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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 3 hours, 7 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 23 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Does this happen to anyone else?
When I am staying awake at night and go to pee, I peek at the mirror in the toilet with my sleepy eyes, I see a handsome person looking at me, it is my reflection. But it only looks that way late at night. I don't know why. If only people would see me at that time.
It's just you. I'm handsome all the time.
No your not alone. I look handsome most of the time but damn it, if I spend an hour getting ready before I go out I look normal but for some reason 30 minutes before I sleep I look stunning

I either see myself as looking really handsome or else really ugly.
this happens to me
I rarely pay any attention to my face (´~`)

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Why was this deleted?
Nice communication with the userbase, mods. Very quick and all dark
Rule 9 isn't simply for ornament
What rule did asking if maybe someone screenshoted the first thread b0rk?
For the record, that specific post of the curious user didn't receive a ban. This is really another case of >>65300 so I'll lock these threads to prevent artificial drama and further loss of our time.

There is really no point in discussing why we shouldn't have B& a Rule 7 thread, so don't bother creating a new thread. Just talk about GTA in peace on Off-Topic if that's what you want to do
16 bit integer limit GET

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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bro not my gta 6 thread dark okay I'll keep racism at bay next time.
There was nothing wrong with that thread. Mods are just being dumb again
What was on the thread? (´~`)
Just people jokingly sharing their opinion on the trailer
(;´Д`) there has to be a better description!
Dunno, maybe someone managed to take a screenshot before it was deleted? OP?

It was with a girl of my age of 15. We were in her house, a lone, rural farmhouse. The only noise I could hear was the distant droning of 2 tractors. There was no music, and the scene was not private, as light shown through several open windows. The girl, a 2nd cousin, was clothed with jeans and a large sweat jacket. She was small, and frail-looking. I stood behind her as she sat on the couch, she was staring off in the distance. She was neither beautiful nor ugly. She was incredibly plain looking. Her round face looked like most other low class farmhands, tired and windswept, yet still possessing an undeterminable attractive quality. I put my hands on her shoulders but did not say anything. After a long silence, she drew in a breath and removed her jacket, exposing her breasts. Still standing behind the couch, I waited. But she did not remove any other of her clothing. I finally walked to the other side of the couch and looked upon her fully for the first time. We laid on the couch together, sometimes touching eachother. Some time later, she abruptly got up and redressed. She kissed me once and then left. 2 days later, I saw her again, and we spoke to eachother as if nothing had ever happened. Sometimes I would catch her eye, and it seemed as if we both knew what eachother were thinking, but never communicated it. No other sexual encounters ever took place between us.
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i just put my LOL PENIS all over my monitor. now everyone here has been sexually harassed
i have never felt the touch of a woman
i only remember this because he said he didnt want to kiss me anymore because i use to much tongue :c i was playing house with my cousins and my oldest one said i had to kiss her brother because we were a couple in the game. also another one was when i was first introduce to porn by my elementary best friend we would hump pillows and lesbian sex too. i would peg her...
I was 13 and she was 12, we were both incredibly precocious due to dysfunctional crappy families and tons of media exposure of sex.
I came within one single thrust and felt profoundly ashamed of myself. She got mad at me and then actively mocked me. It was actually more of a traumatic experience...
literally a couple months ago. girl i was dating online for about 4 months, we finally met at a hotel. she had huge e cups and an adorable smile. i couldn't cum because im a fucking idiot but we tried it again another time and i came on her tummy.

And if you can give a basic summary

ImPregNation. kind of a grinding/level up open world game. The goal is to impregnate as many girls as possyble. You can use various tactics from rape to seduction, and basically decide if you wanna play as a sex offendor or a cassanova. Idk abouut game modes, one of them will probably be a 24 hour time trial with a counter and everything.
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Cyber Sylvia

It's a game where a girl gets different power ups and is inside the internet like its the 90s. You guys remember that in the 90s/2000s there were movies or shows where characters went to like the "online world" and it was all green and they always were like cyborg-looking and stuff? like in that one Scooby Doo movie or that one Fairy Oddparents episode. It was cool anyway in this game you control a girl inside one of these worlds and she's like megaman and also she controls monsters like it's digimon and they evolve and have different powers and she has many different weapons too.
cunt warriors
anal explorers
The Legend of PENIS-Man


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この画像については ただ単に創価学会の旗がルーマニア国旗に酷似しているというだけだと思われます。

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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let the guy have some fun, geez glare1
I'm still not sure if Parker-san is regarded as a nuisance or if he's embraced by the Heyuri community. Maybe a little bit of both? He did make a couple banners, didn't he? (I thought they were pretty cool). unsure
he's a funny nuisance! biggrin

yeah yeahhh
na na na, yeah yeah onigiri

you are loving the wrong person, N, i am not worthy of you!
the world would suffer less if i would have been a stillborn
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Disregard the above message,
I love you.
Who are you?
N stands for Nigger

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電子レンジで温めなくてもいいものはある ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I tried voting on the wiki's anime list and the table, indeed, got raepd
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Reverted ヽ(´ー`)ノ

pl0x use teh source edit or else kaguya will give you a raeping and trust me, u wont liek it!!!!
If source editor is too hard, u can just post ur nominations here and I'll add them 4 u

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Version 2:
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Here are eyes and mouths:





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          ヽ ___,ノγ⌒ヽ)ニニニニ   _|_|__|_

Enjoy making AA of this wolf.
i love you parker please let me suck your ANUS

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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How come saving one thread is half a gig now? I remember I used to save random /b/ threads all the time, and it'd only cost me a few measly megabytes. What happened? huh
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554 bytes? Thats outrageous. I demand no more than 500 BITS
>I demand no more than 500 BITS
The HTML of ur post alone was almost 7 kilobits astonish
pfft 640k should be enough for anyone there's no reason for it to be so huge
Fun fact: 3 bits is a kibble
>A string of four bits is a nibble.
- Wikipedia

I have a folder on my bookmark bar where i keep a list of imageboards. Just ones i visit from time to time or ones that i dont even visit but just exist (and arent complete shit).

I went through it today and literally 80% of them were gone. Most of them were dead, no name sites, or gimmicks/passion projects that lost passion. But damn, alot of "altchans" are dying out. I am starting to think that "Starting your own imageboard!!" is a dying trend, and it definitely was a trend for a while. Id say so at least
63 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Rule 8 is a god send and the site admin is serious about enforcing the rules without being overbearing. But then it makes me wonder if people are being genuine here. Like if they are the same zombies destroying the rest of the internet, but here they keep that shit in the closet because they don't want their skulls crushed by Mod-sama's mighty hammer.

They were never funny. The odd jak and frog can be funny but the vast majority are not and the template itself is just plain annoying. Problem with memes like these is they are deliberately meant to annoy and enrage and piss as many people off as humanly possible instead of providing lolz.
>Like if they are the same zombies destroying the rest of the internet, but here they keep that shit in the closet because they don't want their skulls crushed by Mod-sama's mighty hammer.

I frankly doubt it. Those people usually have the self control abilities of a chimp on coke.
>Problem with memes like these is they are deliberately meant to annoy and enrage and piss as many people off as humanly possible instead of providing lolz.
This is true. I think that earnestness marks the turning point for feelsguy in particular.
Early on, feelsguy represented the feelz of the person posting him, and there were several variations depicting him happy, weeping, etc that were not egregious, because they were earnest, empathetic depictions of emotion. I like these ones.
Then at some point, people started making depictions of feelsguy that were unflattering or even mocking. These aren't tools used to describe feels, they are weapons used to belittle your opponents or piss them off. See the crying pink wojaks, smug wojaks, soyjaks, chudjaks, etc.
I've noticed that this type of internet meme has become much, much more common on the internet in the last decade, correlating with the decline of authenticity on the net and the rise of layered irony.
People these days just can't be themselves on the internet, so they make memes to bully the ones who try to be. And even the ones who try to be themselves will hide behind a mask designed to make them look cooler, like being "the Chad". Surely this whole game where no one can be truly genuine is bad for the spirit, right?

Overall the phenomenon is kinda sad and I'm not sure what to do besides hang out in places where it's not allowed.

>But then it makes me wonder if people are being genuine here. Like if they are the same zombies destroying the rest of the internet, but here they keep that shit in the closet because they don't want their skulls crushed by Mod-sama's mighty hammer.
I think most people are being genuine, but they're too familiar with this kind of internet culture and have a hard time shedding it unless there's a b&hammer hanging over their head like the sword of Damocles. Don't call them liars, just call them weak-willed (・∀・)
yes. everything these days is about having as much followers or orbiters these days. good discussion on small sites mean nothing much to people anymore. people want cults instead of authenticity. but i will always gravitate towards smaller sites and imageboards no matter what. even if they are dying.
Loss of anonymity, flood of normalfags thanks to the combination of smartphones, and big social media have balkanized the internet. Everyone is now cut up into more and more inane and vapid tribes connected to your real world identity. Since most of these centralized platforms are US based, the internet has become more and more Americanized and retarded American racial bullshit, culture wars, and psychotic politics mean everyone is locked in these vain tribes with cult like behavior. Memes suddenly become weapons people use to attack other tribes or drag people through the mud. Sure, holy wars and memes as satire/attack aren't new, stuff like the Linux vs BSD thing and neocon bashing is very different from today where everyone is hostile and everyone is expected to fall into one or another fixed group with predictable behavior. Everyone is constantly trying to suss out if your part of their tribe or not and they always suspect your part of some other group. You cannot make a post anywhere on the major internet sites without someone attacking you based on a prejudgement.

Fun is no longer the objective in meme culture. It's attacking people of the other tribe or throwing chum out to your own crowd. This is the main reason it sucks today.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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As you read on the front page, I can use some ideas for the activities to prepare for the day. I am willing to spare my time to work on them, as long as they are within my capabilities. If you are willing, you are more than welcome think of stuff that doesn't specifically need to be prepared by me too - traditionally it's the classes who decides and prepares these "activities" in Japanese high schools. We can also just make one big project like a class each year too, although that's more risky since collaborating for one goal was proven to be too hard in the past.
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Lets make it a centennial event :D
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I'm 65150-san, no definitive date for Heyuri-tan quest, I got other stuff to deal with.

If I were to host a quest, I think I would probably deliver once per day. That would give moar time for anons to give ideas, and most importantly, for me to maek good quality drawings. Threads enter autosage in a 7 days, that wouldn't be long enough for me, I can't do it in a day like robo-kun-sama.

I considered multiple possibilities:
-create a new thread every week. Depending how on long the quest takes (i have no idea!!) it could be a pain in the ass, I might have to make a recap pic every time: I think one important point of a quest is the clarity, if anons get lost or forget what happened, it would die.
-mods use their superpowers to increase the thread lifespan, or at least modbump once in a while. Sticky might be too much. sweat
-Hosting the quest on /o/, but not many people go there. ( ´,_ゝ`) Also the interface isn't optimal.

What do you guys think?

Also, robo-kun, what could have been elegant penguin-san's role in your quest? I'm dying to know!
doing one update a day is probably best. I found out the hard way that writing and drawing many updates in a day is difficult! (;゚∀゚)
I think an ongoing quest thread would be great fun, but some might find it annoying to see the same thread bumped up to the top of the front page for days or weeks on end. idk the best way to handle that.
and as for elegant penguin-san's true purpose... maybe we'll find out next time! [ -c°▥°]-c
>I found out the hard way
>some might find it annoying to see the same thread bumped up to the top of the front page for days or weeks on end.
I thought about that too. Even worse, I realized "creating a new thread every week" option probably goes against rule 6. (;´Д`)
>we'll find out next time

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