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Last Oekaki@Heyuri post was 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
Last Strange World@Heyuri post was 4 hours, 18 minutes ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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Read Yotsuba&! everyday. biggrin
indeed! as it makes good fapping material キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
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yotsuba's real name is Gwo'k-ny II, she was sent to earth by a race of aliens to investigate humanity's defense systems, however she quickly ended up having fun and betrayed her species to protect her dad

if you take a look at the picture here you will see yotsuba in her larval stage, shortly before being sent to earth
Will there ever be a Yotsuba anime? If Azuma was offered $1 million do you think he'd agree to it? What about $10 million? $50 million? astonish Which studio would do the best job?
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>Will there ever be a Yotsuba anime?
most liekly still no sad mangaka-san said it wouldn't fit well as a TV show (whatevar that means)
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absolutely adorable
>whatevar that means
he said he didn't like how certain parts of azumanga were animated, perhaps he is trying to avoid that?

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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advertise here on 4chan nyaoo-closedeyes
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is bantculture better than /bant/? (´~`)
probably not
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whats the point of advertising on 4chan if theyre gonna password the site off?
password is "hecatia"

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curse teh endless eight! (´~`)
you mean you would be upset to spend eternity with bikini haruhi?
I watched them all! In one day! I didn't get bored! Praise me!
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>I didn't get bored! Praise me!
got job i suppose! i was already dying of boredom the first few loops sweat
Same here. It was a fun challenge to catch as much of the different little details that are changing between the episodes, as I could. I don't get why people say it's boring. It's a time loop, after all. Just relax and enjoy.

2D Cute@Heyuri
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satoko + rika as a bonus nyaoo
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2D Cute@Heyuri
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sumtiems i just want 2 kiss her all over (´人`)
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posting teh classic ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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Nekonata! biggrin
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kona-chan is my wife :)

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Moe ftw!
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Which one do you choose, and why?
mugi since she would give you moneys if you stay with her
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Ritsu for sex. The bitch has no use for anything else.
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Ritsu. I'm kinda into flat-chested short-haired tomboys, and I also feel like she's the easiest to approach in the first place. I bet she wouldn't mind to skate together, or get stuff out of thrash bins, and do other stuff that other girls consider "dirty" e.g. to take a pee on me.

Yamanaka-sensei is also cool, she's a dominatrix, she can dress me into a maid or a school-girl and fuck me with a strap-on dildo, which is awesome. It would be nice to occasionally stay with her for a night, but I can't imagine any long-term relationships with her.

Mio is charming, but too shy to try out different fetishes and sexual activities. Yui is too goofy. Mugi is boring. Azusa is annoying.
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>The bitch has no use for anything else.
not true! She has some uses... such as.. teaching you drums... oh that's about it. sweat

2D Cute@Heyuri
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teh comiket episode made me LOL at sum points. Any other episodes/plots worth mentioning? nyaoo
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I liekd that part where my beloved kagamin woke up from her sleep

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i wish it were real, if only because i could see Ai nyaoo2

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
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Thread for everyone to share android game that has loli. Whether is a port or actual android game,all is welcome. Please be sure to scan for viruses on apk before installing.

Warning: Pornapk has lots of ads,be sure to be ready to close all their ads.

Bikini Armor Explorer


Koukishin Ousei Shoujo “Nee, Oji-san… Watashi ni Ecchi na Itazura Shite Mitai

Secret Playtime with Sakika


Naked Kinga Game -kids Of The Arcade Center

Why redirecting to another site just to get punched by malicious ads anyway? Just upload the damn games to 3rd party file hosting sites or better yet, do a NAS or something instead of those damn malicious ads.
Make a mobile rori MEGA!

Site Discussion@Heyuri
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the new boards are bloating the site


Seriously? If not make these 4 into a single board, you could at least make ero and lolikon the same thing, since the most ero this site will receive will be lolikon anyway
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I agree as well.
Just delete the entire site already. 0 boards. No boards no bloat no problem.
just hurl your router out the window
I could see a merge of a/c and h/l, but I think those two boards are a good addition.
Yeah, hopefully nothing needs to be merged but if it does those two make sense.

2D Cute@Heyuri
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【ちゃぶ台返し】         \  n    n
                  /  ヽ(゚Д゚ )ノ!
   n _, ,_n         /     ノ   |
   ノノ`Д´)ノ  彡  \/     と_と_ノ
   (    )
   しー-J               彡
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please... format your ascii correctly...
everytime you don't use [aa] tags, a ( ´ω`)-san dies...
good. fuck him
this is unacceptable
what did ( ´ω`)-san do to you to deserve such harsh treatment
He knows what he did
( ´ω`)-san says...

use [aa] tags.

2D Lolikon@Heyuri
Furidawhat now? Come again?

2D Ero@Heyuri
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i hoep thad-san is doing well these days
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I think he is doing fine, but he became teh ghey

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