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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 38 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 6 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Misuse of the quoting function

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Greentexting, in the same thread

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That guy also deleted and reposted the same thing twice before

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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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In short, I enabled some temporary protection to help against DDoS. I don't know how long exactly I'll have to keep it on

If you're getting sick of it just post something under this thread and I'll whitelist your ASN, so you won't get it anymore in the meanwhile
32 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Whitelist me kagu~nya, plox smile
kagy ^_^ whitelist me ^_
Is that DDoS protection even still in place? unsure
I guess, since I got a cloudflareinsight.com script running angry

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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For some reason, spoilers don't work properly on my computer. Help!
seems like it does the job
I hate the peeking pixels! But you are right it does the job.
lol r u using internet explorer?

#stack-imgs.sh files-to-stack ..., needs imagemagick
convert "$@" -gravity center -append "stacked-output.png"

Or would you perhaps find yourself on a different course in life? I think it's obvious that the circumstances of your birth determine a lot about your life, even if you have the same personality. Born thirty years earlier, some of you here might never have discovered anime, for example...
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I'd be a hikkineet that probably wouldnt know how to use a computer (´~`)
If you were born in 1994, you'd be old enough to own a computer and be online as a teen in the 2000s. It probably wouldn't be that different. Except forums were bigger and better back then and the internet was the wild west.
see >>10047
>Earlier than the year you were born.
Sounds great, I likely wouldn't have been home schooled! My tender mind would be too occupied to wander to the perverse realms!
It's hard to say for things like these, right?
Even small changes in circumstance can lead to going down
drastically different life paths.
A whole different time period would be like shuffling everything,

Is it feasible?
maybe... In my cemetery when they dig up graves they use hydraulic shovels to dig it out in a few minutes/seconds I can't imagine how long it would take with a shovel by yourself (;´Д`)
It's definitely feasible.

First, make sure there are no cameras or eyewitnesses. I assume you'll be transporting the corpse with a car or something like that, so chose a grave that's as close as possible to your car. Next, start digging. I hope you're fit, cuz you'll be digging a lot. I suggest you get some friends to help you out. Even just 2 or 3 people will make everything a lot easier.
After you've dug out the coffin, open it, get the corpse out of it, close it and dig the coffin back in. You want to leave as little traces as possible. By putting the coffin back in it'll seem like no body was stolen. I also suggest wearing gloves so that you don't leave your fingertips on the coffin and dressing with black clothes so that you're less visible. Think everything thoroughly, I'm definitely missing something so you'll have to put more thought in it than I am doing right now. And make no mistakes.

Now that your corpse is out of the grave, you'll have to transport it. Honestly, I don't really know how to help you out here ┐(゚~゚)┌. Depending on the stage of putrefaction or decomposition, the corpse will be quite fragile, so be careful. Maybe you can try putting it in a crudely made coffin? Or maybe a wheelbarrow. Well from this point onward you'll be on your own. ( ´ω`)

A few more tips:
1) I really, really, really suggest doing this with a friend or 2. It's too much work for a single Heyuri user. You can try anyways, but be careful.
2) To get rid of the body, burn it.
The average size of a burial plot in the United States is 8 feet long and 2.5 feet wide, and — contrary to common knowledge — are 4 feet deep, not 6 feet. The formula for volume is height times width times length, so the volume of the average gravesite would be 80 cubic feet. (8*2.5*4=80) which is approximately 3 cubic yards. (80/27 ≈ 2.963)

Of course, how fast you dig that is dependent on how compact the soil is, (which essentially boils down to how recent the body was buried) how skilled you are as a laborer, and how good your tools are, but assuming that you're going after a recently buried, loose-soiled grave, that you're a great worker, and that your shovel is of good quality, you could probably get around half a cubic yard done per hour.

If you were to work non-stop, and don't have any interruptions, then you would get done in around 6 hours. (3*0.5=6)

It's definitely possible. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
The best way is to defile the burial so the corpse becomes a vampiric. Then it will rise from the grave by itself and revenge rape you.
Therefore and hypothetically speaking, a team of 4 would get done in just 1.5 hours.

You better find some fellow corpsefuckers OP ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Rule 8


Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Rule 8

seems he got his warning already
It's not about warnings, it's about getting rid of teh rule 8 posts and keeping teh threads clean
This is kinda pushing it though, don't you think?
Pushing what exactly, adherence to the rules?

You know, the rules aren't just there so mods can ban or warn someone, it's about keeping content described in those rules off Heyuri altogether. Preferably by deleting posts and threads that contain it

Imagine you wanted to stop him eating out of the trash and he just struggles out of your grip and gives you a brutal kick...Σ(;゚Д゚)
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
I dont have a dog but if I had a dog and it became a horse I would keep the horse. horse is a strong animal. I will ride it everywhere. if I need to survive I will kill it and drink the blood and eat the meat. this is the way.
I would get on his back and ride him places!
Anyway, could you imagine the publicity? Teach him to do some cool tricks and you can make enough money to take care of any problems!
lol at how many people misunderstood the OP's question
explain! foruda
>>10253 and >>10225 thought their dog would become a horse, not horse-sized

I'm skinny and have a pretty thin body. I also have long hair and this has caused people to confuse me for a woman a few times. In other words, you could say that I have a pretty androgynous appearance, so much so that when I look at myself in the mirror, I see a faggot. I see my body and think that I look gay. I'd like having broader shoulders and a slightly bulkier body. I'm tall and my face is sort of attractive, I really just need to get fit in order to look really good. Yesterday I talked to a friend and he agreed that he would coach me and tell me what kind of physical exercises I should do in order to look good.

So far so good right? It's pretty simple after all: I don't like how I look --> Workout regularly --> Achieve good looks. Well, here rises the issue and the reason I'm making this post.

Today I thought about it some more and realized that I actually don't mind looking like a fag that much. The reason why is because of my fetishes I'm pretty sure. I'm into BDSM, and when I watch porn it's almost always femdom-related. I'm really submissive in bed and most, if not all of my fantasies involve being dominated and/or humiliated in a way or another. I also don't have much strength. I'm a real wimp and that just makes me enjoy the role of the submissive even more. I really strive to be dominated as hard as possible, even physically. And my physique makes it pretty easy for others to dominate me. I won't compile a full list of my kinks, but I'll specify that I am into pet-play and feminization. Thanks to my slightly feminine body, I think I'd look really cute wearing a collar, cat ears and a maid dress.
The point I am trying to make is that in my sexual fantasies, I am okay with my body and even like it.

I also want to mention that there are a few fantasies where I see myself as a female rather than a male. I sometimes look at photos of male musicians and think that they look cute. And even outside of sexual fantasies, I feel like being a female would still make things so much easier for me, so I sometimes wish I were a woman. Maybe this is the reason I like looking androgynous?

But then I go outside, I see my peers, and I see how much more fit they are than me, how much better they look and how much better they are than me in any sort of physical activities. I look at them, and I feel like I kinda want to improve my body too. When I think about myself in most social contexts, I'd really prefer a bulkier body, I feel like I am far too thin right now. And it's weird, really weird. Outdoors I want to look like Dave Mustaine did in the early 90s, but then I think about it and indoors I am okay with the faggy body I currently have. I really can't decide which one I would prefer.

I wrote this post as some sort of rant or way to vent my feelings, but also to ask for help and know if there's anyone else who has found themselves in a similar situation, and what they did about it.

Maybe I shouldn't base my outer appearance on fetishes, but then again I like looking effeminate. But I also feel like I'd make a mistake by not getting in shape. Maybe there's some compromise between effeminacy and having good looks that I can get. Is it possible to look cute even if you're physically fit? Maybe I am just greedy, I want to look both girlish and also slightly manly. What do I do?

I feel like there's so much more I want to write, but this post is already unorganized and hard to read as it is, and I can't seem to write down any other word, so I'll leave it at this. Thanks for any support.
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>you can be fit without looking like a mountain of muscles
>you don't have to be a huge beefcake to be fit or even muscular
I know that, and I have in fact decided to start training. My friend is coaching me and is making me do only calisthenics. No weights, no equipment except for a bar for pull ups

>Hard to say anon. It could be because your self-image in your sexual fantasies feels unmanly by popular male standards so your brain subconsciously thinks it would be better as a woman?
Yeah, maybe it's that. But I can't really help it if I sometimes feel girly.

I envy you!
My tip is that you go back to robot-nine-double-oh-nine with these dumb problems ヽ(´ー`)ノ
but thats not my board ┐(゚~゚)┌
wtf is the point of this post?
>wtf is the point of this post?
<I wrote this post as some sort of rant or way to vent my feelings, but also to ask for help and know if there's anyone else who has found themselves in a similar situation, and what they did about it.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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are vtuber memes banned?
Virtual youtubers and things related to them aren't inherently B&, but if something is an annoying Rule 8-esque Western/4chan-derived meme that happens to feature a VTuber, then maybe
what about a vkuber?

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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i made this banner, a whole year ago. i thought it was funny at the time but then realized it fucking sucks including design wise, and i dont know what the password is to delete it

so i think it would be a good act to get rid of it to make everyone's lives better
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THIS ONE TOO!! (modsama-bnr)

i cant believe i was able to make such cancer just a year ago...
I think teh banners are fine. no need to get rid of them smile
Noep cool
how is it possible for you to actually like that

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Why is Kaguya on the soyjak party modlist?
Could you post the link, I'm trying to find it to know if this is true but I can't find it
The link to what? I found it ITT:
I had admin access on everything related to Kolyma
was it revoked after kuz dropped most his sites?
If you mean on the s*jak site, my involvement was just a matter of doing minor technical stuff and sometimes removing illegal/resource-heavy(as in causing strain on the server) spam when users alerted me
I just checked if my login works for the first time since kuz left and seems it doesn't work anymore, which is quite expected

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