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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 54 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Heyuri now mutually links with Ayashii World@Shinkai 10000, A Japanese Ayashii World instance with an emphasis on being underground
So feel free to (use some translator if necessary) chat with them ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Link: https://bbs1.sekkaku.net/bbs/qovu13r58x/
eh? but the more I talk there, the less underground it will get! sweat2

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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one word story is b0rked
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>at some point
BEHOLD: https://cgi.heyuri.net/misc/one-word-story.html
(i am not gonna read it now)

It's... Beautiful... I'm so happy i partook in this mastershit ヽ(T∇T)ノ

For much of human history, storytelling was the
exclusive privilege of designated elders, bookish scholars,
and ambitious artists. To create motion pictures, aspiring
filmmakers had to pay their dues at schools and in the
industry before getting their hands on a camera. The
internet opened storytelling to everyone, a development
long beheld as a great democratic revolution. But this also
has robbed nerds of their longtime monopoly on content
creation and gatekeeping.

When everyone is making
content, teens have extended the high school hierarchy into
their viewing habits: Why watch the weirdos when the cool
girls are showing off their shopping hauls and class clowns
are embarrassing their bros in epic pranks?

Thus the very
appeal of TikTok is its “mediocrity,” writes Vox’s Rebecca Jennings: “No one follows you because they expect you to
be talented. They follow you because they like you.”
Previous generations of lowbrow Americans may have
enjoyed passive consumption of Candid Camera and
America’s Funniest Home Videos, but Gen Z’s analogous
content is defining their generation the way the Beatles
defined the baby boomers and MTV defined Gen X.
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I'd let my kids off TikTok. I'm a high school teacher and I have kids not listening to me and looking at stupid TikTok videos of girls dancing to sex songs!!! This is unacceptable!!!!!
MJ, I thought you would like that kind of thing...
is this a bot? if it is we need a new captcha ASAP
I don't think this is necessarily because of the democratization, I think that was generally good. There has never been a better era for music than now if you think about it.
But people have been sold a bogus idea that we are all creative people and should be creative and art is something all humans want to be a part of.
The truth is very few people have the creativity to create art, some portion have the capacity to appreciate it, and the majority do not. But people are uncomfortable with the way this resembles the class system, so deny it.
Instead everyone is believed to be able to create, and they do, and they shit out the most awful work imaginable. Think of the desecration of DeviantArt of the culture of the visual arts and how much it destroyed the bar for excellence. Look at the phenomena of the 'duo' in live music; as venues shy away from actually paying a full band money to play, they plop a strumming guy and a singing girl in their place. How many of you have seen this exact configuration over and over, doing the same acoustic covers that no soul is truly moved by?
I would say the root of this issue, is that we have so little in our lives today that media has become the core of many peoples lives. They only want to talk about that with other people. So many people want to participate in it and expect to magically get money from it.
>For much of human history, storytelling was the exclusive privilege of designated elders, bookish scholars, and ambitious artists.
Even in "illiterate" eras, ordinary people made their own songs and stories which they passed down orally and modified with time. In nomadic societies, pretty much everyone is a storyteller around the fire. Some people are just better at it than others. Writing is what created the hierarchy. Now it didn't matter how good your story is, if you couldn't take it to a publisher it was lost to time. Similarly, you could be the next Tolstoy, but if you don'thave the connections your just another rambling schizo on the internet. The internet didn't democratize culture. Massification and atomization through technology have made it less democratic.

Today there is just too much content. Its overwhelming. So people rely on gatekeepers (used to be critics but now its media and big tech) to filter the content for them so they don't have to sift through the overwhelming mass of data themselves. This is why people like the same repetitive shit and peoples brains are too fried by sensory overload to create their own unique content. Anything that deviates from the template is bad and we're all being drip fed content by Google's algorithms like lobotomites. Sensory overload defines this generation.

What's up with that? Anyone else feels like this?
I guess it's refreshing. You end the sad day and wake up to a new one.
I mean I am still sad but the sleep feels really good and fun! forudabanana
Sleep is temporary halt of existence and when you're depressed you want to stop existing.
When you're sick, too...ranta
I used to get off my 8 hour day job, go home, sleep, wake up the next morning, rinse and repeat...

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マスターベーションをする 1
のどの渇きをいやす      2
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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Unfunny and annoying tiktok/i"funny" meme


I am in your walls
I am in your walls
I am in your balls
I am your balls

Site Discussion@Heyuri
I believe it's a group of scammers, but the reason they use CP spam is that people nowadays are smart enough to report being scammed - but nobody's dumb enough to do that when they were trying to buy CP ( ´ω`)
I belibe that spam-kun is a fellow hayurisen who wants to share his wonderful cheese pizza collectierz, he deserves more respect!
>I belibe that spam-kun is a fellow hayurisen who wants to share his wonderful cheese pizza collectierz
Well then his collection sux cuz he always reposts the same picz over and over, and his fail linkz never delivar the goods - that's why he's B&! angry
you may find this discussion interesting

Would you rather be addicted to crack or heroin? Are the withdrawals worse for crack or heroin? I hear a lot about heroin withdrawal being a living hell, but not much about crack.Is alcohol a hard drug? Can you pass drug withdrawals off as a period of illness?
Crack because then i wouldn't be a coward
Porn ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Why not both?
heroin withdrawal can KILL you anon! funny pet squirrel rocks are the shittiest drug out there, so crack

What are your resolutions for the new year? I can't think of anything except be less negative and fix my sleep schedule.
17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
be less of a pedophile
be less
be more

I want to form an order or a cult, but I know not the least bit of handling people or manipulation techniques.
8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
huh so what do you guys believe in anyway?
>what do you guys believe in anyway?
We believe in you
You may say I'm a fool, onigiri
Feelin' the way that I do onigiri
You can call me Pollyanna, onigiri
Say I'm crazy as a loon, onigiri
I believe in silver linings onigiri
And that's why I believe in you! onigiri
I love that song! I fell in love with the voice of a 12 year old girl.... (´¬`)
1. Stop giving a Friggity Diggity Doo
2. Become God
3. Feed them a vegan diet

Drinking? Yes I drink.
Drink drink drink
Everything inside is dry and rough but I
Drink drink drink
I do and do and gag ang gag
Yet still I
Drink drink drink
I suffer and puke and suffer and puke
And drink and drink and drink and drink
And vomit and gag and vomit and gag
Good job?
I drink drink drink
I drink and gag and puke and drink and gag and puke and drink and gag and puke
What a disgusting life
I laugh at how terrible this has become
I brave a week of sweaty work and elevated heartbeat just to crest back into the weekend amongst a wave of vomit.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Mods please delete this whole thread, it will only bring these people back if it's still up
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I was a namefag before that and I'll stay a namefag after closed-eyes2
It is possible for two different people to use the same name in @chat. Therefore, if all the people who are not comfortable with being recognised use the name Anonymous and choose the default colour, you will be able to post without worry.
thanks, anons. ( ´ω`)
it's not that I dislike namefagging, but I find it hard to socialize with the namefags now, they have their own banter and jokes, if you're not aware of it you can just sit and watch.
If you have any trouble understanding what the hell I'm saying (as most people do) I can always explain!! biggrin
Thx for being nice to me guys

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Портал «DOSUG 72» предлагает прямо сейчас воспользоваться услугами сексуальных, привлекательных и роскошных девушек по вызову. На сайте https://dosug72.net (<a href=https://dosug72.net>индивидуалки Тюмень</a> ) изучите всех девушек, которые могут составить вам компанию сегодня вечером, после работы или в выходной день. Все дамы привлекательного внешнего вида, красивые, нежные, с отличной, спортивной фигурой. Роскошные, опытные куртизанки знают, как доставить вам удовольствие, чтобы вы захотели вновь воспользоваться услугами и окунуться в водоворот страстей. Есть как совсем молодые дамы, которые познают эту область, а также зрелые, знающие тигрицы, которые помогут вам получить удивительный экстаз. Такое вы видели только в кино. К преимуществам обращения на сайт относят:

- большой выбор девушек самой разной внешности;
- доступные цены на удовольствие;
- огромный выбор услуг для самых искушенных;
- постоянно появляются новые анкеты.

Каждая девушка старательная, аккуратная, без вредных привычек, что позволит любому мужчине получить истинное наслаждение и услуги высокого качества. Нимфы учитывают потребности, пожелания, поэтому предпримут все для того, чтобы вы остались удовлетворены работой и порекомендовали дам своим знакомым, друзьям.

Есть возможность позвать на свидание совсем юных барышень, которые порадуют своим свежим внешним видом, а также опытных женщин. Они сами научат вас тому, что умеют сами, восхитят грацией, заботой. И самое главное, что они никогда не опаздывают на встречу. На телефонные звонки отвечают сами, потому как работают сами на себя. Вы сможете встретиться с дамами в наиболее комфортное для себя время: поздней ночью либо ранним утром. Девушки обязательно подстроятся под ваш график. Выбирайте красавиц, которые подарят вам удивительные моменты блаженства!

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