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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 45 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 5 hours, 35 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
ITT: Non-meta discussions of kaguya
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"Thank you Anon, I'm here with Kaguya himself, carrying a briefcase full of cash, now tell us Kaguya, why do you want to put dead lolis on Google's, or, as you want to rename it, Gurogle's front page?"
"sorry I no speak englisher"
Frankly I think Kaguya sucks nigger nuts
Her shadow touched dicks with Kaguya-sama.
i spoke with kaguya on discord, and he confirmed that yes, he is infact, turkish

Whenever we go out, and she sees some guy that looks queer, she sidles up to them and starts acting over-eager and kind of doing baby-talk. She says stuff like, "Gay guys are just SO much funnier than straight guys. They've been through more, you know?" She usually manages to get a phone number out of them, and then she texts and calls them, until suddenly she stops and comes out with some complaint like, "He's a shitty texter." or "He's more boring than you'd expect for a gay dude."nagato
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Hey that hurts ;_;
thats what he said
:) cool
I will act gay to get close to your sister and then R*PE HER!!! HAAHHAAHA
fujoshis are cute but make sure she doesnt wind up getting gay nigger aids from them (´・ω・`)

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彡⌒ミ | 彡⌒ミ
(´.ω.`) | (´・ω・`)

Today I dreamed that angel chick posted her address here and invited all heyurizens to play UNO in her house. I went there because she lived near me but since I am afraid of talking to women I went equipped with a full body medieval armor, with only my eyes uncovered. Despite the idea of inviting heyurizens to your house being terriftying, about four people showed up besides me and we had a fun time together. Others went as far as the doorstep but were too afraid to enter and left.
The next day she said someone had leaked her address to the stubble site and now they were fucking with her and her family.
The lesson of this dream is: don't invite heyurizens to your house.
I was happy this morning because in my dream i got to visit a skyscraper. I wandered around the lobby and found a big container with trash in it, and in betwen the trash there where two metal hammers in very good condition wich made me ultra happy because you would never find that kinda stuff in the trash and good hammers always come in handy. After checking around a bit more i found some broken earbuds too wich i could use to fix other broken earbuds i had so i was alreday very glad. And heading back home i found before leaving the hobby the old box of a knockoff nes with the console in it and an old chest in good condition too. I was very glad knowing all the stuff i was going to bring home, the two hammers alone made my day. Then i woke up and felt sad because all that trash that i couldnt take home with me to tinker. And now i think about all the stuff i have and how i cant take it with me either when i pass away
I just woke up from a dream where I was flying around and noclipping through walls and floors IRL and of course I was using these abilities to watch girls pee and poop in public restrooms. Maybe that's what being an angel in the afterlife is like. One of the girls sitting on a toilet in a restroom stall was somehow able to see me through walls and was staring straight at me even as I flew like 50 feet above her. I came down to meet her and she was scared, like she'd never seen an angel/ghost or whatever I was up close before. I assured her I wasn't going to harm her and immediately started licking her hairy pee-soaked VAGINA. I woke up with a rock hard boner that wouldn't go away for several minutes.
this sounds so much like a dream I had frequently, except when I entered her stall she wasn't afraid or angry like I thought she would, so I started kissing her violently while she was taking a shit, maybe we heyurizens are wired similarly
dang... thanks for the wisdom
Man I had a dream last night that killed me. I dreamed I was at a concert and met my old crush from college that I never managed to date and she was completely in love with me. She held my hand and leaned on me and we found ourselves greatly enjoying talking to each other. But then when I tried to get close to her, she freaked out and isolated herself from me again. I was full of anger and despair. My mind won't let me move on from her and I hate it.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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is there a version of this but without the blink?
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this work?

the url for lounge is funny..,
ayo, dis heyuri dot net, brotha!
lol tru ( ´ω`)
Dis da place 2 be, mon!

I've come to the conclusion that most of my hardships stem from the cruelty of other people, and that avoiding social interactions will probably help me become a happier person.
I am asking you how do you manage to avoid social interactions without becoming bitter or going insane and where can you find people without hatred in their hearts? ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I was in your position early this year, and made a conscious decision to avoid making friends because I decided I didn't want them
But much like some kind of awful medicine, I found out I need it as much as I don't want it
It made me much less happy actually, and did drive me nearly insane, though maybe it was other emotional instability
I'm still hopeful about finding the right people, and tjat's the only option that will bring me happiness. But I haven't yet
play mass multiplayer games like bf1 so it feels like you're playing with and counting on a lot of friends. Also you guys are such retards; it's easy to self occupy and still feel decent about urself. Find hobbies and delete all the PRON on ur tabs
sorry to say, but human beings intrinsically desire social contact. whether it be from a girlfriend, friend, or just playing with other random people in a video game. complete social isolation will turn you insane whether you like it or not foruda
I think that fucking sucks. I see people talking online and for some reason, something about them bothers me. So I refrain from talking to them. Yet, sometimes, late at night, I find myself wanting social interaction! So I go try and find it only to have these misanthropic thoughts enter my head again and wonder how the thought of wanting to talk to someone resurfaced!
Part of it stems, I think, from a want for someone to recognize me for who I am... strangers have said that I am intelligent, and, back then, I always thought that I was much more intelligent than others my age, but that was never recognized by anyone...

Quote poems that you like, or write poems of your own.
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We could have a humble house
Away from the others
Yet you refuse to remove your blouse
What bothers?

Why not me?
What could I have done wrong?
I do not want to leave you be
It’s you where I belong

It pains my heart,
It pains
I don’t want to tear us apart
I prefer to not change lanes

Come to my hands
I will softly lift you
Let us travel the high lands
The love for you I will continue to accrue

I want to be alone
Where it’s only me and you
Let the hate be blown
We will never be blue

We could have the warmth of smoke
And the peace of breeze
Stating our love in a croak
Even if the world disagrees.

I remember a crowd of colourful tulips
They dance gently upon my feet
wind breezes above my head like cold juleps
as my throat meets the thirst of heat

I play as if there were no night
And laugh as there were no worry
Until the day started losing its white
And the sun was in such a hurry

The tulips started losing its colour
As I slowly lost the feeling of laughter
Feeling of joy went down in a guller
And my eyes began to shatter

Failing to remember month and date
Oh, how time has gone by
Every day being followed by hate
And age went no matter how much I cry.
As this thread is supposed to be a poetry thread, here are some words that are overused because they are often used for the more supericial forms of these emotions for the sake of their rhyme

sorrow ?
plight ?
rife ??
void (?)
woe is me
woe is me
woe is me
moe is me
moe is me
moe is me

since most of the girls grow their hair long till pubescence from birth and cut it, you could create a hair farm
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yes wai.
ya wai
Hua Wei
Heyu wai
The pwaice to be

I always thought like japan was lacking good rock bands. The only good ones I've listened to was Penpals and... well, just Penpals. Most of them are too faggy for my taste.
Prove me wrong, recommend me good j-rock bands.
I will give my opinion on each one
I like Bump of Chicken and The Pillows for regular j-rock music. Given your description, they might not be up your alley.
I'm more of a heavy metal sort of guy though, so I strongly recommend Earthshaker, Loudness, and Anthem (best one of the lot).
I'm iffy on his other stuff, but I really love this song.

Eu encontrei essa textboard brasileira praticamente vazia, deveríamos colonizá-la ( ´ω`)
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Fiz cocô nas calças ao ler este fio. onigiri
faz muito tempo desde que eu não falo português nas internets
fio dolmio
temos que popularizar esta textboard (´・ω・`)

Or have you ever had one at some point? I know there are some gays on here with boyfriends. But I'm interested in what having a girl who likes you is like.
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Yes I do she's a nerd lol
>Yes I do she's a nerd lol
I'm waiting for the right nerd, but I don't really find any because everyone is a fucking retard.
retard girls are nice, too ( ´ω`) autistic women are cute
Only when it's autistic and nerd fujoshi
especially when they have a loli-mind due to their severe retardness!

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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i was imagining, like the organic stickers they put on food products, there should be a feature that scans an image through tin-eye when an image is uploaded, and optionally puts a FRESH OC! sticker next to it if there are no results.
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No results! astonish
true. maybe yandex or whatever then?
I don't think it's something that would work in reality since reverse image search is unreliable, and it would potentially slow down site performance a lot

That said, I've previously suggested a "staff-san can give custom awards to posts" feature, but it would need someone with t3h sk1llz to actually develop it sweat2
i mean i could even make a userscript to do the same thing, it would just be slower than storing the result in the database. 【ImgOps】is already very useful!

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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CP on /b/ and /jp/

post nrs 104103 and 1483
great pic

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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why is the site so........fucking...................................................slow lately..............?
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yeah, I could still interact with /o/ normally while things were getting stuck on /b/ and /q/

everything has been fine so far now
It hasn't been slow for me for the last few days, but when it is slow it seems like switching VPN servers fixes it. Maybe it's slow in some countries and not others?
more than likely the case.
It's better, yes
thank you mod sama
Kagy here, we are actually rate-limiting the speeds of countries that are hostile to the interests of my beloved Turkiye. Consider using a azerbaijani/turkiye vpn to enjoy best speeds. The more anti-turkiye your country is, the slower.

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