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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 56 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 25 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Site Discussion@Heyuri
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As you have probably noticed, I renamed old boards. More specifically, renamed "Hentai" to "2D Ero", "Lolicon" to "2D Lolikon", and just now, "Anime/Cute" to "2D Cute". I found teh reason important enough to make a thread about.
The reason is simple: To get rid of ancient Western misunderstandings on this site. Yah, we on Heyuri are too elite to make such mistakes cool

"Hentai"(変態)is a Japanese word meaning something like "pervert". Japanese people refer animated R-18 rated anime as "eroanime"*, their source manga as "eromanga"*, and if they are doujin works, "ero doujinshi"*. Erotic images are called "ero gazou", if they are 2D characters then "nijigen ero gazou" and so on.
*Japanese language doesn't have spaces so it can be as well "ero anime" etc

Not all 2D girls are "Anime girls", this is an extremely often made mistake in the West since probably long ago. Japanese people always call them 2D girls. If the 2D girl happens to be from an anime series, they would then be "a girl from an anime" (and even then, you wouldn't find any result for "アニメ少女" at all instead of "二次元少女")- but for example, OS-tan girls aren't from an anime so they are just 2D girls. Thus I renamed Anime/Cute to 2D Cute.

As for 2D lolikon (Japanese is rorikon but granted, they just don't have c and l letters. I write it as Lolikon as stylish choice.), Japanese word refers people who have a loli (rori) complex - of all dimensions, primarily 3D when spoken IRL. Thus it's important to specify they are 2D girls.
Similar case with guro. Japanese word comes from grotesque, and refers to disgusting things from all dimensions, let it be blood or shit (or bugs - look up グロ虫 if you dare). So, while I didn't add it, proper title for a guro board would be "2D Guro".

I didn't change Anime/Manga since they actually refer to アニメ and 漫画 here ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Speaking of guro. How come gurochan isnt listed in the sites links?
yeha, we should get a banner too
Why would it be? It doesn't have much to do with Heyuri and anyone into guro should already know about its existence
Other sites that aren't Heyuri are listed in the links section. Also has same owner.

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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to prove i didn't forget about this board the whole time!

inb4 i forget to post
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I've been posting one loli a day for over half a year now, but the board finally reopens today biggrin
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Thank you Kaguya-sama.
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doumo ヽ(´ー`)ノ
I can't feel the day is complete without posting a loli here anymore. There has to be something about posting on the internet that is addictive!

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What do you think about Ghibli's CGI anime?
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there's an overlap ヽ(´∇`)ノ which isn't necessarily a bad thing
why don't you answer teh question instead of postan meta then?
I did, my post was a clever way of saying that this anime is not cute. I also mentioned Griffith which was an ingenious subliminal propaganda tactic to induce flashbacks of the Berserk CGI films in some readers' minds.
damn. dizzy
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I was excited to watch teh anime version of Ronja Rövardotter, as every swedish person in my age grew up with teh original TV broadcast. It's lolicious! wink

But eh~ cgi looks...sweat2

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wut's all teh hubbub about tomo? unsure
Ehh, whats all teh hubbub, bub

2D Cute@Heyuri
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I'm enthralled in shrodinger magnificence. I liek shotanek0z
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I mean how could he possibly when he looks this fabulous!?
Griffith got fucked in the ass by an ugly bastard.
Griffith didn't share Casca with Guts! That's what friends are supposed to do! Son of a bitch hogged all the damn fun for himself! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
griffith should suck my dick and let me fuck him in the ass!
griffith did nothing wrong other than betraying his friends and killing a bunch of innocent people and raping caska
...and establishing teh NWO.

2D Ero@Heyuri
feet Uwu
I don't see the appeal... According to Furoito sensei foot fetishism had something to do with cocks
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But it still deserves a reply...

2D Ero@Heyuri
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post thin girls!
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I already like this thread!
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h-how skinny!?
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Site Discussion@Heyuri
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I increased the thumbnmail size on our 2D Lolikon board to fit with the rest of the site
It will probably look bad at the first, but I believe this should be the better way on the longer term
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There are at least two grammatical mistakes in the above post.
I too already spotted 3 grammar issues and 1 typo
Now thanks to you it's too late to edit the post and fix them dark
Heyuri: The better way on the longer term
Kaguya's b0rkage of english is part of his charm! biggrin
it's moe!

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Ever since the deprecation of /l/ all those years ago I've been begging the admins to bring it back. I can die happy now.

Anyways, does anyone have any fat lolis? They can be hyper as shown or just chubby, point is I barely have any as it's such a weirdly niche thing.
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>Anyways, does anyone have any fat lolis?
You bet negro!

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is it worth teh risk to sex kokonoe, the risks being v& and/or a punch to the face?
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the risks of refusing are even higher!
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But personally, I would prefer to have sex with Kuro-chan. (2/2)
but kuro is way more likely to report you Σ(;゚Д゚)
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Likely, but maybe she could blackmail me to become her sex slave who makes love with her every night blush
This thread was moved to https://img.heyuri.net/l/koko.php?res=4777 and is pending deletion.

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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the new (old) boards are comfy.

2D Ero@Heyuri
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Post fats ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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What's the job? unsure

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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anyone got some witty or tastefully suggestive captions, as opposed to discordesque crap?
>as opposed to discordesque crap?
they are all like this xd learn 2 enjoy or read eroge if u want a full story

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why does this place exist?
it's all one big mystery!! nyaoo2

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