare ga tab?
i repeat hateful mantras in my head with beads if mfs in class are being annoying little bitches. may all being have suffering and the causes of suffering, or just something simple. if i want to be a smartass i use may all beings be free from attatchment or aversion. i guess that one's a little hypocritical.. theres 42 beads on my mala bracelet, so i feel kinda productive once i've gone around once or twice. i also vandalize public bathrooms sometimes. i fantasize about mauling people who really piss me off on a personal level.
thats extremely antisocial to the grass. pray you don't get doxxed buddy

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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This thread is a continuation of >>4092

[Inuboshi] How to Be a Good Kid
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hey everyone,Let's post our artwork here. I was curious I will post too. example...mona2mona2
We have Oekaki@Heyuri
It's not deviantart, so draw something fun or interesting ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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ngwarrrrghhhh why am I listed as spam, I just wnated to show my love for AMERICA cry
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Are you an American?

There’s no one above me ヽ(´ー`)ノ

^^ I bestow upon thee the code name Batshit Goat
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The Penguin
Rape Enthusiast
fat man from outer space
loli sodomizer

YOU must...
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you gay haha
Make my PENIS smaller
Rave, is here

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