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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 15 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 15 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
It was a chicken's way of going out, if you ask me..
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Lol, I geddit. nida
                              ,,从.ノ巛ミ    彡ミ彡)ミ彡ミ彡ミ彡)ミ彡)''"
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                            "⌒''~"      し(__)
Aww how'd I fuck that up? It's worse than OP's joke (-_-)
Psst! Use the [aa] tag! Just keep it a secret from everyone else, ok?

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I think I just need a refresher about this kinda thing. If it's clearly not actual CP (doll), but it looks like it (real life picture), it can still stay up, or...? What's the standing? Thanks.
Firstly, it's 3DCG (computer-generated 3D art), not a doll or real-life pic

3DCG loli has nevar been b& on Heyuri, but it's nevar really been posted either, so I dunno. It's up 2 kaguya and teh laws of Atlantis unsure

I left it up since it's kinda hawt and I dunno kaguya's policy on it, but I B& OP for promoting his kuso paysite (as he has done many times here in teh past)
Additional point: kaguya also operates teh current iteration of gurochan, which has a 3DCG board containing nekkid loli & shota in varying states of intactness biggrin
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3DCG lolis aren't banned per se, except the ultra realistic AI stuff (which I believe we didn't get so far), because they may cause sum issues. They're banned on GUROchan's 3DCG board as well.

You can delete ads for any kind of paysite, but u may also choose not to if ur b0ner thinks the image is hawt nyaoo-closedeyes

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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When I check off more than one post, or even just one and click submit, it doesn't work. Clicking [Rebuild] after doesn't do anything either. So I have to manually click the delete button instead. Is this how it is for other janitors, or just me?
99% of the time i use live frontend mode so i wouldn't know. But i already deleted these posts so maybe that's why
Are you clicking the "Submit" buttan at the top of the page instead of the one at the bottom?
^^ The screencap from above was before the posts were deleted. I should note this has been a problem for a while. About since last month or so, I think. I've been holding off asking about it until now because I kept forgetting about it.

Yes, that's the one I've been clicking. Is it supposed to be the bottom one I click? sweat
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Ah, the bottom buttan works. Thank you for the help, admin-sama! biggrin
Just in time for these new wave of posts, too.
It used to be at both the top and the bottom of the panel until a certain update sweat2
I'll add the top buttan back soon

I noticed that a lot of young people nowadays (including myself) find fat women attractive. I know that it's a biological thing, but I'm certain that statistically speaking the number of fat fetishists has increased. What is causing this phenomenon? Is it just a consequence of highly industrialized societies or perhaps something more?
18 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>Research published in 2022 indicates that the closest and most likely source of the oolite used is on the other side of the Alps in northern Italy, near Lake Garda. A lesser possibility is that it came from a site in eastern Ukraine some 1,600 km (1,000 mi) away
not from germany
The endless shots of girls ero necks in anime, the nihonjin clearly love the neck and shoulders (^Д^)
I mean if you look on social media the most popular women are the whores with boob and butt implants that somehow make you retards dicks hard....... I doubt by fat women you mean their chub instead of their big boobs and butts. Small regular boobs and regular butt is good too and way healthier.
>Small regular boobs and regular butt is good too and way healthier

Not necessarily;-- I mean, some of these girls with crazy proportions get as big as they do by working out a lot--to achieve small regular proportions you do...nothing.
What are you even trying to say I was saying that they're probably attracted to the big boob and big butt aspect of someone fat because of the constant highlighting social media does to that..
>some of these girls with crazy proportions get as big as they do by working out a lot
If you have regular sized boobs and butt you can't magically grow them to "crazy proportions" by working out maybe you can increase your glutes but that's it.. You have to be an outlier or do what most social media women do and get a degree in photoshop and surgery

They never did anything to me. I want to stop hating them! (;´Д`)
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I wish I could love Chinese people but I can't. They all look like impoverished asians to me...
It's all the "sh" sounds in their language! It just evokes the anger of being constantly shushed. I know it's not their fault but it doesn't make it less annoying...

Shut it, you!
They make up half the population of universities and just go around speaking gibberish to each other never talking to us natives, they're just warm bodies that do nothing but take up space and get in the way (゚血゚#)
just speak to them, lol

Post here in the initial moments after a fap. Say what your thinking
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Maybe so, but I've seen plenty of porn that play the churning thing as if it were a sound coming from the balls (i.e. "glooorp" or "groan" sounds). "Spluuurt" as an onomatopoeia for cum shooting out of a dick isn't that uncommon either. Matter of fact, it tends to be more common than the ball sounds. Sometimes they include both. Goes hand in hand, really.
Strangely common, yet so overlooked. You'd think it'd be a popular fetish by now.
It's a sekrit underground fetish that porn artists participate in, with regular sekrit meeting where they show eachother their newest art featuring their favorite cumming onomatopoeias
but you didn't hear that from me! (°x°)
This is why a good fap has begins with a reconnaisance phase, checking the whole doujin real quick! (σ・∀・)σ
My best faps are when I am day dreaming
They're always best when your mind is barely attached to your body and you feel like an ethereal being

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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How much of a success was the bunkasai? Give me the data mods
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Here j00 go, although this doesn't include all the activity outside Off-Topic (such as in teh Heyuri Drama Club or teh Heyuri Fantastic Drawing Arena)

This link also contains a compilation of all teh OC:
I'd like to mention that at least 40 of these posts were from my mediocre minesweeper thread sweat3
that doesn't change anything, we have "medicore" threads all days
It taught me that middle click was a thing in minesweeper and then I was able to beat a few medium-sized fields, so I'd say it was a success biggrin

i'd love to have a job and make money, but the idea of interviews make me so nervous that i have avoided work altogether. i know i come off as a low-functioning retard anyway (i do have autism but the way i talk and behave makes people thing i have -36 IQ purin) so i don't think anyone would hire me even if i had the exact skills they were looking for...

so, how can i make money without a job? or, are there any jobs that don't require interviews? i have no idea but i am desperate ranta
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Sell funny plants and mushrooms on the black market, people love these
>job interviews are like dating
yeah both are impossible for me.
well if you start with dating it gets way easier
i dont have any personal experience with this, but i know some people in similar situations that have turned to freelance stuff on sites like upwork. you'll probably have to charge shit rates for whatever you do, like $1/hr of work or worse to be competitive, but afaik you don't get interviewed for it, people just come to you

In may I fell in love with a girl that studied with me, I talked to her and I've been talking to her ever since. Those were the best days of my life, I've never felt so much happiness. I would always sit next to her during class intervals and talk about all sorts of stuff. I really did feel like a human being back then.
But then vacation came and she stopped talking to me completely and wouldn't answer my messages (I didn't send too many of them, just a few asking her if she wanted to play with me), so I waited for school to return. When august came I was euphoric to meet her again, but she didn't show up. After three days of her not going to school I went to talk with her mother who's a teacher there. She said she was moving to public school due to "stress".
I contacted her again and then she explained her situation. Basically she couldn't keep up with our class, I selfishly tried to convince her not to go but she left anyway. It kind of bothered me that if it wasn't me tirelessly trying to contact her she'd never say a word to me again, but I figured she just had low self-esteem (like me!). The next day I gave her a porcelain cat I had bought in the US (I gave it to her mom).
After that we would talk way less; I would show her some songs, she would comment on it briefly; I tried to play something with her but her computer was broken (remember the "CO-OP games to play with a friend" thread?). Although it was her for her to initiate conversation, she would answer to stuff I ask her and that made me happy... until she started ignoring me. The time-gap between my messages and her answers started to get really large, but it didn't bother me so much because I thought it was just her being shy (like me!).
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just adding on to teh masses op it's over move on and find new pusi
It is not over OP. Never give UP!! keep sending her messages and look for in real life. When she will see your perseverance and resolve she will know how much you love her and she will love you back.
i dont want even pussy i just want a friend............. depression
please dont get OP an arrest warrant
bumping a LOLworthy thread

I just got invited to my first one but I am reluctant to go.

Is it worth going to one? My first instinct is to not go and stay home drinking alone like my usual nights.
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I expected to hate it more honestly, so I guess I enjoyed it?

I wasn't having a blast or anything, but I didn't want to leave the second I got there.

I also had that worry of acting stupid in front of other people, but considering how stupid I act already, I think the alcohol actually helps because it gets rid of my nervousness and stuttering and stuff.

If you ever get the chance try it I would say go for it, the only thing you lose is time if you end up hating it.
Oh yeah, there's always the "I have to go!" as soon as you get drunk and partying the rest of the night at home.
I was at a Halloween party the other day but it was a school function so it was lame and there was no drinking. The music was noise. I don't know why normies gravitate to all the worst genres of music. no fucking rhythm.

I got to see girls in their halloween costumes though. There was this really hot one who was in this bodysuit with a cortex and a lace mask. I think she was trying to be Catwoman.
>with a cortex
I meant corset. WTF is a cortex (;゚Д゚)
Its the piece of your brain that controls everything

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Rule 8


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今日は全サイト中はお祭り気分 dance

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>No. 1040

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I always had a problem when searching Japanese text with Google-san - unless I included sum hiragana/katakana, kanji would always cause it to display Chinese results, even on google.co.jp dark

HOWEVAR I have found a solution: using https://www.google.co.jp/webhp?lr=lang_ja returns ONLY Japanese results - even if u search English terms! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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That's helpful, thx!

As for duckduckgo, I think setting browser language to Japanese helps. There is an option to choose country too, that's probably better for getting Japanese results

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Why was this post deleted?
Complaining about the quality really should only be done on this board.
It's a little funny because I used to ban people over quotelinking OP back in 2022
It was a post pertaining to the OP's image in a thread on /b/. And it was more of an observation than complaining.
That thread wasn't anything about Heyuri's "quality" (which I don't think is the best word to refer to WIN-rate of posts), and u brought it up for the first time there.

Staff-san may have deleted it simply for breaking R8.e, but that wasn't the main issue of that post

In any case, pls keep your observations about Heyuri to this board in the future

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