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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 2 hours, 6 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 34 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I just got invited to my first one but I am reluctant to go.

Is it worth going to one? My first instinct is to not go and stay home drinking alone like my usual nights.
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I expected to hate it more honestly, so I guess I enjoyed it?

I wasn't having a blast or anything, but I didn't want to leave the second I got there.

I also had that worry of acting stupid in front of other people, but considering how stupid I act already, I think the alcohol actually helps because it gets rid of my nervousness and stuttering and stuff.

If you ever get the chance try it I would say go for it, the only thing you lose is time if you end up hating it.
Oh yeah, there's always the "I have to go!" as soon as you get drunk and partying the rest of the night at home.
I was at a Halloween party the other day but it was a school function so it was lame and there was no drinking. The music was noise. I don't know why normies gravitate to all the worst genres of music. no fucking rhythm.

I got to see girls in their halloween costumes though. There was this really hot one who was in this bodysuit with a cortex and a lace mask. I think she was trying to be Catwoman.
>with a cortex
I meant corset. WTF is a cortex (;゚Д゚)
Its the piece of your brain that controls everything

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Rule 8


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今日は全サイト中はお祭り気分 dance

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>No. 1040

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I always had a problem when searching Japanese text with Google-san - unless I included sum hiragana/katakana, kanji would always cause it to display Chinese results, even on google.co.jp dark

HOWEVAR I have found a solution: using https://www.google.co.jp/webhp?lr=lang_ja returns ONLY Japanese results - even if u search English terms! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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That's helpful, thx!

As for duckduckgo, I think setting browser language to Japanese helps. There is an option to choose country too, that's probably better for getting Japanese results

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Why was this post deleted?
Complaining about the quality really should only be done on this board.
It's a little funny because I used to ban people over quotelinking OP back in 2022
It was a post pertaining to the OP's image in a thread on /b/. And it was more of an observation than complaining.
That thread wasn't anything about Heyuri's "quality" (which I don't think is the best word to refer to WIN-rate of posts), and u brought it up for the first time there.

Staff-san may have deleted it simply for breaking R8.e, but that wasn't the main issue of that post

In any case, pls keep your observations about Heyuri to this board in the future

I want to educate my friends specially about internet and technological stuff, so that they won't fall for any psychological tricks. Like stop using twitter, tik tok and so forth.
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Satan just wants to be understood!

   ∧ ∧
Ψ( ´・ω・`)ζ
Satan ripped me off. He promised me everlasting life if I sold my soul but the doctor just informed me I have terminal AIDS.
Watch out for 666!!!

And their Computer Chip
That is designed to strip
You of your self-control
Don't sell your sooooooooooooooooooooooooooul!
someone brought me here, i would not have found heyuri on my own, i found a few other imageboards but they were slow and boring, nothing like the culture of this website
Bully them in their childhood

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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can you change the favicon for the wiki and cgi-bin
it gets confusing flipping thu tabs.

maybe a box around teh wiki and just a different color for cgi-bin (as it is a sister site)
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up to u. i always thought orange would be better like a sunset color
oh wow you can change the style and there is some cool ones
>oh wow you can change the style and there is some cool ones
I put a lot of work into it, especially teh big SVG star in teh background that changes colors with the style biggrin

Next-level hax would be 2 switch to a different colored favicon depending on the chosen style, but that's probably a bit too much work to be worth it rite now sweat2
>Speaking of favicons, didn't Strange World used to have one?
I can see it, it's in the page source too unsure
>I can see it, it's in the page source too
I did a hard-refresh and it appeared - weird, for me it'd been gone for weeks/months until now unsure

porn is disgusting
from barcelona, spain
I say this every time I cum
its no nut november so im guessing you lost saitama2

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Twitter/Reddit lingo


Let's talk about the most uncomfortable, unnerving, disgusting and distressful movies we've seen.

I just watched A Clockwork Orange. I think most people are unsettled by the violence, rape, nudity and all the graphic stuff, but what distressed me was the anarchic (which later became authoritarian) and dystopic reality they lived in, the effects the Ludovico Technique had on Alex's mind and the episodes of sickness he had to suffer through after the brainwashing, as well as the implication of such technique being advertised by the gov't as a cure for evilness and not one person except the priest going against it. The ending also implies that the gov't will continue using it and plans to use it on the entire population. The movie also made me sympathetic for Alex, so all the beatdowns he got later in the movie and knowing his mind is completely fucked just made me feel really bad for him.

Threads is the creepiest I have ever seen. It's the perfect showcase of a post-nuclear-war world and all the horrors it has for the unlucky survivors. I don't want to speak about this one, just go watch it. It's nothing short of amazing. I watched it when the war in Ukraine first broke out, so my fear for nuclear war was at an all time peak and all I could think of for a few days.
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Begotten is very uncomfortable to watch
Awww... did it make you crie? I was kinda sad the guy didn't get laid ;__;
I remember watching one of the Hannibal movies as a kid with my grandmother. It was the one where some guy was tied on a dolly in front of a window and then Hannibal cut his belly open. My memory of the scene is that the guy got his guts open and then Hannibal just dumped his guts on the streets and left the body up on the balcony.
Oh yeah, Begotten. That first scene is seared into my memory. The rest is kind of boring.
Paradise Now is really disturbing but not in a horror movie way
That's fine too. Horrors are boring anyway

What should I prepare for? (・∀・)
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Besides gayness, it's like any other branch of the military in that in between your duties there's going to be a whole lot of NOTHING for you to do. Sailing the seven seas is BORING when you're not being strafed or shot at.
cant i just play games or take naps?
you should be glad your in the navy where al qaeda cannot hit you. but you must train yourself to vomit and throw up because you will be doing a lot of that in the navy. also the captain and the master chiefs will expect you to clean up your own puke. so do it at least once a day and do it all over a floor or hard surface and then clean it up with a mop and bucket. dont do this on carpeted surface or rugs because you'll spend your whole life cleaning. at first doing it will be really horrible but after a while you will throw up with ease and you'll get used to it.
OP's destiny is to be annihilated by our Chinese dongfeng missile iyahoo

4chan's 20th birthday is right around the corner and yet i am 90% confident that absolutely nothing special will happen, even though it's a pretty important milestone.
There's been an image spreading around telling people to not post on that day to check how many bots are active but it's not hard to guess why that wouldn't work.
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damn, 4chan turns 20 and /b/ is just full of 3DPD sluts and teens complaining like always. I wonder if the dicks who post in those threads even know anything about 4chan history or the site is just where they go to post porn and complain about life...

How the mighty have fallen...
it was sad seeing some of the oldfags show up in /b/ only to find it filled porn threads and complain about how fucked its become. /s4s/ is basically the new /b/ and they had a better birthday thread. also fuck moot for not showing up. but then again the site is so fucked hes probably disowned it.
I saw [s4s]'s anniversary pic, it was really cool. ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Sucks that the rest of the celebration wasn't as much of a celebration at all.
[s4s] is just kind of whatever, too many blogposts accompanied with suicidalanimegirl.jpg but one of the very few modern 4chan boards with any sense of culture
/bant/ was like /s4s/ but the mods shit it up by dumping pol threads into it, and never moderating the board, there was a whole week where every thread on the board was desu spam, and the next week the catalog was full of horse cock

i miss /bant/, heyuri is the closest thing to 2017-2020 /bant/ and it's moderately active

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Can adults go it? (;゚∀゚)
I'm a hikineet. I'm terrified of strangers and little shotas knocking on my door shii
wutabout little loli knocking at your door? shii
What if it's a trap? monapc
Now that's a treat! iyahoo

lets all wish 4-ch a happy birthday! onigiri
Happy ANUS day, 4chan!
No :)
OP is talking about 4-ch.net, which, despite its similar name, is not 4chan. And 4chan's anniversary was at the beginning of the month anyway.

Happy ANUS day, indeed, 4-ch! onigiri
damn how old is 4-ch now? longest running kareha site on the web

happy ANUS day /dqn/ onigiri

I knew that. I was doing a little silly on you.

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