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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 49 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 17 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I feel like posting AI "art" in such an OC driven image board should be worthy of a thread delete ( ´,_ゝ`)
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no need to be butthurt over AI. just fap! maybe I'll even start an AI thread and take requests...
what checkpoint and loras did you use here astonish
I used NovelAI. it's trained on danbooru, so you can imitate artists well and you can even just make your prompts a collection of tags. sadly it's subscription-based and only the highest tier is worth anything (not because it gives you a crap ton of credits, but because it lets you generate images using default settings without using up any credits)
but I will add that it's pretty quick to get decent results with, and having the ability to make your waifu in a variety of poses, styles, and outfits on command is pretty intoxicating. sadly it's not easy to do complex scenarios/fetishes with it yet.
posted wrong pic (that version had a bad hand)

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Waha-sama finally made a chat just for hakoniwa, now the boring war stuff is somewhere else ヽ(´∇`)ノ

I got my motherfucking popstarter working on my ps2, now I need to download sum ps1 games... but I don't know which??? Help me heyuri!!
I like platformers and rpgs and I only play japanese games
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Silent Hill and Resident Evil
already played silent hill, pretty fucking good stuff
Persona 1 and 2
Only Persona 2. Persona 1 has a horrible "localization" that changes most dialogs and even textures to change the setting into 90s America. So unless you know japanese and want to play the original japanese version, or if you have a PSX emulator and can play with the fantranslation, give up playing Persona 1. It'll just taint your experience.
there exists a fanmade "fixed" version I think

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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You're proud, eh? unsure
Sorry, whats wrong with the green text? sweat
We have a rule against misusing the quote function to write "greentext stories", lists, >implications, etc.

It helps keep the 2008+ 4chan AIDS away biggrin

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    / ./
    /  / ̄\  パカ
   / ∩|  ^o^ |
   / .| \_/_ ここのちんこがある女どにある
  // |   ヽ/
  " ̄ ̄ ̄"∪

   / ̄\
  | ^o^ |

Site Discussion@Heyuri
I don't get how people break rule 8, then when it pops up in /q/ they do it again??
Kaguya doesn't want you to know this, but breaking the rule 8 is allowed on /q/
yup, the mods respect you for it and acknowledge your guts for challenging them on their home turf

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I dont like it.
Go into [Settings] and uncheck "Gallery mode"

That option has existed forevar and it's unchecked by default, so I think u may have just accidentally enabled it somehow unsure

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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r8? pretty sure it's a bunch of nu-4chan memes put together
only part that seems r8 is "BVLL" as i've seen people from r8 site use that term before
it's sissy cuck fetish bullshit with a slight hint of interracial fetish. the kinda stuff that they use to troll the political types on 4chan. you might consider it rule 7 or rule 8
Seems to be a copypasta:

unrelated but I enjoy these types of posts because they make pollacks mad biggrin

Hello friends,


I'm working on something kind of like https://ayashii.net . This is especially relevant, considering ayashii's current downtime...

Like ayashii, it has tree threads. But I want it to act a bit more like traditional textboards (such as 2ch, kareha, etc).

It's a work in progress project so any and all feedback or ideas would be greatly appreciated. If you want to help develop too, I'll probably accept any patches you submit ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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Mobile support (responsive pages)?
No, I wasn't using a tripcode
What kinds of markup do you guys think would be useful?

I was thinking >greentext , <redtext , and %spoiler% ... still not "sold" on
using %'s for the spoiler, people have also suggested [[brackets]], but
{{curly braces}} or ^carets^ are also viable. ( No $dollar signs$ --
too greedy)

For legacy purposes, text would also likely be included.
No reason to make a special code or pre mode, because it's already
pre-format by default (indents will be preserved)
Oops, this board ate my [spoiler] tags.

Sexy photo galleries, daily updated pics
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3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
I prefer bewbs, sorry spam-kun (´ー`)
No thanccs.
devilish fattygrannyporncetronia page 27 bump (´人`)
                                   ⊂( 。A。)つ ←>>1233
            /ヽ       /\              ∨ ∨
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          _ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_      ・∴∵
    /⌒\ヽ::::::::::::::::::::|⌒\/⌒|::::::::::::ノ_   ∵
    \_/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ノ 巛 ヽ )::::ノ
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                  |__/:::::/ 彡
               〈_} ):::::::::::|
                j::::::::/ |:::::|
devilish fattygrannyporncetronia page 12 bump (´人`)

They are getting more violent as the nights go on, I barely survived this time and woke up exhausted from the fight. She was trying to rape me. I cant keep doing this. Any advice?
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
So she's attacking you in your dreams and in the hypnagogic state. A few more questions:
1) When exactly did the first encounter happen?
2) What exactly is she doing when she attacks you? What do you feel on your PENIS? Do you feel anything on your face or the rest of your body?
3) How violent is she? You say you barely survived - do you feel like if she wanted to, she could kill you then and there?
4) What are her three sizes?
5) Over or under?
I was attacked by a succubus once it fucking sucks. What you have to do is physically overpower her and fuck her back until she leaves you alone. Its the only way.
I hope the succubus hasn't killed you, anon.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I'm interested in seeing recent post stats. The /b/ user counter usually remains around 10, but i've seen it stick around higher numbers more and more
I has this, updated a few days ago

The typical oversimplification by normalfags says that it fell out of favour due being associated with black people and homos. I'm sure that sort of thing played a part for a certain minority of disco-haters, but I really think it had more to with the fact that music seriously cost money back then.

For one thing, loads of music trends after disco were roundly mocked, hair metal, techno, nu-metal, hip-hop,mainstream pop at various points... There was a general trend of musical rivalry across the board for several years. Like I said I think this has to do with music once being a product, where now it is a service.

Basically, it used to be that you would 'invest' in music in a way that never happens today. I don't mean emotionally. Rather, you would make the physical investment of a trip to the store, the physical investment of putting down cash on an album, and the investment of powering thru several songs you think are lame to get to the one you really enjoyed.

I think it is from this perspective of 'music as a product' that all manner of related social behaviours came around. Basically, a shit album would be a 'shit investment', and a good album would be a 'worthwhile investment', which would lead to strong emotions on either side. ('This guy is great!I'm glad I put my faith in him.' vs 'This guy sucks! I can't believe I got suckered into buying this shit.')

If an album is mediocre except for one song, you would be loathe to write the whole thing off after paying for it, so you might put further 'investment' into enjoying it, which would lead you to actually like it.

Someone else blasting crap music would be like somebody flaunting a 'bad investment', like a gaudy sports car you know they're going to crash, which might make you annoyed enough to mock their taste, as was once very typical.

Another thing about 'music as a product' is that products suffer from periods of abundance and scarcity.(going by my very loose grasp on economics) Bringing us back to the disco example, I'm assuming that in the 1970s disco saw a major boom which led to loads of records being made. Other genres of music, I'm guessing, faced a certain scarcity by comparison. Again, since these were physical products, scarcity and abundance would be things that are notably felt. Imagine walking to a record store and seeing that they'd made the jazz section smaller, so that they could fit in more disco records. It would piss you off, wouldn't it? Maybe you would start to hate disco, the more you saw that sort of 'crowding of the market' taking place.

Music nowadays, and since the dawn of the internet era really, is a 'service'. Meaning that you pay an upront fee, assuming you pay anything at all, and then you get access to nearly everything recorded since it was possible to do so. I'm sure it would be hard to devote yourself to any one particular 'sound'
At least with regards to the underground dance scene, "Disco" became a dirty word because it went mainstream and shitty around the time of Saturday Night Fever. It went from being black-oriented, underground, no-bullshit dance music, to being the kind of cheesy, pop-tastic music your grandma did "disco dancing" lessons to

The underground scene moved to using Funk/Jazz-funk/Boogie and other terms instead, and then eventually "House music" in the mid-80s gave the "four to the floor" concept a much-needed makeover and renewed the underground appeal


I think this happens to underground music in general. They start as genres made for and by a specific group as refuge from the mainstream, become the mainstream, and then become underground (and sometimes the cycle repeats).
Rock fans didn't like disco taking over the airwaves. That's pretty much it while blacks moved onto to other music. "Its just because you hate teh homos" is the go to card culture elitists play whenver ordinary people don't like their music. Hey, you don't like my art house coffe shop experimental queer hipster indie rock anon? W-well your just a homo hater! Its easy to accuse people of that out of nowhere because unlike race or sex you can't see someone's fetishes so you can accuse people of it even if they've done nothing.

Listening to music was a social activity and you usually listened to the same stuff as the people you hung out with. People had boom boxes and would just sit around listening or go to nightclubs where they played specific stuff. So this became the basis of distinct tribes and scenes with their own cultures and these groups didn't always mix. You could be into punk and metal but punks and metal heads didn't like each other or mix and would probably ostracize you if you were too friendly with the other side. There was a hierarchy of these tribes and society hated some more than others and some became popular and mainstream and everyone resented them for it. Music tribalism isn't much of a thing now because smartphones and streaming platforms have made music consumption a more individual activity you do by yourself.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
my opinion is that saying "silly" in a nu-internet sort of way should be considered a rule 8 violation
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"buzzword" is a buzzword! xp
ok sorry just forget i said anything sad
i actually do get what u are saying, OP. but from what i have seen on social media, people use "silly :3" to make people mad and not for the LOLs which is rule 8. i dont think people on here (mainly cosmo)'s intention to make people mad on purpose, and just like that word to describe things. i could be wrong tho i havent checked in a while ┐(゚~゚)┌

tho that being said, if someone does use "silly :3" 2 make ppl mad on purpose they should get teh b&
People do it to make others mad??
I do it bcz it's a good way of getting my hyper fixation joy out into words without just key smashing nyaoo-closedeyes
I never seen a person in heyuri saying sillyclosed-eyesand if they did, there were too few to even consider it

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