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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 44 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 27 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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So 4chan has /x/ and we have no equivilant!
We need a horror board, because /b/ isn't the place!
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I'd liek to develop some points I made here.

>stuff like that would only split the little activity Heyuri has
Instead of thinking "am I interested in it?", I think it's better to ask "are we interested enough to talk about it non stop for months/years?". If the answer is no, the board will most likely be dead in a few weeks dark
At the moment I believe Heyuri would need 5 times moar users to find new topics of discussion about one specific hobby, forever.

>make it virtually indiscernible from the thousand of other altchans
Even if Heyuri had 10 times moar users, I would still be reluctant personally to create new boards just like that. I think 4chan being segmented into too many communities that don't mix anymore is part of the reason it lost its culture. The common culture Heyurizens share is something special I like.

>a few boards where you can talk about anything is part of the charmz
On /b/ or /lounge/ your thread is most likely to be seen by everyone, even those who wouldn't normally seek discussion about religion/horror, it broadens the possibilities.

Just my opinion. rolleyes
>reluctant personally to create
I meant "against creating", I'm not a mod
i'm ok with crazy people I just dislike people who pretend to be crazy
i'm ok with people who pretend to be crazy I just dislike actual crazy people
Since /lounge/ is slow anyway why not trial a new board by making it text only first?

Yeah I agree with what others have said there still isn't enough activity to add another board yet without reducing activity on /b/

>I think 4chan being segmented into too many communities that don't mix anymore is part of the reason it lost its culture.
4chan doesn't have an off-topic lounge since /b/ went to shit and every board has its own humor threads and stuff. There's also way too many people using that fucking site. It's too damn fast.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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"Cursed" used in that way is tumblr lingo

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ironically, with this thread you revealed yourself to be a social media addict biggrin
That's... dumb. Your post doesn't really make sense. So what, anyone who reports something for teh rule 8 has to use r8 websites? Then what, no reports because if someone reports then he himself knows about it and he's teh rule 8 b0rker? That doesn't make sense
>No, but I think this thread was created a few minutes before the first ban against him was issued?
Teh initial ban for Rule 8 on Off-Topic was earlier than this thread - the times on the ban page are +1 UTC for sum reason, while post times on the boards are 0 UTC. The Rule 9 ban for OP was made moments b4 I replied here, yet it shows up on teh ban page as if it happened an hour later dizzy

>The primary reason we don't see any reports on https://img.heyuri.net/q/old/ is because we had a report system back then
When the database leaks happened, the report history was also leaked - the only things in there were a couple of my own reports xd

In "teh golden age" we didn't really need to report - the worst we got was faganon (who kuz was quick to deal with) and a certain skiddie's flood bots, and both "stood out" enough that reporting wasn't necessary. It was a time of peace, love, and hentai biggrin
You use so much social media that the meme versions of words are overriding their original meaning.
The post in question didn't mean it that way, this is obvious to anyone who isn't a social media addict. But since you're so accustomed to the meme version of the word, you forgot that "cursed" simply means... well, that something is cursed biggrin
this thread is cursed (゚ー゚)

Convicted rapists should be put in a Matrix like simulation where they are given the body of a innocent little loli and forced to pass a series of Saw style sexual challenges, like being sodomized by a gorilla or having to remove a bomb strapped into their VAGINA. If they make it to the end of the course their real body will be shot in the head. If they fail they will be burned alive at the stake.
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Force a very hungry victim the go on all fours, get on their back and hold a carrot on a stick infront of their face and watch them crawl to it hopelessly trying to grab the carrot (^Д^)
I often think of the awful things I inadvertently subject insects to, so how about a giant toilet or sink with running water that the victim can struggle against before being washed through dark and slimy pipes into a gargantuan, dark septic pit?

I thought gorillas had tiny dicks. I'm not looking it up to confirm, though.
People who prefer Rust should be forced to rewrite all the toy programs in an intro to programming book over and over again in Java until they repent

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Is pic rel considered teh rule 8 b0rkage?

This isn't a report, I'm just asking for the future
Yup, as were several other replies in that thread

I think we should just baleet these crappy "backrooms" threads in future since we've already had several of them in teh past, and it only seems to invite AIDS dark
>and it only seems to invite AIDS
Just to clarify, the AIDS I'm referring to is the argumentative "I hate people younger than me on the internet" 4chan retards taking everything too seriously, crapping up threads with "smug" retorts, bringing up and/or whining about tranny crap for no reason, not-at-all-subtle references to nu-4chan memes, etc.

At least one of the users posting that crap is a frequent rule 7/8 breaker hellbent on making Heyuri threads as shitty and unfun as possible at every opportunity. They suck, and not in a hawt way dark

Governments should make the aliens(illegal visitors) fight the predators(pedo sans) and kill each other off, then call it Aliens vs Predators.


Though, if abusive parents are one of the cause for such deviants existence, then abusive parents should also be locked up, to prevent such from ever happening, governments should be proactive about checking for signs of child abuse including abusive children who abuse other children because some kids are monsters in hiding.
If the predators (pedo-sans) win effortlessly, they should call it Child's Play
If the aliens (illegal visitors) win, they should call it Independence Day! (σ・∀・)σ

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you guys are focusing way too on the bleak sides of life. in reality love exists.
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and i was believing life could not get any better... ITS FUCKING GREAT, just ignore all these guys trying to bring you down. they are people too, having their own motivations . almost nobody is actuality evil
I never used to smile much because I'm a stoic autist and I never really used /b/ type boards before but since I came to Heyuri and started lurking on /b/ I've been smiling a lot more and I'm overall a lot happier ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I'm happy that you are happy!
Suffering is the SOBERING KEY to **NOT** becoming a redundant zombie piece of shit, and boy have I suffered physically (left inner thigh burns like hellfire just feeling my jean seam) AND emotionally (s/o hurt my feelings) today! Truly, being alive is a wonderful. I am very feeling it right now.
suffering is sadly also a part of the human experience, yet one should not fall into the trap of masochistically glorifying it or even dismiss the humanity of people with lifes less shit than yours. joy is better than suffering and the goal of life is to minimize your suffering while maximizing your joy

Anyone interested in creating a cult that is about having dragon energy and just riffing off, hype about the future, just obnoxiously fallibilist?


How can we create as much dragon energy here as possible? Heyuri is one of the few psychopathically leaning optimistic anonymous boards.
Which makes sense in terms of social contract: why do you want to interact with people who bring you down?
Most other boards are way too bitter and Low Energy which must be avoided at all costs.

It's more fun to be ironically optimistic.


We're all billionaires here!!

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I am interest in forming or joining a secret organization
What will our secret handshake be? I vote thumb war! saitama2
dragon energy? purin
We just touch the tips together. (´・ω・`)

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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please delete this image
reason: 3D CP
See this thread: >>65406

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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why was the "is anyone here married?" thread autosaged along with the "New Rules Of The Internet" thread and "I have a date with a girl tomorrow, but I have a fever" thread?
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those threads would have been self-bumped, so ignoring them would have left them on teh front page for quite some time. I don't believe self-bumps are disabled on heyuri, so autosage is needed if they are to be cleared away without outright deleting them.
and when it comes to trust, it is not so simple as being hands-off. when running a small site that's focused on maintaining a certain culture and quality, it is necessary for the admins to walk a fine line between exerting enough force to prevent newcomers or existing users from shifting the culture into an undesired direction and being hands-off enough to avoid stifling the users. the site admins handle teh balance well enough.
I am one of teh janitors, so you may think that because of that I am biased towards the staff. however, the reason I volunteer to be a janitor and clean up teh CP and teh spambots and teh soyjaks is because I love heyuri for what it is and because I believe in staff-sama's vision for what it should be. smile
sorry for teh longpost but my earnest feelings got in the way ( ´ω`)
>If a thread sucks like you said, then naturally it wouldn't receive any bumps
That's not true at all - any experience with a laissez-faire website will prove that theory wrong very quickly sweat2

The only reason Heyuri is any different to ur average imageboard website today is cuz all the usual dreary crap & party-p00ping AIDS gets autosage'd/CSS hax'd/removed by Heyuri staff-san

The internet is a big toilet - if u don't flush it occasionally, it just fills up with p00p (and not teh hawt kind) biggrin
You can't enforce laws according to what might happen, haven't you seen Minority Report? closed-eyes
Mr. tourist doesn't know how we take care of things here. Let's enlighten him

i see oldfaggots have found this thread

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✧⁺⸜(・ ᗜ ・ )⸝⁺✧

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ネネカママ 24歳
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イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルンちゃん 18歳

It was a chicken's way of going out, if you ask me..
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Lol, I geddit. nida
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Aww how'd I fuck that up? It's worse than OP's joke (-_-)
Psst! Use the [aa] tag! Just keep it a secret from everyone else, ok?

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I think I just need a refresher about this kinda thing. If it's clearly not actual CP (doll), but it looks like it (real life picture), it can still stay up, or...? What's the standing? Thanks.
Firstly, it's 3DCG (computer-generated 3D art), not a doll or real-life pic

3DCG loli has nevar been b& on Heyuri, but it's nevar really been posted either, so I dunno. It's up 2 kaguya and teh laws of Atlantis unsure

I left it up since it's kinda hawt and I dunno kaguya's policy on it, but I B& OP for promoting his kuso paysite (as he has done many times here in teh past)
Additional point: kaguya also operates teh current iteration of gurochan, which has a 3DCG board containing nekkid loli & shota in varying states of intactness biggrin
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3DCG lolis aren't banned per se, except the ultra realistic AI stuff (which I believe we didn't get so far), because they may cause sum issues. They're banned on GUROchan's 3DCG board as well.

You can delete ads for any kind of paysite, but u may also choose not to if ur b0ner thinks the image is hawt nyaoo-closedeyes

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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When I check off more than one post, or even just one and click submit, it doesn't work. Clicking [Rebuild] after doesn't do anything either. So I have to manually click the delete button instead. Is this how it is for other janitors, or just me?
99% of the time i use live frontend mode so i wouldn't know. But i already deleted these posts so maybe that's why
Are you clicking the "Submit" buttan at the top of the page instead of the one at the bottom?
^^ The screencap from above was before the posts were deleted. I should note this has been a problem for a while. About since last month or so, I think. I've been holding off asking about it until now because I kept forgetting about it.

Yes, that's the one I've been clicking. Is it supposed to be the bottom one I click? sweat
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Ah, the bottom buttan works. Thank you for the help, admin-sama! biggrin
Just in time for these new wave of posts, too.
It used to be at both the top and the bottom of the panel until a certain update sweat2
I'll add the top buttan back soon

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