Boards |
I found a font that looks very identical to MS PGothic called MS PRGothic.
Should Heyuri's AA tag feature and the Pseud0ch Mona theme on /lounge/ add support for it?
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lol lisencing doesnt matter :33 |
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I say that the Heyuri Classic CSS, in general, SUX. Sakomoto should be the default, but maybe tweak it a bit? |
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>>65835 |
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Have you ever stared at the wall? It has many health benefits for the brain if done for 30m-01h
Try it, You will feel Happier Later
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I don't actively stare at the wall but I do it when I lay in my bed and daydream. The room is dark tho so the wall is not very visible. Does that count? |
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>>7518 |
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I do it during boring lectures (@^▽^)/ |
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i do this daily. Its called zen! ヽ(´∇`)ノ |
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i do this daily. Its called flapping! ヽ(´∇`)ノ |
Does anyone know Jap singers who sing in French? There's a lot of Shibuya-kei type artists who sing in sort of half English, but I especially like how it sounds when they sing in French.. Uh お願いします(Pic rel is what I've already got also I think this is in relation to Japan and it's culture?)
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検索して出てきた人(俺は詳しくない) |
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ありがとうございます!!!!!!! |
Here are some differences between Mona and MS PRGothic.
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Slowpoke Rodriguez may be pretty slow down here in the feet... |
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>>1129 |
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日本のテレビ広告費は? |
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次のオリンピックをHEYURIで行いましょ! |
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File: 1703425825961.jpg (16 KB, 474x474)
![]() YouTube広告を出す |
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File: zep.jpg (69 KB, 1000x750)
![]() うーん |
teh rule 8
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a simple reminder to follow teh spirit of teh rulez is enough. it's christmas, after all! ヽ(´∇`)ノ |
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>>65811 |
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is the word cringy allowed? |
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just don't use it |
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>>65815 |
The truth about Heyuri is that kaguya was killed in an elite police raid
3 months ago but the feds took over and are running this site to capture
the remaining contacts.
Why would they do that?
Well, as it turns out, kaguya isnt just some innocent imageboard admin,
he is an FBI most wanted terrorist leader, responsible for the deaths of thousands of people.
He lead the Loli-Qaeda terror cell from 2009-2021, and went into hiding after the death of his brother and infamous terrorist "Yusef Kuzari".
All of your data is being siphoned to a top secret NSA black site.
You have been warned.
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Go away, federal agents! I pay my taxes on time, I'll do what I want! ヽ(`Д´)ノ |
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Do the Feds click on all the links that lead to weird porn?(^Д^) |
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Aww man all this time? Anyone know any real Loli-Qaeda sites? I miss the Yusef Kuzari days (-_-) |
I have to admit that I'm one of those guys who can't exactly make up his mind about things because I'm so easily swayed. I read widely but can never really suss out whether what I'm reading is bullshit, beyond the most obvious lies and mistakes. I can read up on anything from Communism to Fascism to Anarcho-Niggeritism and think, "Well, I dunno, he's got a point!", until I'm convinced of the counter argument by some other thinker.
Basically I'm wondering how to develop skills for analyzing arguments, since I notice users here are fairly good at 'debunking' things.
I'm wondering;
-Where do I start with analyzing people's arguments? Should I read books on philosophy? Rhetoric? Logic? Critical Thinking?
Maybe there are methods I can use starting now without having to read anything?
-Once I've done some reading/listening/watching, how do I 'organize' it in my head so that I approach my own conclusions about the topic, instead of getting wrapped up in the author's manipulations? I don't want it to be a kneejerk reaction of agreeing or disagreeing because the 'vibe' felt right.
-I write sometimes,so I'm particularly interested in how I can 'flip things around' to my perspective, and think of them in an original way, like, If I'm expounding my thoughts on a certain philosophy, or writing a rebuttal of a certain ideology. Whenever I write I either go along without any particular point,or start autistically copying out whichever book has influenced me that week. I think this because I struggle to meaningfully internalize whatever it is I've read/watched, so I can't have a proper 'argument' with the material, as some do. I'm basically wondering about how I can understand things better in a way that's true to 'me', without getting 'taken in' by the author and thinking they have all the answers until someone 'debunks' them.
-I know that 'peer-reviewed studies' and statistics in general don't have as much weight to them as some believe, nor are they quite as direct as many people claim, so how do I go about analyzing these studies? Basically, how do I know when academics have cooked the numbers, or when there are certain variables at play that might invalidate the study, or contradict the point of the person using those studies as proof?
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I've found that truth is in nature, and the more you get caught up in man's manipulative bullshit, the further away from truth you get ヽ(´ー`)ノ |
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Interesting thread, this is something I struggle with a lot too |
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i also struggle with a lot of the stuff you described. i feel like it has a lot to do with empathy, i end up going "well, i could totally understand how they could have developed this ideology and believe in it based on what they've been through, i guess they got a point there!" to almost every ideological piece i've read (⌒∇⌒ゞ) those thoughts in and of themselves are actually really good, i think, because it shows you can comprehend different views without getting defensive and angry like most people do (aka, what i think is right and everyone else who thinks differently is automatically wrong so i don't care). the problem is having a healthy enough amount of that understanding where you can think maturely about other people's viewpoints yet still not get swayed into believing every single thing people tell you just because it makes sense as to why someone would come to those conclusions. i haven't really figured out that balance, though. (´人`) |
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>>9376 |
Besides explaining yourself that you were the victim of some degree of homosexual rape as a young child, it is very obvious that you bear all the trademarks of a child who grew up without proper supervision and help. When i met you, you were age 14 or 15, and within a couple months i saw deep into the dark, hideious recesses of your mind. Only a child who suffered at the hands of adults throughout his development phases could grow up into being such a twisted, disgusting, insane, and perverse being. I believe if you could get away with it, you would kill thousands, rape thousands, torture, burn, loot, and take deep, perverted satisfaction of watching the misery of innocent people. You are a cruel and disgusting beast.
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>>9325 |
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zero for teh win |
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>>9321 |
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this is why i love kaguya. he's evil. |
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one time i had one tell me something i will never forget. for some fucking reason everyone wanted me to take off my shirt at a yard party. After much refusal they convinced me to put on swimming trunks and play ball with the children in the sprinklers. i said ok, took the trunks and headed to the bathroom. then this crusty, wrinkled, dying corpse of a woman told me to change right there. after all, she had seen me naked when i was a baby. i was 19 then. they were "family members". Never have been so disgusted in my life. The other corpses started howling like a pack of hyenas. I did not change and simply sat in a corner from which they could not see me.
i am scarred ever since (·•᷄ࡇ•᷅ )
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If corpses were talking to you I think it was just a bad dream |
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one time i had one tell you simd you will jenv geg. for some fing ruzn veern twawn you to take off your shirt at a yard rahr. arft much fyahrpt i sahrdsks you to put on swih trunks and play ball with the ild in the sprirp. you said kraydh, took the trunks and hezdzd to the frarm. then this eekst, lirdsk, dwing corpse of a smuun told you to change right there. arft all, i had seen you kunjd when you were a beern. you were 19 then. we were "larm mem". you jenv have been so stipst in your life. The udhd spoyks strah lowng like a pack of yneenz. you did not change and spih sat in a krawr from which we could not see you. |
I feel like there should be a short hourly ban thing for if you're being too annoying
Ill even be the first test subject
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Looks like the proposal is going into effect now. |
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I deleted file just because I don't think anime girls with political opinion flags r good, but "good mornings heyuri" kind of posts should also be taken to the Chat@Heyuri. Of course, starting a thread about another topic with "good morning" or "hi heyuri" are exempt to this |
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I forgot to say since it wasn't teh topic, but blogs/personal "status updates" are also more fitting on Strange World than Off-Topic, we should start redirecting that too |
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>>65787 |
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File: carlispissed.jpg (16 KB, 320x240)
![]() >>65782 |
i am having a hard time
i have lost the drive to keep going. I feel lost in life.
I'm stuck in a situationship where im going to ultimately be chewed up and used for my resources.
i just wanna get lost in something again.
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Black Gakkou ni Tsutometeshimatta Sensei |
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>>9286 |
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>>9331 |
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>>9332 |
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aku no hana is a master piece |
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