Boards |
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File: ran1985.87663.jpg (819 KB, 3500x2280)
![]() 言語翻訳プログラムを使用しています。わかりにくかったらごめんなさい (;´Д`) サムライ映画に興味があります。最近は黒澤明監督の『乱』と『七人の侍』を観ました。 |
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File: 120208.jpg (286 KB, 1280x720)
![]() 神道や日本神話は気になってる |
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>>1454 |
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File: t1.jpg (164 KB, 792x499)
![]() >>1456 |
As I promised in the townhall, here is the thread where you can post emotes you want to see on Heyuri. You can also suggest names for them, like :this:
I won't add whole lists like >>61466 but you can pick your favorites out of such lists and post them ITT.
Personally I want to see similar cute Heyuri-related anime icons. Bonus points if they were monthly anime/streamed at cytube at some point, but of course, anything goes.
OC is especially encouraged
Also I should say that I will add them at bulks. I need to edit many files to add them, so it would be easier on my side to not add one emote each time. Just saying this so you wouldn't think I am ignoring/forgot about this thread
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:waha: |
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:kuma6: :waha: |
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File: pedobear_fix_attempt.gif (623 B, 35x64)
![]() >>65803 |
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:wahawalk: |
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ANUS Itching, Dick Scratching |
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Anally Incubated Dick Sickness |
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African Infant: Deadly Seductress |
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Anal Immolation, Dick Suffocation |
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Analphabets in Da Sity |
Two rule 8 b0rkings in one
First: "Because it just is, okay?" is a Sharty/nu4chan meme, usually accompanied by a soyjack
Second: The image of wikipedia-chan is drawn in styl of "nerd emoji", a dumb Instagram/Reddit meme
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File: __wikipe_tan_wikipedia_drawn_by_rav(...).jpg (2332 KB, 3590x3000)
![]() looooooooooool |
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op is a crybaby. it was not that bad |
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Something "not that bad" for you can be a Rule 8 violation |
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would you marry rule 8? |
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>>66639 |
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it's me. i kidnapped all those girls. they're in my basement. i've been feeding them nothing but heinz baked beans. |
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>>11189 |
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>>11199 |
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>>11194 |
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>>11232 |
A fly flies into a horse's mouth and when it flies back out moments later, the horse is gone. What's happened?
I'll give the answer later in the week if nobody gets it.
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>>10772 |
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Thw horse was completely eaten by a carnivorous animal so when the fly flew out, it flew out of the carnivorous animal's mouth and the horse was nowhere to be seen because it was inside the other animal. |
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The fly didn't look back when flying out of the horse. Baaaka~ |
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>>10730 |
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OP never delivers... (;´Д`) |
no, this is not bait, i am just a retarded. (´~`)
how can i learn more about internet safety as a person who is completely unfamiliar with technology? gen-x and millenials were exposed to tech firsthand as it was developing, so they have a lot more understanding of how technology works under the surface. pretty much all of gen-z (including me) only understands the surface level, and everything else is completely unknown, which i know can pose a lot of safety issues. i know a little bit about how to keep myself safe online, like using different usernames for each online account, having a couple different emails instead of using a single one for all of my accounts, using a unique password for every single account i have (and i write these all down on a piece of paper instead of just writing them out on an online document which could potentially be hacked). but apart from that, i'm very clueless. because of this, i'm really paranoid about using my phone or laptop because i'm afraid someone could be stalking me through my data. i mean, just this morning i figured out what EXIF data was, and the idea of someone figuring out where i live from a single photo scared me for the entire day. it's probably just because i am a schizo, but still, it'd be nice to feel less scared using the web because i actually fully understand what i'm doing/what info i'm sending out every time i click on a link or do a google search.
please, how can i be more smart about it? i don't want to be doomed to a fate of technological incompetence like every other person my age seems to be heading towards... do i need to buy one of those "how to internet for dummies" books made for old people? (;´Д`)
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You have at least two devices, a laptop and a phone. The phone can be kept clean and used for online shopping and banking and stuff and the laptop can be used for collecting terabytes of loli hentai, installing pirated software from shady torrent sites etc. If you're doing anything illegal in your country use Whonix and read the Whonix documentation. If you're just worried about hackers stealing your personal info because you install pirated games that could potentially contain malware, don't put any personal info on your laptop or login to any accounts attached to personal info on the laptop and don't play games on your phone because all phone games are shit anyway. Also always use a good VPN on the laptop that has proven in court to not keep logs or the tor browser because you never know what new thing your country will make illegal or reinterpret an existing law to effectively make illegal. Obviously for the VPN to be effective you need to not be logged into any accounts that are in any way associated with your real identity and not do anything to hint at your real identity. If you're doing anything to risk infecting the laptop with malware, don't connect it to the phone in any way including bluetooth or wifi. You can also use a whitelist-only firewall to decide which programs are allowed to connect to the internet. It's commonly recommended in almost every NFO file for pirated games to block the game in your firewall before running it. |
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- Get in the habit of looking things up whenever you don't know something |
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don't use shit web browsers like Chrome or Edge, use LibreWolf, ungoogled-chromium or Tor Browser. |
wait... so is everyone here underage/news?
i read through earlier threads and it seems to be.
not being mean but, neocities, spacehey, etc. it's all so lame and fake. people who can only copy and exaggerate what they saw in old screenshots but were never there themselves, so it can't help but exude falseness.
i wish everyone was 30+ so they were wise and deep with EXPERIENCE of the good old days.
i don't want to be with tiktokcord generation skinwalking as olds. i don't want to be fooled by lies.
am i in the wrong place
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*chan user since 2005 here (was hilariously underage back then) |
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>>66537 |
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File: md5-25fd2c275d11f3687fde943ecbfce8a(...).jpg (14 KB, 400x400)
![]() >be me |
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>>66619 |
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>>66619 |
where to start…?
yeah im not aussie, Scottish, kiwi, or any of that, im latvian, not telling you where i live, but i guess this is my final post here.
I had my fun getting my LOLz and stuff out of you guys, milking you like chris-chan, but its my time to find something else to do, vandals took the handles, alek is out.
also thx 4 banning me from the steam group, mucha gracias
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>>66609 |
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>>66610 |
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>>66611 |
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can the mods actually make my next ban notice latvian, you lousy fucks |
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File: SPARTA!!!!!!!!!.jpg (15 KB, 320x320)
![]() >>66613 |
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It was one of 4chan's early rules: |
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cool. |
Eh, it's already the 10th townhall!? Are we at the point where it's fine if I lazily paste the text I wrote up the last time yet? I think yes!
If it's your first time, read about townhalls here: - the logs are worth at least taking a glimpse at, though a lot of issues brought up can be considered obsolete today
Date: 11 May Saturday, 18:00 UTC
There will be some complaints about how gikopoipoi doesn't work on old browsers for some reason, but it's more fun than IRC so we will use it. If you aren't able to join in any way, you can still read the logs and create a post-townhall thread to share your ideas
We are different from the unwashed masses.
The circunstances of our birth are special; we are either descendants of demons or royalty, people from other worlds or dimensions, etcetera.
We know things about this world most people don't know about.
We either fight against a nebulous organization that controls the world, or we are part of it.
Our names are edgy and sound like something from a JRPG.
Our powers have alternate kanji readings.
We are the chuunibyou, and we demand respect from the riajuu.
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>>11132 |
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I wrote a poem: |
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A most impressive piece indeed |
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nuuchibyou (*^ー゚)b |
How come in movies, the letters talk? Whenever you watch a movie and someone opens a letter some sad music starts playing and you hear the voice of the person who wrote the letter...How come the person receiving the letter doesn't freak out about this? Also, if the letters can talk, how come the people who recieve those letters keep reading along with them, instead of sitting back and just listening?
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wait, your letters don't talk? |
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I hear voices all the time, not just when I'm reading letters... |
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And another weird thing is that for some reason the main character is talking but his mouth isn't moving. How is he even talking? How do the other characters not hear him, especially when he's speaking about them or revealing incriminating information? If he can talk without moving his mouth, why doesn't anyone else? Just doesn't make any sense! |
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what you can't do that either? you might want to get checked by a doctor |
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