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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 49 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 26 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
No matter how absurd it is. Isekai, whatever, anything goes.
24 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
This site doesn't necessarily attract scatfags, it's rather ordinary heyurizens awakening their fetish by seeing the pr0nz. It's a contagious fetish
I wish that everyone except me gets turned into a 2d loli 4evar.
Also, becoming omnipotent would also be nice I guess...
I'd become a 2D loli as well?
To have a furry house-wife.
to never pee or poop again

Pixel art is a retarded term, because all digital art is "pixel art"
It's called pixel art because it's created on a pixel-by-pixel level, not because it's made up of pixels (^^;

Also it's totally possible to make digital art that consists of code/instructions rather than pixels...

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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how many retarded meme references can one fit into a single image?
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Didn't deserve to be baleeted IMHO
I don't even know what's supposed to be wrong with that image sweat
If you look closely the book says "MORBING" on the side which I'm pretty sure is in direct violation of rules 7 and/or 8. The "moderator" that said it shouldn't have been deleted should be demodded and permab& or at least severely punished for defending that vile "image". I'm literally going to kill myself if I ever see another "image" like that again. 😞🔫

i made the thread that OP is (presumably) complaining about and im still not sure what the point of this is...
donmai, the thread is fine. I think only some image in it was deleted because it contains some new memes most of us seem to be unaware of unsure
In any case, it's not to be made a big deal of

bad morning
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Have a nice day, that's all I hear every day
Have a nice day, I don't believe a word you say
*Dark metal riff*

Bad afternoon...depression
GLAD evening! onigiri
anxious morning (;´Д`)
please make more posts like this

Site Discussion@Heyuri
in rules it shows talk about /vote/ witch i belive needs to be moved or fixed? seems out of place since its out of place on cgi.
<a href="https://cgi.heyuri.net/vote2/">/vote/</a>
the url for "Protect your username, use a tripcode!"
should be this below
changed the URL
I will do something about the rules page soon too

i had a dream about this site. i dun even use it anymoar(・A・)
you know what you have to do now
(・A・). . .
heyuri virus has infected you. even if you try to escape it, it will always be with you.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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cp on b
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more cp on heyuri
Already got it, thanks!
It's fake - they uploaded the "file deleted" image sweat2

hey kaguya, have you abandoned indiachan? do you even care?
Since when did Kaguya care about anything? (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
Hello detective goo
Glow in the poo
નમસ્તે સર, મારે ઈન્ડિયાચનની મુલાકાત લેવી છે

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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It's a little annoying how all the text is sometimes invisible for a few seconds when you load a page on Heyuri. Consider fixing it by adding "font-display:swap;" into teh CSS. Like this:

@font-face {
font-family: 'Osaka';
font-style: normal;
unicode-range: U+0-10FFFF;
font-weight: normal;
src: url('https://static.heyuri.net/css/Osaka.woff');
font-display: swap;

This causes the browser to use an alternate/default font until the font file has finished loading, and then swaps to the correct font.
should be fixed now

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Im pretty sure its not intentional for the ANUS filter to produce raw html syntax like this?
wait maybe we could do some fun html injection with this
lets see
ANUS.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer">https://www.<input>ANUS.com
seems safe

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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soyjack on page 0

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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Rule 0
It's pretty obviously cosmo, even if she's using a different IP

Although cosmo claims it's not her, since we can't verify anything on internets, acting like a ban evader (or giving me enough reason to think ur underage) is enough for ban
>is enough for ban
shouldn't be
Why wouldn't it be obvious? She's replying directly to the person who dissed her.
I meant that, if acting like a teenagers is enough for a ban, then that would mean 50% of our user base would have to be wiped out

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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Why is it that when I make a post telling 98722-san to go fuck himself, I get banned for "making needlessly enraging posts", but 98722-san himself isnt banned for the same thing, even though he makes needlessly annoying and disgusting copypasted /b/ threads about eating shit every week? Or is it just because the mods jerk off to it that its allowed to stay?
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I am never EVER posting heyuri again.

Great job ANONWAHA AND KAGUYA, you just lost your most valued, best, and good poster.


You caused this.

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I'm trying to keep Heyuri a friendly site, that's why I'm deleting posts like "go fuck yourself" so everyone can feel at home. That said, if the content on the boards itself isn't to your liking, there simply isn't anything we can do especially when such content have been allowed and enjoyed by majority of the users. If you are serious, and I don't mean this sarcastically if it's not clear, goodbye! I hope you find other places on the vast ocean of internet that suits you better biggrin
I enjoy the poop threads but maybe there should be an alternate /b/ with no porn, ecchi or erotica allowed for people who aren't in the mood to get horny. Sometimes my PENIS is sore after cumming 5 or 6 times in a day and I want to avoid all places that could have porn until it heals. /jp/ and /lounge/ could be deleted to make room because they suck.
it's called /lounge/
although I do think empty threads with no content except porn should be auto-saged
also I am in total defense of the scat faggot
a shock thread would be if he posted shit pictures with no text and then left, but that's not close to what happened.
Hell, he didn't even post any pictures, are you niggers offended by what he said alone? what is happening to this site?? Users have become way too spoiled in my opinion, crying to the moderators whenever something they don't like is posted and then getting angry when they refuse to remove said post

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999 little monkey jumping on the bed
1 fell off and bumped his head
mama called the doctor and the doctor said
no more monkeys jumping on the bed
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You fags missed 992!
Wasn't that "Ten Little Injuns"? I remember that version
We don't talk about monkey 992
989 little monkey jumping on the bed
988 fell off and bumped his head
mama called the doctor and the doctor said
no more monkeys jumping on the bed
988 little monkey jumping on the bed
1 fell off and bumped his head
mama called the doctor and the doctor said
no more monkeys jumping on the bed

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